Astrological Trends for 2016

  • 2015

2016 is going to be a year of light and shadow. What may happen this year, especially worldwide, is part of a cycle that we have been experiencing for some time now and it seems that it will hatch strongly in a few months to last for at least 4 years.

Since the famous 2012 we have been talking about those changes that should lead humanity to a new way of doing, feeling and thinking. In fact it was in 2007 when this process started in a clear way with the emergence of the economic crisis that has resulted in political, social and personal crisis.

The corruption cases uncovered throughout the world are the principle of the lifting of the veil that we will witness in the coming years.

Indeed 2016 is going to be a year of changes, as it could not be otherwise.

What are those changes and experiences that 2016 will bring to the world and each one of us?

My opinion as an astrologer is that this change is being governed by Pluto's transit through Capricorn (he entered in 2008 although its effects began to be noticed in 2007), a sign of large structures, large companies, family, marriage, benefits cold and without feeling, but also of the ability to build from nothing and create something new as solid as the previous one and that generates wealth, continuity, security and solidity.

These structures are somewhat outdated not so much because of their characteristics but because of their use. For centuries the economy has been controlled by a few, social institutions have been used as a means of control and as a strategy of imposition on what is moral and what is not, and politics has been the instrument of the powerful to fulfill his objectives.

Well, Pluto in Capricorn is destroying these unethical uses by these institutions so that, with the remains, we can rebuild again according to a more balanced and fair world ethic.

After treating hundreds of people professionally and raising their Birth Cards, including my own, I have realized that Pluto's transit through the Natal Chart is very strongly determining what area of ​​your life is currently changing. To such an extent that reading the Pluto of each one in combination with the one we now have going through Capricorn, gives us the basic keys to understand what is happening to us.

Each one may have felt that something in his personal life that was very solid and settled has fallen like a house of cards, perhaps without a fool or without or without a logical or coherent explanation.

Separations, divorces, lost jobs, sudden ruin, losses, drastic changes, ...

Pluto is the planet that governs deep and profound changes and transformations. It reaches the foundations and eliminates everything that is no longer necessary for one's own common good. As it is the most hierarchical planet in the zodiac, most of the time we are not able to understand the reason for such drastic changes. Let's say that it sees much beyond what we are able to see, and it places us to live the experience to, later on and from practical learning, understand why we have lived.

This Plutonian influence became stronger especially since the squad was formed with Uranus in 2009, in Aries, which is going to extend until 2017.

That said, what does 2016 hold for us taking into account this great Plutonian influence and the other astrological configurations?

THE SOCIAL: Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn Square - Neptune

As I told you before, the planet with the highest hierarchy in the zodiac is destroying the selfish and cold use we have made of companies, institutions, politics and money. He will leave Capricorn in 2024, so there are still a few more years of his influence.

This 2016 we will witness more activity in this regard.

We think that the crisis in the West has sent something and that we are going back, but nothing is further from the truth.

And it is that Saturn, ruling planet of the sign of Capricorn, in which Pluto is currently, is square with Neptune in Pisces.

Neptune tells us about our dreams, spirituality, the connection with the non-visible planes of life, the non-tangible, the connection with everyone and the whole.

Also of the deceit, the confusions, that which emotionally we do not know how to understand or detect, the excessive sacrifice, the loss in a sea of ​​feelings and sensations.

And Saturn, which governs Capricorn, forces us to commit ourselves, to be disciplined, to put order where there is none, to be more effective and to obtain results with what we do.

Saturn brings hard tests in everyone's life, is a school teacher of those we hate when we suffer but love later when, at maturity, we understand the depth of his lessons.

So this square Neptune Saturn will bring us an uprising of the mists that do not let us see:

Let's see how cheats are uncovered within the scope of world medicine, pharmaceutical businesses and cheats regarding many diseases and their treatment.

New leaders will appear, more committed to the future of humanity although still one step away from what many expect as the shift towards the Age of Aquarius.

