If you want smart and emotionally healthy children, bring them closer to art

  • 2016

Santiago, Chile .- The neoliberal system has been convincing us, for years, that the important thing is the concrete achievement and therefore, economic freedom is all that counts. Along the way, the conservative society has reinforced everything that leads to winning a good position in the future and that implies taking reason as a tool to achieve victory, discarding emotion as an engine and with it any talent that could lead to a path alternative, such as art, for example. This, which as an idea gained strength in our country in the 1980s, has led a large part of the national population to fight for a plastic happiness that, if achieved, produces new internal gaps and the desire to have more, to feel better . Psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists have been the only ones favored with an increasing number of patients every day.

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The problem is that in the struggle to have, we have forgotten the spirit, of feeding it with the world of creation, with silence, with exposure to art and culture, with instances to share and discuss ideas, with the emotion that It produces the discovery of something new, something that, being alien to us, makes us vibrate inside. Every time we move away from art, we move away from the spirit and that, in the case of children, means subtracting opportunities for fullness for the future.

A few years ago I witnessed a situation that graphs what is happening with our country. A father took his son from the art workshop of the school "because he does very well and I'm afraid that in the future, he wants to devote himself to that . " The boy was in kindergarten.

Without going any further, last weekend I was present at the performance of a children's company in the square and I was struck by everything that it cost the main actor to make parents and children participate. I had the feeling that they were ashamed, that the activity was not worthy of being imitated, that they should behave politically correctly because they were only spectators. They were young mothers and fathers, with very young children. A pity

Our brain needs art. What else could serve so much to learn and develop skills in the first years of life? The emission of sounds, the search for dance, the tendency to draw reality, every time the opportunity presents itself, are fundamental activities for its sensory, emotional and cognitive development. Art education is a necessity, because it is a tool that allows us to acquire personal and social skills, which are the basis of any learning, including being a better person. The art-educated boy will be less violent, because he will be able to project his frustrations in some kind of creation. The art-educated boy will appreciate beauty and look for it in all areas of life. The art-educated boy will learn that, after the work, there is a human being like him or her, who thinks, feels and suffers. The art-educated boy will learn respect.

An example of research

Most of the research that has evaluated the inclusion of artistic education in the classroom reveals that the most obvious effects arise from the programs that integrate the artistic subjects with those of the curriculum. When this happens, multiple benefits related to student learning and behavior are obtained . Rabkin and Redmond (2004) identified the most significant:

There is a greater emotional commitment of the students in the room.

Students work more actively and learn from each other .

Cooperative learning groups turn classes into learning communities.

Learning is facilitated in all subjects through the arts.

Teachers collaborate more and have higher expectations about their students.

The curriculum becomes more real, based on project learning.

The evaluation is more reflective and varied .

Families get more involved.

Finally, and after having lived in communities where art is considered as a fundamental value, I can assure that the human being educated in art is a person who, at times seems complicated because he tends to question everything, but has developed a sensitivity which tends towards construction, more than destruction and generosity, more than selfishness and definitely, I am convinced that we need more of that way of life, To save our society.

AUTHOR: Mary Rogers G

SEEN AT: http://www.cafevirtual.cl/si-quieres-ninos-inteligentes-y-sanos-emocionalmente-acercalos-al-arte/

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