The Cosmic Cook. Kryon's message channeled by Lee Carroll. (Translation to Spanish)

  • 2017


Greetings, my dear, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

Dear Human Being, you are not in our dimension and we recognize this.

You cannot see us as we see you. It seems that your faith was a test, and you are aware of it. However, it is not a test of the Human Being, but rather a test of the Energy. How far will you go with the divine energy that you are discovering within yourself? How much will you extend your hand to find the hand of the Creator that is within you?

You are a piece of the benevolent creation of the earth, disguised as a Human Being in corporeal form, unaware of your original seeds and how you came here.

That is who you are. In your linear form you continue to ask yourself the same common and linear questions: “How should I do this or that? How many times should I do it? How often? How long? ”

These would be wonderful questions, if we were linear. But we are not. Many of you are confused about what you should do and how to do it. You are also asking how long it will take you to do so. It is not strange that you ask yourself these questions, because this shows that you are aware of your spiritual path. That is honored! But again we tell you, if you are asking in a linear, intellectual way, we can only respond in an intuitive and conceptual way. However, since you only listen linearly, you will not understand everything, since your antenna of understanding is linear.

You are waiting for a three-dimensional list of things to do, or a linear and practical answer to a practical question. But what we will give you will be concepts that will guide you towards things that are beyond what you are asking for. We are also constantly giving concepts of love, even when you are asking "how much, how long." I want you to relax - all of you - in the arms of God at this time.

Spirit Isolation

The organized spiritual belief of this planet is in an old survival energy. Place the soul in an isolated state, in a linear Human box. Your spiritual systems do not see the soul as part of God. Somehow, it is suspended somewhere where it will survive or not survive. If you do not do the right thing in linear human terms, your eternal soul will be punished or rewarded accordingly.

Dear ones, does this threat sound like something that comes from the Creator, or does it sound more like something created by men? I want you to free yourself from the concept that your soul is somehow in the dark and linked to human action.

Your soul is part of you and part of me. We are related; we have been the same throughout history, and there is a new energy on the planet that is shouting through a transmitter with which you have not yet tuned in a. I want you to relax and feel the love of this great paradigm shift. It is so important for you that you understand how integrated we are with you!

There is so much misunderstanding about the true relationship between humans and God.

When you meditate, you should know that we have been with you all day. You understand that, don't you? We realize your life and all your circumstances. Your existence and your soul are completely known by God.

I want you to approach things more peacefully and with more patience and understanding. Perhaps you can say this: “Dear Spirit, I do not understand what is happening and I do not understand what I should do next. I am a little confused. What should I do? ”And what do you expect us to tell you? “Do you take four steps, turn left and breathe deeply five times? It won't be like that. Our answers come through synchronicity, change and a series of concepts that we deliver to you. ”

"Kryon, what is the measure of time / schedule for my situation?"

The answer to this question is always the same. Be patient while the sync unfolds. But this is not a linear response and many are frustrated by it. After all, this question is not on a calendar or a clock. Dear ones, it is time to better understand synchrony.

The Chef's Metaphor

I present a new metaphor: let's prepare a meal. This makes my partner nervous because he has no idea of ​​cooking. Just relax. [Talking to Lee]

Cooking a good meal is an art on this planet. You enjoy food and the best chefs are those who start early and prepare and prepare and prepare. In a professional kitchen there are multiple cooks, but in this metaphor there is only one.

Perhaps you have cooked for a large family, and now you want to prepare a meal that is exotic and perhaps a little different from any other recipe that already exists. Perhaps you are the type of cook who creates his own recipe and uses his intuition. In any case, you usually start by gathering the ingredients required for the preparation. Some of you will put these ingredients in separate containers, to use them at the right time. At the beginning, you don't mix the ingredients. Instead, you may have a bowl with lettuce, another with rice and maybe another with some vegetables. Then there are the sauces and dressings in which the food will be cooked and which will be added later.

There are some ingredients that will be added to the main meal while it is cooked at a lower temperature, and will be removed when the temperature rises. These can be placed aside, and later they will be cooked a little more, when the main course is finishing cooking. Condiments are also there - before, during and after cooking. You will also put them in several containers. As a great cook you are, you may even mix these condiments beforehand.

It is even possible that you are preparing things from the previous night, because there are certain parts of the dish that you are preparing, which must be moistened or marinated in a certain way, maybe they should even be precooked so that they are Ready in the exact time necessary for the realization of the meal. Everything will eventually come together in all its beauty and elegance. The aroma will be lovely and the dish will be ready to be consumed with a delicious flavor. When this is combined with certain types of sauces and drinks, it is a feast full of love and great appreciation. Congratulations! Because as chefs you really know what you are doing.

The Kitchen acquires Life

Now I'm going to alter the metaphor, then stay waiting. Our metaphorical story continues and the paradigm of the reality of your kitchen has just changed. Each ingredient in each container has a unique consciousness. Each ingredient in each container also has no idea what you are doing - none. The ingredients also have no idea about the final dish being prepared. They are only ingredients and they are there, but as they now have consciousness, they also have an attitude. Well, not necessarily a negative attitude, but certainly a questioning one.

