Fundamental postulates of the Theosophy.

(At the Round Table congress held in Lütselau-Weggis, Europe, on July 11, 1947, there was an exchange of views on what should constitute the fundamental teachings of Theosophy. The President, Mr. Jinarajadasa, appointed a small group to consider the point and the following synthesis was produced in twelve aphorisms :)

1.- Theosophy describes the evolution of the system to which we belong.

2.- Energy, Life and Consciousness, arise from a single source, the Divine Life

3.- Unorganized life is spirit, organized life is matter. The Spirit is free, Matter is conditioned

4.- The human mind expresses the interaction between spirit and matter.

5.- All evolution, including that of man, is under the guidance of superhuman Hierarchies, whose functions in the Universe are often personified by religions in the form of a Divine Trinity.

6.- The Divine Life-One encourages all beings; Humanity is a spiritual fraternity.

7.- Human conscience evolves through successive civilizations, each representing a level of the spiritual character of man.

8.- Each spiritual Being evolves through all these civilizations in a series of successive lives.

9.- In each existence the individual inherits the good or bad results of his past lives, as well as his previous thoughts, feelings and actions; and he has to conquer that determinism by the free exercise of the three functions of the spirit: Will, Understanding and Love.

10.-By his own efforts, and under the guidance of superhuman brothers, man can rise to transcendental levels of consciousness, thus accomplished, in himself, the purpose of the whole scheme to evolve it .

11.-The perfection of man implies the development in him of an infinite capacity for Knowledge, Love and Service.

12.- The Theosophical Society has no dogmas The previous postulates are no more than the enumeration of some important points of their doctrines, an enumeration that is indicative and not limiting.

(Signed: JM van der Ley, Doris Groves, Emile Marcault. Ernst Nielsen, Rankha Weapons, A. Piltaver.)

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