Personal Magnetism

By Royle Thurston, FRC

(Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, FRC)

An ancient oriental law in a modern way

Several years ago, there was much thought and attention was paid to the issue of personal magnetism.

Newspapers and magazines published considerations on the subject in various articles by several authors; Books and brochures appeared every so often, ensuring that they treated this matter in a scientific manner, and that they instructed the student about its laws and principles.

Little understood then, it seemed that he was referring to some strange quality possessed by a few "chosen, " and considered mysterious in their powerful ability to induce and attract other people who fell within the radius of their subtle strength, personal magnetism He became the instrument of the charlatan, and the envy of all those people who failed in the struggle for life.

Some more advanced authors and lecturers claimed that they knew and taught the secret way to use this avalanche of powers in order to achieve prosperity, health and happiness; but soon they knew how little they knew, since they did not reveal any true laws or principles, and the avid investigators had to dedicate themselves to deciphering strange terms and phrases, and to practice silly mental exercises, thus being filled with failed hopes.

But although little was known about personal magnetism in those days, there is such a radiant and subtle force coming from the human body. This force can be properly called "personal magnetism, " because the modern mystic, in his scientific laboratory, has proven that there is a magnetic field that surrounds his body and that it exists within his body and emanates from it. It is in the human body by virtue of that law that is revealed when examining and studying any physical mass that contains magnetic qualities or magnetism.

It is well known and proven with scientific experiments, that a blind man when walking on the street, or when moving in his house, does not just stick to the touch to guide himself when he approaches a wall or any other obstacle, and also clearly realizes of the presence of another person. It has been scientifically proven that the magnetic aura extends so much in front of our physical bodies, that the blind, whose delicate senses are strongly developed, can truly feel that their magnetic auras touch an obstacle long before they can reach that obstacle and have contact with him for their bodies and physical senses.

There are delicate instruments that have shown that the aura that emanates from the human body extends to more than three meters and radiates at least two meters in every way.

Imagine this: radiations of a certain kind of force or energy emanate from each human being, which extend at least two meters and sometimes more than three meters away from the body.

What we have is: "What is this aura, how does it manifest, attract or reject, and how can it be managed?" Before answering this question, it is necessary to know something about the magnetic fields of all things. First of all, we have the electron, that invisible particle so far, which according to science tells us, forms the atom, but of which little is known and only many things can be assumed, as far as we have progressed. However, the mystic in his laboratory has gone further than foreign science and knows some things about the electron.

Let us say, then, that an electron is the smallest particle that enters the formation of matter; we find that dual forces work in the electron, and that these forces are positive and negative, as in every creative cell. The vibrations that emanate from any mass of matter transmit the quality of the radiation, according to the nature of the predominant force within the mass. Thus, whatever the quality dismissed by the mass, whether positive or negative, that quality is called "polarity."

Now, any mass of matter radiates a positive or negative, and therefore, one or the other of the two polarities. The vibrations emanating from matter are positive or negative and are governed in their polarity by the predominant nature or quality of the forces that lie in the combined electrons, which are what form the atoms of any mass of matter. Thus we see that the positive or negative forces that are in the electrons are not equal, but that one or the other predominates and determines the polarity.

And so, the vibrations that emanate from any form of matter, have a magnetic influence on all other forms of matter, and will be attracted or rejected by another matter, in accordance with the law of polarities: the positive attracts the negative and rejects to the positive, and vice versa.

In the horseshoe magnet, or in another permanent magnet, we also find a good example of the attractive force, or magnetism, that emanates from the vibrations of a piece of iron. Extending to a short distance around those magnets, there is that field or aura in which magnetic attraction occurs.

You have probably done experiments with magnets and have seen how the magnet attracts the needle or any other piece of steel, and makes it jump and join one of the poles of the magnet, as soon as the magnet is close enough to attract the needle with its magnetic aura; As soon as the needle enters this area or field of attraction, it cannot resist the force and is immediately attracted by the magnet pole and remains there until it is pulled out.

Now, the magnetism that emanates from the human body is truly magnetic, in the same sense that ordinary magnetism is magnetism, but the term magne tismo, Applied to the human body, it is used in relation to physical forces or energies that are within the body, which are dual in nature, and which consist of two opposite qualities of energy, or vitalism, fused by their mutual attraction. This energy or life or magnetism surrounds the human body, because it emanates from the two opposite energies that exist in the human body, and from them derives its essence. The vital force, that is, the force of life, is associated and controlled by the mind of the soul of man, merges with the physical, material, corporeal energies, to create this magnetic aura, and this aura is of positive or negative polarity, depending on the nature of the polarity prevailing in its constitution. Therefore, it is said that a person is positive or negative.

