Meet the sustainable energies to care for Mother Earth: Part II

  • 2017
Sustainable energies are something we should all know

Welcome, dear readers of the community of Hermandad Blanca, to this second installment of the sustainable energy series, which we are dedicating to know and promote the sources of clean energy that we have available.

We must immediately stop the indiscriminate burning of fossil fuels

As we saw in the previous delivery, almost all the electrical energy in the world, today, is obtained from the converted energy of fuel combustion Fossil The problem with these fuels, which are mainly divided into coal, oil and gas, is that their existence as terrestrial resources is limited, that is, they are not renewed at the speed at which they are consumed, and therefore At some point, whether we want it or not, it will end and we will be obliged to use other sources to generate energy.

Second, to generate energy, these fossil fuels must be burned. This reaction with heat releases energy that is then converted by different means into electricity or mechanical energy, as the case may be, but this process also releases large amounts of carbon dioxide, among other polluting gases that are the main causes of a marked greenhouse effect and the global warming phenomenon that today is already undeniable.

Fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource

Stop using fossil fuels is already possible because there is already all the necessary technology to take advantage of clean and renewable energy sources, the problem is that there is no infrastructure . The reason that the infrastructure does not exist is that for governments and large corporations, it is still more profitable to ravage the nonrenewable resources of the earth rapaciously, and prefer to continue in an unstoppable race towards the global disaster rather than investing in infrastructure to be able to use clean energy

The importance of knowing the energy alternatives that exist is that if the population does not know in depth where they are acquiring their energy resources, it is unlikely that they will struggle and press companies and governments to force them to invest in sustainable technology . Therefore, in this second part we will know a little about three other sources of clean energy.

The sea and the oceans are inexhaustible sources of energy

We all know that the force of gravity generated by the moon over the seas causes a movement called waves. In addition, there are also strong currents and tides in the great bodies of water on the planet. Like any type of movement, this can be translated into energy, you just have to convert that force into electrical energy by means of turbines, just as we do with wind energy. The infrastructure necessary to harness the power of waves and tides is more expensive than what is needed to obtain it from the wind, however it has the advantage of being a much more predictable and available type of resource.

Nuclear energy is cleaner than burning fossil fuels

Nuclear energy does not come from a strictly speaking renewable source, since the radioactive metals from which it is obtained have a quantity limit. However, compared to burning physical fuels, opting for nuclear energy is much more sustainable for the planet. The only problem with this type of energy is that if radioactive waste is not stored properly, it can cause huge environmental damage.

Hydroelectric plant

Of all the options to obtain electric energy by a sustainable means, hydroelectric power is the most popular today. It is simply about taking advantage of a very simple principle of gravity and physics to pass water through a turbine that generates electricity with movement. Around the world, there are many hydroelectric plants that operate with dams or pumping mechanisms and can supply light to entire cities. The only problem is that its infrastructure and maintenance are expensive.

Now that you know six alternative sources of clean energy, it is time for you to spread the word and to inform yourself of what is the main source of energy that supplies the homes and industries of your community. Together, we can make a real change in favor of our beloved planet earth.

AUTHOR: Kikio, editor of the big family


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