1st Isadora Congress, April 17-18-19, 2015 in the city of Lugo

  • 2015

On April 10, the registration period closes in order to attend the 1st Isadora Congress, which will take place on April 17-18-19, 2015 in the city of Lugo.

The Congress is not intended as an activity that can be visited minutes before and buy the ticket. The entire organization is based on previous registrations and depending on this, important logistic topics vary. Therefore, once the registration process is closed, each attendee will receive a welcome packet in their email with all the information and instructions necessary to attend the event.

For 3 days, we will have the participation of 5 speakers of recognized and extensive international background in various spiritual and magical traditions, and we will be chatting about Wicca initiation, Reconstructionism, Seidhr, Labyrinths and Energy Harmonization.

If you have never heard of Wicca, Seidhr, or “reconstructionism” before, this is an excellent opportunity to enter this exciting world and discover the bridge that unites the visible and the invisible. Without a doubt, the Congress will allow you to get to know first-hand traditions and different approaches through the word and presence of people with a broad curriculum and a great experience in their respective disciplines, who with much love want to introduce us and show us simply the path by that each of them transits.

If you are already familiar with the world of the magical path and the energies, it is also an excellent opportunity for you, because the Congress offers an environment with sufficient rigor and seriousness to assist you find it interesting, to be an excellent opportunity to exchange of opinions and experiences on the other side of the threshold.

The Isadora Congress wishes to become a meeting place to share, learn, discover, give and receive ... all of this framed in a climate of love and respect, as it can only be in an event of this nature, where people of different traditions and spirituality They can meet and share and remember that another spirituality had and has an important and magical place in our lives.

The spiritual and religious reality of our country means that many of us who practice one more spirituality on earth are forced to travel this path alone, with little information, references or reliable sources. The Congress wishes to contribute its grain of sand so that we can see that there are different paths and so that it is increasingly easy and friendly to choose freely and travel them.

The Congress is a non-profit event and it should be noted that this is possible thanks to the completely generous and altruistic collaboration of speakers, collaborators, volunteers, assistants, and thanks to all the people who in a selfless way are making possible the organization, the dissemination and the realization of the Congress.

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Andrea Angelos will be talking about Wicca as an initiatory tradition and will also facilitate an outdoor workshop on Sunday and the topic will be how to work with nature's elements and elementals by worshiping our Gods. It is a luxury to have Andrea sharing with us in our own land.

In the words of Fernando Segismundo Alonso, “the labyrinth symbol is almost as old as humanity, and its use, spread throughout the planet, has covered all kinds of areas.” During the Congress, you will share a lot of valuable and surprising information that does not appear in his book "Labyrinths Living Tradition" (Ed. Sapere Aude). Without a doubt, it will be an exciting presentation.

Carmen Currás will enter us into the fascinating and mysterious world of the Seiðr, including a little about history and its evolution to this day, so that we understand its place within what is the Vanatrú tradition and other Heathenry currents, and to know the existence of the two main schools that are currently, the American and the European.

Almost all major religions or spiritual paths have some form of formal exercise to help achieve this goal. However, many of these exercises take time - and it may even take years - to master and that may seem overwhelming. Tara Sanchez will tell us about her personal journey to find the Tetrahedron exercise that appears in her book “The Temple of Hekate - Exploring the Goddess Hekate Through Ritual, Meditation and Divination” (Ed. Avalonia), will tell us the importance of maintaining energy balanced, its search for individual techniques that will work and work in a meditation group that led based on the concept of the tetrahedron.

Danae Soria will bring us the exciting vision of Goddess Hekate within the framework of Hellenic Reconstructionism or Hellenisms. Without a doubt, it is a good opportunity to discover this Goddess for many strangers and approach the reconstructionist approach from spirituality.

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For additional information you can visit, the Congress pages on the Isadora website) or the Facebook page of the 1st Isadora Congress (.

If you want to register and attend, this is still time! You have all the data in. Remember that you have until April 10.

Thank you very much to all the friends of the Virtual City of the Great White Brotherhood for helping us in the dissemination of this non-profit event and thus helping us in our work in the world of spirituality.

In Erebos Phos.

~ ~ Hester Aira ~ ~

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