Religions in general will undergo changes due to new scandals based on lies and particular interests of those who direct them. Leaders will also appear in these institutions that will place order and authority in a deeper, more conscious and willing way to transform what has already become unsustainable.

The world economy, far from improving, will undergo a drastic change.

New structures led by new leaders, countries and alliances may arise, exposing the corrupt and control strategy to which the current institutions have subjected us.

- There will be many large companies that suddenly go bankrupt. The superficial and bottomless of the business world will fall, as well as the sale of the purely superficial.

- Communications systems that fail, blackouts, crashes of computer systems and also uncover corruption related to large media could be a constant of the year.

That nobody is scared, will be the beginning of a new structure more fair, balanced and clean.

Some call it 'The Reset'; Rafapal journalist, for example, has been collecting and giving information about it on his website for a long time. This quadrature can finally put order to the economic chaos that some create to their will and interests, raising the deceit on something that all we have learned like 'real'.

All those structures solely aimed at obtaining economic benefits, will be shaken by an internal 'revelation'. Neptune will bring a connection of the common with the spiritual, and many of those who today care only about the money and the amount they earn will be forced to introduce a fair, social, spiritual and profound background to what they do.

Also those who are too focused on the spiritual and lack some packaging in the commercial, profitable and business, will have to deal with Saturn to take another step in their lives and careers and compensate spirituality with material life.

THE PERSONAL: Jupiter conjunction in Virgo - Moon in Libra - North Node in Virgo
2016 begins with a conjunction Moon in Libra - Jupiter in Virgo - North Node in Virgo

Personally, it will be a great year to recover everything related to our emotions that we have set aside in favor of our obligations.

What we feel? What do we like and what not? What do we want to do?

We must put order in all this.

If our life, project or work is very idealistic and romantic, possibly 2016 will force us to add a practical and profitable sense. They will no longer be worthy of ideals alone (Neptune) if they do not have a useful and effective material application for us and for others (Saturn).

On the contrary if our life is too practical, orderly, cold, with little emotion and lack of depth (Saturn), 2016 will lead us to give it a deeper sense, more of connection with a 'whole', of belonging, that our acts affect all those around us even though they live 50, 000 km away (Neptune).

For years we have neglected emotions, feeling, expansion, enjoyment, focusing on responsibility, productivity, obligation and what they have transmitted to us socially and family.

By compensation, we have fallen into leisure through consumption without a deep or real sense of what that means.

As our obligations do not give us satisfaction, in general, we have compensated them in a more practical and cold way. We have separated the enjoyment of life from our obligations, so now they go separately.

2016 will be a year in which we will tend to recover all that enjoyment but without falling or tending to waste, without falling into 'the good life' without clear objectives and only going to pure and hard enjoyment. That emotional recovery of enjoyment must be done in order to bring us what is worthwhile, make us vibrate, while giving us returns, that serves something other than to feel good and have a good time.

The objective of the year would focus on finding the midpoint between the expression of our spontaneity, our emotions and our feelings, and the practicality, work, discipline and performance that generate us.

Sowing, starting new projects, thinking in the long term, planning, giving content to an old idea and embracing the adventure with practical as well as philosophical sense, should be the trend of the year according to our own personal configuration and the lessons we should do individually according to our Natal's own letter and Pluto's transit through it.

There can be a restructuring of the 'world ego' as well as of the staff.

The personality of the human being reflected in economic structures, classical, very solid and large, may fall this year. Your project must be you, and you your project, without division.

They will be the first steps of a new world and the last days of the already agonizing, and although we will live internal and external struggles to keep the dead alive, we must focus on joy and positive feeling for the newborn to move forward.

Those of us who know how to be in love, with an attitude of work for the new future, without excessive worries about the materially lost and sowing again, will enjoy opportunities because it will be a year when some things will leave our life but new ones will appear. Those who do not, will not understand much what has happened and will experience an emotional break down.

Carles Pérez Bueno
Astrologer, Morphopsychologist
Advisor and mentor in change processes

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