Under certain conditions, the aura can be seen with the naked eye. Those who see it more easily are clairvoyant, but under certain physical conditions, for natural or scientific reasons, almost everyone can see the human aura. Therefore, personal magnetism is no longer a mysterious and invisible force, the intangible thing of several years ago, because now it can be seen, measured, felt, reflected, weighed, neutralize, increase, decrease, and modify in many other ways, already mechanically, and through the use of human will.

Will and Vibrations

And it is here that we find the great secret that so many researchers and preceptors could not discover in the first days of the history of personal magnetism. And it is that the HUMAN WILL That extraterrestrial, directive, decisive force, always at the disposal of the human intellect, CAN TRULY AND NOT THEORICALLY, MANAGE AND AFFECT THE RAINFUL VIBRATIONS CALLED PERSONAL MAGNETISTICS.

What, then, is that peronal magnetism? It has to be directly associated or under the direction of the mind or intellect. It also has to be associated with the energy of the human body, because we find that the magnetic radiations of the human body (the aura) are affected by the anode. or by the force of the vital energy of the body, and it fluctuates and hesitates in the same proportion as the vitality of the body does.

Simply put, we have to go to the mind, which is an attribute of the soul, to find the secret and the key to personal magnetism, because the mind and the vital force are related, and life It is under the direct control of the mind, so that it affects life and not the body.

What does a person's aura look like, under appropriate conditions? The aura IRRADIA and manifests itself in color vibrations. If you could see the emanations of the vibrations that constitute the aura that surrounds the human body, you would see various colors, of different kinds and nuances, each of which means a certain physical or mental state, expressed internally and reflected outward, and this reflection it externalizes the vibrations, forms the aura, and this aura is really the external expression of the soul's personality, as it is developed.

And there you have it: a magnetic personality, that is, personal magnetism.

Let us examine and analyze the magnetic personality, to reach some conclusion regarding its qualities, conditions, or nature. If we can notice any difference, by observing or analyzing, let's do it like this and let's analyze it carefully.

The Aura of the Child

The first observation we make is in the child. Why are children so wonderfully attractive to everyone? What qualities and expressions do we find in the child? In attending to these questions we find: a, simplicity; b, innocence; c, purity of mind; d, sincerity; e, enthusiasm; f, trust; g, absolute faith; h, I appreciate; i, imagination; j, lack of doubt; k, joy of living; 1, vitality; m, ease to forgive; No, love for all things.

Therefore, if the mind directly affects or manages the vital force and the magnetic aura, what do you suppose will be the nature of the expression of a child who possesses the qualities mentioned above? and almost every child between the ages of two and six has all of them. Do you not see, then, the cause of everyone's attraction to the child's personality?

We find here certain states of CONSCIENCE that produce definite effects, as regards the auras. This is because the child has not yet had enough contacts with the world to change his consideration about life and things, in general. As the child grows, he has more and more contact with the life of the world and its conditions, so that it becomes accustomed to the conventions, opinions, etc.

These things affect the child's simple consciousness and change it; doubt infiltrates, worries begin to be felt; Fears occur before certain people and things, and in view of all this the child begins not to express the simplicity of his mind, since he is influenced and affected by the environment.

Let's refer to another type. There are many people of beautiful factions, whose personality or magnetism is limited, or scarce to say so. DW Griffith, the film director, said that the way he chose people for the main roles of his films was to look for a kind of inner light in the candidate. By this, he meant that he sought a certain expression or manifestation of personality, which indicated that, through experience, development and progress, a true personality of the soul was expressing itself before him; This he called inner light, and this was his main test to resolve whether or not the candidate could play his role.

Consider now two different types of personality. In the first we will say that the person has great energy, and this means health, strength, power, enthusiasm, activity and love for life. You only want happiness in this life and try to do everything that leads to an existence of continuous happiness.

Through appropriate thoughts, he increases his degree of magnetism in positive polarity, and thus radiates a powerful positive aura. If that person were four or five meters away from us, we would feel unconsciously driven to turn to him and look at him. His radiant magnetic aura, or the vibrations of his soul, would attract us strongly.

Perhaps we would say mentally that we were in the presence of someone who is "big."

