Energy places, where are they located?

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 Mount Shasta, in California, USA 2 Lake Titicaca, in Bolivia 3 Uluru and Kata Tjuta, in Australia 4 Glastonbury / Saftsbury, Great Britain 5 Great Pyramid, Mount Sinai and Mount of Olives, in Egypt 6 Kuh- e-Malek Siah 7 Kuh-e-Malek Siah
Lake Titicaca, located on the Isla del Sol, in Bolivia, is one of the seven energetic places on Earth.

Like our human body, planet Earth is a living organism, which has a system of Chakras or energetic places that act both positively and negatively as they absorb everything that the universe provides and distributes it through a network distributed throughout the world. .

In Sanskrit "Chakrá" means circle. Each of the energy places has a specific location, as well as a color and a name. According to Robert Coon, they all serve a double function, which is to maintain total global health and transmit and receive energy encoded with information.

The human body has seven primary Chakras and the Earth also, one on each continent, except Antarctica. All these energetic places are vortexes or eddies of cosmic energy, and have in common their millenary consecration, for their great religions and the traditions of their native inhabitants.

That is, all the Chakras are connected in a large network, spreading circularly throughout the planet, showing great benefits for humanity when all distribute energy perfectly.

Likewise, in these energetic places, temples and centers of spirituality and learning have been built and are also chosen by people who wish to find a space to find themselves and who ensure that by meditating or contemplating these places they perceive their energy. The seven Chakras of the Planet are:

Mount Shasta, in California, USA

The first Chakra is known as Muladhara or Root Chakra and is represented by the color red . In 1947 hundreds of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) were spotted on Mount Shasta, located at the southern end of the Cascade massif in the United States, between Oregon and Washigton to the Canadian border.

According to Robert Coon, Shasta is at the "base" of the planet's energy system and regulates universal life before its integration into individual life forms and species.

Titicaca Lake, in Bolivia

The second Chakra is located on the Isla del Sol, in Bolivia, and is associated with the color orange . This is the highest navigable lake in the world, with an altitude of 3812 meters above sea level. Coon says that Lake Titicaca is the world center for the creation of new species and the significant evolutionary advances of existing species.

Uluru-Kata Tjuta is represented by the color yellow.

Uluru and Kata Tjuta, in Australia

The third Chakra is located in northern Australia and represented by the color yellow. Its function is to maintain the vitality of the Earth and all living species.

In the old legend of the creation of "Sleep Time" there is a story about a great ritual that has to be completed in Uluru. This ritual is intended to complete the great plan of the spirit of the Earth. When the ritual is complete, then perfection will expand on Earth and death will disappear from all species. This event is symbolized by a large pole or a cosmic umbilical cord that is destined to unite the sun with the Earth - heaven with earth. It is predicted that this cord will begin its function in 2020 AD at the time of the rare Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Robert Coon

Glastonbury / Saftsbury, Great Britain

The four Charka, represented by the color green, is located in Glastonbury and Shaftesbury, near Stonehenge, in Great Britain. The first is considered the home of the Holy Grail, while the second is the high place of the Sacred Spear of Purpose . When the energies of both places come together, it is capable of delivering the immortalizing frequencies of the Holy Grail to all beings on Earth.

The Grail, led by the Will of the Earth spirit, has the power to dissolve all borders between nations. If the heart of the Earth expands to its full circle, then throughout the world the pain, suffering and physical death among all species will vanish from the Experience and memory.

The Great Pyramid, together with Mount Sina and the Mount of Olives, represents the fifth energy place.

Great Pyramid, Mount Sina and Mount of Olives, in Egypt

The fifth Chakra is called the Heart Chakra and is represented by the color blue . It is regulated by four vertices or rotating wheels, which regulate qualities and are related to the four natural elements : water, fire, air and earth .

Kuh-e-Malek Siah

The sixth Chakra is associated with the purple color and is called the mobile Chakra, because its geographical location changes according to the Astrological Era and their names are taken from the 12 signs of the zodiac . We are currently ending the Age of Pisces (which began in 1904), and the energy site is located near the Earth Heart Chakra in Western Europe. In 2094 we will enter the Age of Aquarius.

When the time comes, the spirit of the Earth sends a signal inviting all interested forces to meet in a certain geographical area with the purpose of inaugurating a new era. When these forces merge, the Sixth Chakra establishes itself, begins to operate and expands. This Chakra remains in place for 150 to 200 years and then dissolves . Two millennia follow one another and then the call is launched again to meet a twelfth part to the west.

Kuh-e-Malek Siah

The seventh Chakra, associated with the color pink, is located in Kailash, the most sacred mountain of the Himalayas, in Tibet. Its function is "to complete the unity that must be established between the evolutionary purpose of the Earth and individual purposes, in dedication to overcoming all entropies, the eternalization of all life."

AUTHOR: Gysell C., editor of the great family of

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