Christian Franchini interview - Resonating in a new octave

  • 2019

Christian Franchini is a researcher, writer and filmmaker on issues related to new consciousness and spiritual awakening. This time he presents his second book: Resonating in my spiritual path, in which he exposes the keys that allow us to amplify our resonance field in harmony with the cosmos.

What is true in the mythical music of the spheres?

For a long time it was thought that this " music of the spheres" or " sound of the spheres" was only a metaphor for "resonance with the universe" that comes to us as a beautiful analogy of a "celestial music", but since 1998 NASA He verified that in space there is a type of frequency emitted by the Sun, in a frequency that has been called "solar ultrasound". This means that this "resonant" state recognized in celestial bodies affects our energetic nature ... something that has always been empirically known in the past.

Is it possible to connect with this "music of the spheres" directly?

Before connecting with these frequencies of high vibration, it is necessary to achieve a state of "prior tuning" in the biological naturalization of the human, which implies tuning with the current resonance of the earth, what is known as Shumann Resonance that in these years In recent years it has undergone very intense changes, which went from 7.83 hz to almost 25 Hz in a few years.

Scientists understand that this "domino effect" began in the center of the galaxy, affecting our sun and our planet and all the species that inhabit it.

This frequency update that affects our circadian cycles and even the very perception of time (hence the announcement of the "new time" in the prophecies) we must do it consciously, it is not possible to expect the human species to establish a "thankfulness" or update naturally, since this adaptation to the environment would take a long time. It is not something to worry about, but to take care of ... for this reason I have called this process that marks this first stage: ¨ Conscious Evolution ¨, being the prelude that allows us to synchronize this spiritual GPS.

What do you call the Spiral Path?

This "Spiral Path" that I refer to in my publications, has to do with reconnecting with a flow of evolution that always occurs in a spiral, something that we can recognize both in micro and macro, from DNA to the expansion of a galaxy, being also the true flow of time ... which is also spiral, as taught by José Argüelles.

Now if we take into account that the term `` spiral '' is very close to `` spiritual '', I do not mean ideologies or dogmas, but rather dynamics that As Carl Jung said, our journey never It is linear, but repentated or pired that starts from our Center, allowing us to re-establish this path as an evolutionary process towards a new stage.

Reason or resonate?

What seems like a dilemma, represent the two poles of what must be reconciled some time [laughs]. Where the key will involve in learning to resonate, without allowing reason to generate contradictions or short circuits in our energy field, since the mind generates and demands a lot of energy from it. It is clear that if it is not in equilibrium with the heart, it generates an unstable, unbalanced toroidal field causing the electromagnetic energy in the being to be decompensated.
One way to regain this balance would be represented in what the wise men of the past enunciated in thinking with the heart and feeling with the mind something that at first sight seems like a pun, gives us a clue teacher!.

Is the resonance of the heart higher than that generated by the brain?

Exactly! Science is rediscovering this. Today it is known that the resonance of the heart is 5 thousand times higher than that of the brain. This means that the heart is not an organ that only pumps blood, something that for a long time sustained the medicine, but that processes and issues information that goes much further than we imagined. .

On the other hand, today many people when they discover a truth in the flow of information they receive, often say that this really resonates with me even if they do not fully understand what it is. This only happens when a subjective knowledge manifests itself, that silent knowledge that is in us enters into action and allows us to identify certain key information that reason does not perceive.

Many scientists have made great leaps in their discoveries in this way, after which reason evaluates this information that usually arrives in a disorderly manner and submits it to a critical judgment. more profound Checking that what is perceived in a subjective way is correct. But first it is necessary to go through the perception filters that usually make a fast and deceptive interpretation of the information that is being processed.

What does it mean to achieve harmonic coherence?

It implies aligning our dynamics of being, that is, in the dimensions in which the being moves, I mean 3D, 4D and 5D, what we call body, mind and spirit, which if not being aligned generates a disorder in the multidimensional nature of being.

EV = Vital Energy

When this harmonic coherence is not established in a person ... there is a loss of vital energy that is not easy to compensate, we can recognize it in the different manifestations that these people experience in their life ... from psychosomatic diseases, to problems of existential nature ... where it seems that nothing makes sense, wanting to cover that gap with the consumption so promoted by invasive marketing.

Can we resonate then at different levels?

Yeah right. As this Harmonic Coherence is established and sustained, the human begins to change his resonance in the physical plane (his own body) in his psyche (his mental processes) that will allow him to access that state of "Bridge" what do I do reference in my book, which allows access to a "spiritual dimension" in unity.

If we see it in a more technical way, we can approach it in Resonate from a new octave, which implies passing the entire musical spectrum from DO to DO, if we link each chakra with a musical note it is the same route, allowing us to reach this eighth chakra that is through our head, being the expansion of the crown chakra in 5D, what we know as the Christ consciousness of unity or totality, or the Self enunciated by Jung ... Always representing the coronation of being in a state of unity, culminating in a journey in which will be unified in the heart, as the epicenter of being.

What effects does it produce in humans?

Many changes. It is possible to recognize a new way to experience the perception of time (the present begins to "stretch") on the other hand the door opens to a new type of learning based on the purpose that begins to be clearer. By accessing new information of "first hand" and emptying old patterns ... segments of DNA begin to activate, leading to new sleeping potentials that allow us to empower ourselves as co-Creators.

We personally discover a metalanguage with the universe through signals, coincidences and synchronicities as we achieve, sustain our resonance at each level; 3D, 4D and 5D. It is this way that increases the level of connection and unity, that which today studies with new eyes from the Unified Field, aspect that I also address in this new book.
But the most important thing is that the answers we expected from outside, we recognize in our center!

How do you transmit this knowledge?

I follow the same principle as has been done in the past ... from an exoteric (open) and esoteric (closed) approach since it is key that there is a level of "valuation" in this transmission process that is deeper.
This means that it is possible to access a free and free first level, which I have implemented in different ways; articles, post in my personal blog, from my first book Conscious Evolution that can be downloaded for free, as well as from the Facebook group Awakened Concerts, where I publish material linked to these topics in the form of articles and videos.

The "esoteric" level is also implemented at different levels, it being essential that there is an assessment by the recipient, something that was known in the different traditions of the past ... there is usually a lot of confusion on these issues, in this article I deepen this aspect .

This second book ¨ Resonating, in my spiritual path ¨ which is possible to acquire it digitally or in print from my author's website, providing information is in an “esoteric” tune, we can say that it is a more developed approach to this knowledge about resonance, which I also transmit more deeply in the workshops, courses I teach and in spiritual trips with the most advanced students.

Do you transmit the same through cinema?

Yes, for some years I have been linked to cinema as a filmmaker. I consider it a fantastic tool not only as an artistic expression, but it is very important to transmit these aspects in a different way, generating an interest that awakens in those who begin to resonate in their path.

Will you teach workshops in Spain and America

Yes, this year I will be giving workshops in Madrid and Barcelona in September.
I will also be providing workshops and other activities in different cities in South America and in the USA, who are interested in receiving information can contact us through the form on my website or subscribe to the newsletter.

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