On the other hand, consider a weak man, physically and mentally; not so much that he is a mental defective, but enough that he lacks ambition, enthusiasm, activity, health, strength, and desire to become the highest type of man. We would find ourselves in the presence of a man who goes unnoticed; of a man whose aura would be very weak and would not extend more than a few centimeters from his body.

This man would think little, would have ideas of hatred and revenge against those who prevent him from fulfilling his wishes, or who oppose his purposes; he would be a man bound by the chains of hypocrisy, a man difficult to agree that he is wrong, even if he was presented with the most positive proof of it. That man would radiate an aura of negative polarity, so weak, that it would be almost absolutely neutral. This person would have very few true friends, if any, and would be a burden to his own family.

If you observe the difference between these two types, you will find the secret, the secret of the state of consciousness that makes us possess personal magnetism, which we have always been looking for.

Remember that it is the soul and the mind, and the conscience of man, that in DEFINITIVE determines the quality of its aura and its magnetic attraction. If from childhood every soul were allowed to express perfection in every thought and in every activity, then each of us would be expressing the highest possible form of magnetic attraction. Why? Because MAN IS LIKE A SUN, and man should naturally live with perfection, it should be a living fire, or a force like sunlight and love.

Why, then, is not the magnetic man? Simply, because man, as a rule, is much lower than the normal level he should be. His life and his thought and expression are ABNORMAL. Because he lacks those vital elements of the soul, and of consciousness, which make a perfect life and radiate the activities of love and happiness.

Where love is lacking in the heart of a human being, every vital force is also missing, in the same way that a plant does not exist where it does not have the nutrition of the loving force of the sun's rays.

The soul of man WANTS to express his divine qualities on earth and these qualities can be summed up in one word: LOVE. The full love of the soul, which exhibits all its beauty, perfection. Wisdom and glory, makes of man what God intended to be: an image of Himself.

Man, with his finite, objective, limited understanding, has divided the quality of Divine Love into words, ideas and fantasies, but with all that, the Divinity of Love remains unchanged and will be expressed when man allows his objective self move aside so that it does not interfere with the divine expression. What man calls kindness, patience, sincerity, truth, humility, kindness, sympathy, understanding, appreciation, recognition and forgiveness, are but phases of one and the same thing called Divine Love.

Would it be possible for one to change his negative polarity into a positive one to acquire a strong and attractive personal magnetism? Yes, definitely!. For this it is only necessary to polarize together with the positive forces, raising our conscience thanks to the thoughts of love and everything that this word contains and implies: to live in peace with ourselves and with the world around us, do everything that it is possible for us to be of value in the world, to try to be above all the little things, such as hate, jealousy, vanity, pride, and let the divine author who is in us express himself outwardly.

It is the easiest thing in the world to do this, if we make a conscious effort, and continue to do so, despite the first failures. We are all enslaved by the wrong thoughts, we have to break the chains that bind us, changing the process of our thoughts and elevating our ideas towards higher ideal things.

Thus, if we want to live a radiant life, full of vitality (activity, joy and love), we must first remove from our conscience all kinds of destructive thoughts and allow our soul, our true self, to express its perfection and reflect its power and its magnetic strength Then, others will recognize and appreciate our people, because we will have become a force in the world, for the betterment of all humanity and the glory of God. It is well known to all the mystics that God has given man all the strength and power that help him progress to the highest roses.

Certainly this is true, and every person in the world who is in possession of an ordinary mental ability, can endow himself with a radiant, magnetic personality.

Each of you has the power to do this, but it is necessary that you make the necessary effort to achieve it.

Just as the electric dynamic is capable of producing the force that creates light and energy, but it cannot do so until it has received the motor force that sets it in motion, so you, too, possess the ability to rise and become what you want, but not before you put your motor power to work, and that you make every conscious effort to persevere.

God does not want and cannot help anyone who does not make a conscious effort to help himself. But when you make that effort and you are doing the best you can (and remember that “the most” is more than you have always done so far) then you will receive help to continue on this path, because with the effort and with the continuity of the effort Whatever you do, your soul will gradually free itself from the bonds that now hold it to false concepts and begin to express itself freely and perfectly, obtaining from the infinite source of power, everything it needs and requires to continue, to produce and create power what do you need.

May you make the effort and reap the reward of Divine Love, which brings the Deep Peace to the soul.

This article was first published in the magazine "The Rosicrucian" Published in September 1947

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