GET A MAP WITH TOOLS! Make your Human Design letter, 35 pages of concrete and useful resources to meet you and act according to your essence

  • 2017


INCREASE IN THE SESSION. Take advantage now to have the encounter that will change your life forever.

HUMAN DESIGN: the New Energy in action.

Human Design is a unique system of self-knowledge that integrates Eastern and Western teachings such as Astrology, I-Ching, Kabbalah, Chakras, Genetics and Quantum Physics. It was channeled in 1987 (during the Harmonic Convergence) by Canadian physicist Robert Alan Krakower (Ra Uru Hu).

Being little known yet, I have put promotional values ​​to expand its diffusion, since it points to the new Being that passed from an individual of seven Chacras to one of nine Centers. I will keep those values ​​until March, so if you want a personal interview of an hour and a half, take advantage during January and February to truly meet you and learn simple and concrete strategies to flow with your energy into the New Energy.

Some features of this vast system are:


We have nine Centers connected to the biological system, which mobilize your energy in a particular way. They can be defined (they are what you already bring as their own, they are fixed, active, consistent, you can trust them) or Undefined (they are what you bring to learn, they are open to the conditions of others, you cannot trust their signals; generally, you identify with them erroneously and act from the Non-Being).


The four types (Manifestator, Generator, Projector and Reflector) describe the natural and correct way to sustain and nurture your individual difference in relation to the rest of the world. When you learn to manage them in the way that is appropriate for you, all of your innate characteristics harmonize naturally and are easy to orchestrate.


There are twelve Profiles, which determine your perspective of life and indicate how you move and try to make your individual purpose, determining the predominant roles or roles that you tend to play and through which you relate With the outside world.


It is the place from which to make decisions correctly, allowing your body to guide you (the mind will never do it, it only confuses and entangles you). It is essential that you know and understand how it works because it is totally linked to your design and aligns it with the flow of life.

Your individual design is calculated from your birth coordinates, both temporary (date and time) and geographical (city) and provides you with verifiable empirical information in your daily life through s of a Rave (letter) .

As a Life Coach (with resources of Body-Mind-Spirit Integration) with more than 25 years of experience, I continue to be surprised every time I analyze a Letter with someone for the extraordinary accuracy with which it shows its qualities, strengths and learning, through of its Defined or Undefined Centers. The other revelations (such as Type and Profile) provide you with the necessary strategies to fulfill your purpose, without the struggles and resistances that you normally go through not knowing your true essence and functioning and living from your Non-Being (the conditions you acquired of family and social models). I am satisfied with the tranquility and confidence with which he leaves after the session (or that he experiences after reading his Letter) because, finally, he has truly known himself and knows how to act.

Making your Letter and / or participating in the Closed Group on Facebook, you will understand something essential: we strive to change when, in reality, true alchemy lies in being and acting according to who we truly are, harmonizing our flow of personal energy with the Cosmic flow of the Universe. We can only be happy being who we are. I accompany you to the beautiful adventure of knowing your map of happiness and fulfillment.

His goal is to help you:

- Discover your Individuality as a unique being and recognize Differentiation with others.
- Deprogram your family and social mandates to find the authentic in you.
- Recognize who you are (your strengths and weaknesses) and reveal what you come to learn.
- Know your conscious and unconscious personality.
- Practice the appropriate strategies for your Type and Profile, which will allow you to act without resistance or struggles.
- Record the conditions and sufferings of Non-Being (the attitudes that you have acquired and that do not belong to you).
- Make decisions from your Internal Authority.
- Live without guilt, fear or shame to identify your potential.
- Know your mission.
- Understand your contribution and how you interact with others, which will allow you to relate better.
- Value yourself as an original and wonderful design, integrated into Everything That Is.

Human Design is an advanced resource for transformation, fully adapted to the new times and the Energy we are transiting. Contemplate the evolution of the human being through the different stages, providing practical and effective tools to flow easily and genuinely.


“I have already read the Letter three times and I am getting more and surprised by the coincidences. I see myself reflected and yes… it is a map with tools !!! Big hug!! And very grateful !! ” (Claudia, from Argentina)

“Laura, I am still processing all the information that came to me… reading the Letter little by little over and over again…. It is very deep information… I don't know how to explain how deep it has come, allowing me to glimpse things from me that I have a hard time seeing. ” (Veronica, from Uruguay)

“I am very happy to speak to you again, first because at the beginning of July you sent me my Letter, the same one that has made me make truly very profound changes in my BEING. The truth is that I should have thanked you after reading it, and requested it, because I identify with EVERYTHING what was written there. There have been many reflections and even revelations in my meditations, something incredible and difficult to explain, I have understood a lot and many things and I have to tell you that I am another, this month has changed my life, my self, my now. ”(Andrés, from Spain)

“I tell you that I have read only a few times my design and it is as you say, a lot of information to process. I am doing this process, little by little I am assimilating more and I think it is a valuable tool to look at me, rediscover myself and try to know me and not go outside. I appreciate our meeting and your work with my heart. I have recognized myself in every word and I have found an explanation for my emotional states and other issues in these undefined centers, it is being very revealing and profound. ”(Valeria, from Argentina)

You have two possibilities to receive your Letter

(A document of about 35 pages, full of information and resources that analyzes your Type, Profile, Internal Authority and activity of the Centers):

In a Session: in my office in Belgrano (Buenos Aires) or on Skype, which lasts an hour and a half.

By Mail: the day after the payment is credited, you will have it in your mail. I want to clarify that, if you cannot do the session, the Charter is an understandable, concrete and resourceful report. Do not miss this unparalleled possibility.

Securities and payment methods:

Write me:

(informing your country) and I will respond immediately.

Any option is paid in advance.


Life Coach (in office and online)

Human Design Analyst

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