You are the cooks, and you are the creators of the food. As a cook, you have put the ingredients around you in bowls and sealed containers, getting them ready. Let's say one of them is lettuce, for example. It may have been one of the first ingredients that were prepared, because it has to be cooled. It may even have been sealed and put in the refrigerator 24 hours before the meal is going to be served. But she's there alone, getting cold - and suddenly she's complaining!

“Why am I in the fridge? I can't help but realize that there are things that are happening. I'm alone. What is happening? Why am I here in this refrigerator and how long will it take to meet my vegetables? This is not acceptable."

Now, the vegetables are angry because they also hoped something had already happened. They are waiting and waiting, but the cook is preparing something else - the sauce. The sauce has no idea of ​​anything. She is happy to be there, no matter what. He does not know why he is being whipped or what follows. She is used to whatever happens, but she does realize that strange seasoning with which she is being mixed. She is a little anxious.

My dear ones, in this metaphor, the Spirit is cooking a meal with you, for your life, and will always bring you together with other ingredients. The metaphor is this: “What container are you in? How long will it take for the other ingredients to meet with you for the final meal to be cooked? Do you agree with the fact that there may be some preparation time? It is possible that you are already meeting some other bowls or containers but it is not over yet and things may seem stagnant. How much time left?"

Sometimes the ingredients are combined just so they stay mixing for a while longer

This whole approach depends on the synchrony. It must be coordinated too. When certain ingredients meet each other and are ready, then they are prepared. But it is possible that the mixture should be preserved for a while. So, if you're the lettuce and you say, Dear Spirit, I've been waiting! How much longer will it take? What should I do? Are you there? The real answer is rel jate, lettuce .


The ingredients of this wonderful meal are being gathered and prepared, beautiful and elegantly. They are participating in the timing of a master chef. But each ingredient is totally unaware of how everything is being gathered, or if something is happening. Are you impatient, isn't it? As ingredients you want to know when, where and how long. The cook knows, because he observes all the ingredients and knows the plan. The time to meet occurs unexpectedly and suddenly. But there is still more action, because, again, certain ingredients must be added in the middle of cooking, or even at the table.

What do you think of all this? Will you be involved during the preparation or later, during the warm-up? Maybe you are the salt that comes at the end? You don't know, do you? And this is the point. How much do you trust the cook? This comes down to you trusting that he is the Creator, the master chef, because the food that is being cooked is the final solution that you have asked for. Wherever you go with this, no matter what, there will always be others involved. Even if you are asking for personal healing, this will involve others around you. It is a meal that is being prepared with many ingredients. Do you understand that to get an answer, other human beings will be involved? Do you understand that they have free will?

So now, let's complicate this food a little more!

Each ingredient not only has an attitude, but now also has free will. They can say no. Imagine what the chef faces at this point in the cooking process. Vegetables are falling back! You are going to have to get new vegetables. Now, this will delay food just a little. New vegetables arrive and they are prepared. Wow! Even they are better! Then all the other ingredients should wait a little longer, but they don't know why. Now the lettuce is more frustrated than ever, sealed and waiting in the cold darkness. But food preparation is always in process because the cook is very patient.

It is elegant, the system. It is beautiful, and misunderstood by almost all of you. You want the food to be finished now! I know that you understand this metaphor. So where are you in this scenario? How long has the meal been set in motion? Is there an end in sight? Are you impatient yet? Do you want the end now? Does it look like it took a detour? Can you taste it even though it is not there yet?

The cook knows your name dear ones. The cook loves you, dear ones, and everything we have told you is benevolent to you.

What if you are, perhaps, lettuce, and have been waiting for so long? You have been cooled and perhaps cut. And you came out of the fridge, but something happened and you had to be cool again! Then, suddenly, the cook realizes that the ingredients have been combined in an unexpected way, and the food suddenly changes direction. It will be something different! "Back to the fridge, you lettuce!"

What finally happens is something that could never have been projected in a linear way. Against all odds, the outcome can take a different direction - even better than the planned meal because new ingredients come in that make it more complete. The cook sees all the ingredients at the same time. You only see one - you. Nothing is too complex for the cook.

What do you think? Are you willing to understand the synchrony? Seeing how it works, patience and faith in the cook is required. We have asked for patience before, even for things that seem to be immediate, such as healing. Sometimes, processes on the planet that require immediate responses are simply part of a larger situation. Sometimes you will not understand why vegetables retract or why it seems that death was triumphing. The final meal is bigger than you can imagine my dear ones. But through all this, we want you to know that we have never abandoned you - never ever.

See, we know your name. You are our family. Could it be clearer that our hand is always extended towards you? Food is a good meal! Trust the cook and be patient!

And so it is.


ENGLISH-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Eva Villa, editor in the big family of


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