Wishes that are fulfilled: the art of manifesting dreams in reality

  • 2017

Who among us has not had dreams and desires for a better, fuller and happier life? Generally these illusions remain in the world of the mind because we do not know how to materialize them. Dr. Wayne Dyer explains that the manifestation of desires is possible, is real, and arises when we decide to change our thoughts about who we are and what we can achieve.

When we think of ourselves, we think we are conditioned by our culture and almost always want to do what the society in which we live expects from us . We get used to settle for a normal life, which usually means doing what everyone does. And this is not at all wrong.

Except that many times within us resonates an idea, a music that tells us that we can do something else, something different, choose another path . An extraordinary conscience that has different interests from those we share in our normal life. This part of us wants expansion and growth .

To begin, one must be aware that we have our own external and internal concept . The external is formed by what we consider our talents and physical abilities, intellect, personality characteristics. It is the definition of oneself. On the other hand, our inner self would be what we call the spirit or mind, what is behind the purely physical. For example, memory and thoughts that we cannot see but we know they are there.

How about your ability to create miracles ? Is healing your body or manifesting your soulmate part of the concept of your abilities? If you want to become a person who has the ability to fulfill all your dreams, you must first of all become the co-creator of your life, and change the concept of yourself.

Although almost everyone will resist this idea. It is necessary to abandon the idea that our personal history is the arbiter of our life, simply give up the identity that has been imposed on us, sometimes by ourselves ; and learn to accept only the good, all the love, kindness, hope, joy, abundance, health, letting it into our lives.

Let's go to the important thing: What are the steps to manifest our dreams?

# 1 Use the imagination

Imagination is more important than knowledge. The knowledge is limited. The imagination covers the entire world. Albert Einstein

Imagination is the place where you can create the life you want s. Everything that exists, before being a reality, was once imagined by someone. We can simply look around and find countless examples. Imagination is the source of future creations, the mother of creativity. You possess this power, it is in your nature.

Imagine how you want your life to be, one day of your ideal life. Where do you want to be, what would you like to be doing, with whom or who would you like to share that day ? Do not limit yourself, imagine everything beautiful and good you want in your life. You know, dreaming costs nothing!

# 2 Live from the end

This point is perhaps the most challenging for the logical mind, because now that you are clear about what a day in your ideal life is like, that you have it in your imagination as a clear, colorful, real image ... Now, you can move on to the next step : live as if it is already happening . You must retrain your imagination to accept the idea that what is located there is not a future experience but your reality, here and now . This is where you must insist that you are already living something that your five senses do not yet report. It's what Wayne calls "living from the end."

# 3 Feel it

The third step invites us to leave the purely mental pattern and move to the emotional level, to the feeling.

“Make your future dream a fact of the present, assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled, ” Neville .

Many people forget this step, visualize at the mental level but fail to pass the desire from the mind to the emotion, and it is the fundamental step to materialize the desire .

Summarizing : First the creative process in the imagination begins, with a thought, then it is passed to the feeling and finally it materializes into a physical object or an act. Therefore it is imperative to learn to feel the experience of what we want, what it is like to have the object or be the way we dream.

You can have the life you want, go meet him.

DRAFTING: Carolina Cobelli, editor of the great White Brotherhood family

SOURCE: Wayne Dyer. (2012). Wishes Fulfilled. USA: Hay House.

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