The mystical Church today

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Mysticism 2 Miracle of healing 3 Bible and Lectio Divina 4 Alchemy 5 Ascetics 6 Holy Spirit 7 Search and find 8 To further deepen:
Via Crucis Living in CABA, 2017.

Some say that in the Church today there are no physicians, there is no depth, there is no asceticism, there are no people who read the Bible. Some say that the Church today is formality, it is custom, it is moralism.

What an appreciation so far from the truth!


Entering the Church today, with sensitivity, I have found Fathers so mystical, that I start to cry as soon as I pass the door. Tears cleanse and comfort me, and make me more receptive to the words of the priest who speaks so slowly and calmly that time seems to be eternity . His homilies are so wise and profound that I would like to see them published. But I believe that the humble Father only pretends that they are a worthy accompaniment of the Word that is Life and is Light, written in the Gospel. The priest stares up to the right and I wonder: isn't it that he is seeing Jesus? When Mass ends, more than a dozen people wait for it, for an hour or two, to be heard and to receive mercy-filled absolution .

Healing miracle

In another Church, further north, the attendees are so many every day, dozens of volunteers are needed to organize them and that the mass can be developed in order. Hundreds of people in search of a healing miracle . Thousands of people who know that there is a priest that God chose as an instrument to send his healing power . Women who years ago sought to be mothers finally manage to get pregnant. And those who failed to cure themselves with traditional medicine today find in the Church that Jesus is still healing miraculously .

Bible and Lectio Divina

In the Basilica where I am a catechist we are formed by priests so that we can better develop our mission. In these classes we have been given the task of reading the entire Bible. Bible that is read every day in the thousands of masses that are around the world. It is true, if we only listen to the Word of God at Mass we must wait to know the Old and New Testaments in full. But individually or in groups we can read the Bible in a few months.

As it is not just a matter of reading the entire Bible, but also of doing it in depth, it is that with my contemplative group we meet every month to share the Lectio Divina . Imitating the Desert Fathers slowly savor the Word of God and let her penetrate and transform us.


Some of those who told me that the current Church is superficial told me that the deep ones were the alchemists. I have been for four and a half years in a Christian alchemy course. I have done all the laboratory practice, such as calcination and distillation, which the teacher sent us to do. I have prayed all the Christian prayers he gave us. I have taken notebooks and notebooks. Yes, Christian alchemy is profound. But even deeper is going to Mass with an open heart. Knowing that Jesus is really there, and really feeds us with His Living Bread come down from Heaven, which fills us with Love, Light and Peace. He who goes to a Mass must come out transformed, say the priests. And so it is, if one goes sensitive and thirsty, with an open heart.


Today in the Church there are admirable ascetics. I have been retiring with the Trappist monks, who are guided by the Rule of St. Benedict. Today they leave the life of the world to devote themselves to pray seven times a day or more, starting at 4:00 am

More on the life of the Trappist monks:

Holy Spirit

The coordinating Father of the catechesis in the Basilica where Jesus is worshiped has reminded us that we must leave room for the children to express themselves, so that the Holy Spirit has the opportunity to express themselves through them.

In the Church today, the Holy Spirit does not only come down in each baptism and in each confirmation. The Holy Spirit sent by Jesus comes down every day, cleanses us and fills us with Love, Truth, Peace and Joy, and reminds us of what Christ taught.

Via crucis in CABA, 2017.

Search and find

Therefore, those who tell me that the Church is currently superficial and moralistic make me want to ask: Did you really enter the Church? Did you participate in a Mass with an open heart? Not with the desire to be right in an exchange of ideas. But so that he knows that today he who seeks finds. And that if you want depth and mysticism in the Church today you can find them.

To continue deepening:

THE BOOK OF THE PEOPLE OF GOD - THE BIBLE. Buenos Aires: Editorial San Pablo, 1981.

Authors: Saint John of the Cross, Hildegarda Von Bingen, Saint Teresa of Avila, Louis Cattiaux, Saint Benedict, Manfred Junius ...

Article in this Virtual City: Christian Mysticism

Author: Cecilia Wechsler, member of the Great White Brotherhood

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