Ho'oponopono & Zero Frequency - Mabel Katz in Madrid November 29 and 30, 2014

  • 2014

Ho'oponopono by Mabel Katz

Ho'oponopono is a very old Hawaiian art of problem solving. The original Hawaiians, the first who inhabited Hawaii used to practice it.

Dr. Ihaleakal Hew Len, my Hooponopono teacher, says that these Hawaiians had come from other galaxies.

In Hawaii, as everywhere else, many religions are practiced, so that not everyone in Hawaii practices Ho'oponopono. Some have not even heard of this.

Mormah Simeona (Ihaleakal's teacher) brought us these teachings and updated them for modern times.

In the past the whole family had to be present, and one by one they were asking for forgiveness from the others. Now we know that there are no others out there. It's just our thoughts of the other person, our own memories of the other person. So, we take 100% responsibility and clean those memories.

What is erased from us is erased from others, our family, relatives and ancestors, and even from Earth. It is deleted from everything. You do not have to be in the presence of others to ask for their forgiveness to forgive them, now you can do it from your own home.

The memories are all within us; As we clean, what is erased from us will be erased from them without the need to be in their presence or to have to talk to them.

All that appears in our life is a thought, a memory, a functioning program (an error) and appears in our life to give us an opportunity to release, to clean, to erase. Ho'oponopono is the delete key on the keyboard of our computer.

For example, when you write a word wrong, you don't speak to the monitor and say, "How many times did I tell you how to spell that word?" You know that the monitor can't do anything about it. You can talk to him all day, but the monitor looks at you like asking: What do you want me to do?

If you want to change something, you first have to delete, create the empty space to fill it with the correct information.

Ho'oponopono returns us to emptiness, to zero, where Inspiration can appear in our lives and guide us. That way we can be at the right time in the perfect place.

Zero Frequency by Mabel Katz

The Zero Frequency Method has been created by Mabel Katz, based on the Hooponopono.

Frequency Zero is the Perfect frequency. Without memories, without programming, without judgments, without opinions, without struggles, without fears, only pure inspiration

Tune in to your Zero Frequency is to be one with the Inspiration of the Universe and be at peace with the world around you. In Zero you discover your true identity and knowing your true identity is the key to finding your paradise. Your true identity hears, sees and feels clearly because it is one with the goodness of the universe, it is in the flow.

In Zero you will no longer live, look or react through your smoke-contaminated screen (memories). There is no longer in you the need to always be right and the last word. Eventually you will free yourself, you will let go and give permission to the Universe.

In Zero you will find the courage to pursue your passion, ask the right questions, let go of negative programming, trust yourself, live and walk with gratitude.

When you find yourself, you will find your passion. Finding your passion and confidence, you will find your purpose. When you find your purpose and do what you love, success and money will come to you.

When you do what you love, you will be happy. You will find yourself in the right place at the right time, and the people around you can do the same.

Zero Frecuency® Seminars teach you the easiest and most effective ways to: - Discover who you really are.

- Be one with the Universe and the goodness of the Universe.
- Let go and let that part of you that knows what is perfect and correct solve your problems, without .. no effort.
- Find your purpose and clarity to succeed.
- Stay open and flexible to receive the ideal solutions through inspiration.
- Delete those negative programs that affect your plans, objectives, decisions and results.
- Get rid of the beliefs that block your happiness.
- Reach your Zero Frequency.

FREE YOURSELF and become the true YOU by tuning the Zero Frequency state. Reconnect with the energy that is already naturally within you. Live your life in perfect harmony, have peace beyond understanding and find the success and happiness you deserve.

About Mabel Katz

Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author and leader of seminars and recognized as the main authority of Ho'oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art to achieve greater clarity in goals, attract more happiness and peace and to live and work more effectively.

Mabel Katz created a series of conferences, talks and seminars for corporations, companies and individuals - including seminars for children - that apply Ho'oponopono practices so that companies reach their full potential and for people to succeed in their work and in all areas of his life.

Her presentations, based on 100% responsibility, forgiveness and gratitude, focus on practical ways to achieve what she calls Zero Frequency®, a state in which we free ourselves from restrictive memories and limiting reflections. From the clarity of Zero, wonderful solutions arise and we can make excellent decisions.

Mabel is also recognized for her work in pursuit of world peace. He spoke in front of national senators and other influential government agencies and appeared at the United Nations in Vienna. He addressed multicultural audiences, including some of diverse ethnic backgrounds in the Middle East.

Mabel was born in Argentina and moved to Los Angeles in 1983 where she became a successful accountant, business consultant and tax advisor. In 1997 he founded his own company: Your Business, Inc., a step that not only increased his own success but also improved his ability to work more directly with other people. His company prospered by helping both new and established companies expand and grow.

Mabel expanded her contribution to the Latino community in Los Angeles thanks to the creation and production of a weekly radio and television program called Awakening, and then with a daily television show The Mabel Katz Show . With the intention of bringing a new awareness about better life choices to the Latino community, their shows combined the best features of Oprah, Suze Orman and Rachael Ray. As a result of his work in the media, from his conferences and seminars, he became famous in the Spanish-speaking community as the “Oprah Winfrey Latina”. Mabel received numerous prestigious awards at the local and national level, which recognize his achievements in companies and local communities.

Despite the success of his company and the fame he obtained in the media, Mabel chose to leave those ventures to follow his heart's desire; He dedicated his prodigious talents and his powerful impulse to help people around the world with what he has learned and continues to learn from Ho'oponopono.

By studying and learning with the Ho'oponopono Master, Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len, Mabel deepened his learning. Mabel has been exposed 24 hours a day for more than a decade to the Secrets beyond the Secret of this ancient Hawaiian art to solve problems. On this basis, Mabel created her exclusive workshops to bring her wisdom and gifts to audiences around the world.

Mabel currently has a busy agenda with talks and seminars worldwide. It occurs throughout Europe and Eastern Europe, China, Central and South America, as well as throughout the United States and Canada. In his talks he often shares the way he used what he learned to obtain a successful and successful life of travel, conferences and work with others so that they can create the life they had only dared to imagine.

Mabel Katz is a truly exceptional woman, internationally outstanding. The work he carries out constantly transforms companies and improves lives. Their unique presentation reaches the essence of people, their soul and gives them the tools they need to obtain lasting results. Many have said that they changed their lives forever.

Upcoming events of Mabel Katz in Spain

  • Seminar Ho'oponopono in Madrid November 29, 2014

  • Zero Frequency Seminar in Madrid November 30, 2014

Hours : Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 6pm
Place : Convention Hotel, O'Donnell Street, 53; 28009 - Madrid.
Transportation : 30% discount on RENFE with the "congresses and events" promotion.
Accommodation: promotion for the same hotel and facilities to find cheaper accommodation options.
Price: early booking discounts and scholarships for those who need them.

For more information visit: Ho'oponopono

Ho'oponopono & Zero Frequency® - Mabel Katz in Madrid November 29 and 30, 2014

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