Message from Sananda ~ The vastness that you truly are

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 You chose to experience separation 2 You are not your ego 3 Recover your power 4 Release the need to live in a hurry 5 You should not blame yourself for illnesses 6 Look for the love within you!

Channeled by John Smallman, 07/13/2017

Life is for living, and for this you need to use your human skills and abilities, which are different for each of the people, and that is part of your human life and your learning experience.

With some people you feel in harmony - "on the same page" - while with others, it often seems that there is no point where meaningful ideas can be found and exchanged. And even with those with whom you feel most in harmony there will be disagreements and confusion. However, these are not conflict situations unless you choose to make conflicts outside of them.

You tend to do that when you are in fear, fear about deficiencies or inconsistencies that you perceive in yourself and for which you judge yourself negatively, sometimes quite hard.

You chose to experience the separation

As I have told you many times, being human can be very disturbing and disturbing. You chose to experience separation from the Source, and in doing so you imposed severe limitations on yourself, which can be extremely frustrating as the communicative interactions between you and others break down due to misunderstanding or misinterpretation.

Deep inside you know that this is not how things should be, you have an internal, but hidden, memory of knowing everything you always wanted to know. And being without that knowledge or separated from it is intensely irritating and frightening because as a result you often see yourself as incompetent and fear that others will also see this, and judge you and reject you because of it.

You are not your ego

You need to remember that you are, always have been and will be, an infinitely loved child of God, perfect in every way, because what God creates can only be perfect .

What you see and identify as "yourself" is nothing more than a small fragment of the vastness that you really are. Your human body is nothing more than a small receptacle in which you have spilled a small part or aspect of yourself to allow yourself to experience separation, loneliness, abandonment . In doing so, you chose to strictly limit your knowledge of who you are in Reality .

But you have all been created perfect, in joy, and although that knowledge is hidden from your human form, you all have a very deep longing to return to Unity with the Source, your eternal and natural state.

That separate part of yourself developed your ego to help you survive in the physical realms, and you gave it free reign to use your body and all its physical, mental and emotional abilities and aptitudes, which the ego has done . It seems that you had given your power, especially when your emotions get out of control in fear, panic or anger.

Recover your power

However, this is definitely not the case. You can master it at any time you choose to do so by stepping back from the situation, stopping it and observing it . The emotion will not dissipate immediately, but you will realize that you do not have to act on it, that you have a choice. You often decide to act on it, often irrationally, at the moment, because it seems to satisfy an intense need. That need is the need to be seen, recognized, honored, accepted and LOVED!

Of course you want to be loved because love is your nature . Feeling unloved is extremely painful, and that is the feeling or feeling that separation provides in abundance. Most of you look for love in relationships - parents, brothers, friends, coworkers, members of the sports team and life partners - but for any of them to work for you, you must first find the Love that resides eternally within of you.

You are Love, and although you can find temporary comfort in human relationships, you will only find long-term relief, comfort and contentment in a human relationship when you have discovered the infinite abundance of Love that resides within you.

For most human beings, the growth stage is a time during which they experience many negative judgments and non-acceptance. Human beings need to feel contact with another human being often and lovingly from the moment of physical birth, and as they grow and develop, to reveal or discover the Love that resides within them, but mostly hidden until Loving him close relatives . When this does not happen, they either learn to harden, pretending to themselves and others who have no needs, or choose to be the injured and needy victims - in fact both facets tend to alternate within them depending on the situations in which they find themselves.

Eventually, however, everyone receives a wake-up call to alert them to the fact that they are spiritual beings . The material life that a human being leads can never provide true satisfaction. No matter how much material is laughed, be it material toys, houses, cars, works of art, beautiful objects or emotional admiration, Flattery, respect, honors in the end is never enough !

You are a spiritual being

Your nature is the Love, the Love of God with whom you are eternally One, and the apparent lack of Love (because I assure you that it only seems that you are missing) that you constantly experience as a human being, is atrociously painful and frightening

You built the illusion to experience this, but you had no idea how painful it could be and would be . And the wake-up call you receive, although different for each of you, always includes the painful awareness that life as a human being is not and can never be enough.

The Love that everyone seeks resides permanently within you, so stop looking, go inside, stay still and allow him to embrace you.

And it will, if you allow it.

Most of you have great difficulty calming your mind enough to become aware of inner Love because your egos are more vociferous, in your effort to convince you to focus completely on the physical environment that the illusion supports.

Release the need to live in a hurry

Patience is necessary, but in its modern age everything is running, so much to do in such a short time. But in reality there is very little to be done in a hurry.

Meditating, contemplating or relaxing is releasing the need for trouble and, in doing so, discovering that you do have enough time for everything that really needs to be done to ensure your healthy survival as a human being.

You should not blame yourself for the diseases

It is the hustle and worries related to it, which leads to the development of the disease - physical, mental or emotional - and of course you should never judge yourself or blame yourself for the diseases. They are just more intense alert calls to persuade you to go inside where you have everything you need to find peace, satisfaction and joy- Love!

Search for the love within you!

When you find Love inside, He shines brightly from you and draws others to you. Love is irresistible, but temporary human experiences are often confused with Love, and since they don't last, they can cause pain and suffering.

Go inside, remain still, and let love embrace you as it will surely do.

Then peace will envelop you and you will discover that you have the strength and persistence to allow yourself to be the Love you have been looking for . When this happens, your fears and anxieties will be much less demanding or intrusive, you will deal much more easily with the issues and problems that your human life presents to you, and then you will find that those fears and anxieties have dissolved while Love guides you in every moment. .

Your loving brother, Jesus.

TRANSLATOR: Carolina Cobelli, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: John Smallman. (2017). Sananda ~ The Vastness That You Truly Are. 8/12/2017, from Love has won Website:

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