Dairy, the great deception

  • 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

They bombarded us with ads: milk is necessary for our children to grow, milk is the food that has the most calcium, they protect our immune system and yet, more and more people suffer from bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, joint diseases, growth problems in children, lactose intolerances, immune problems Repetitive logic, asthma, bronchitis, allergies


In countries of the East, where milk was not taken until recently, but soy was consumed (in moderate quantities), the problems of bone and cardiovascular diseases were much lower than in Europe or the United States.

Below is a list of diseases related to dairy intake (they promote and chronify, when they do not cause, these pathologies)

1- Respiratory diseases:

Dairy products generate mucus, and block the liver. Therefore, the respiratory system is blocked.

Bronchial asthma- Sinusitis and paranasal sinus polyps- Rhinitis- Hay Fever-Tonsillitis-Laryngeal polyps-Acute and Chronic Bronchitis- Emphysema and Pulmonary Fibrosis- Bronchopneumonia and Tuberculosis.

2- Digestive diseases:

Gases, cramps, diarrhea and constipation, swelling ... these are just some of the symptoms caused by lactose intolerance. In the case of allergy to milk protein (casein), the symptoms are more severe. In any case, it is important to know that if in our body we introduce an agent that causes us intolerance or allergy, our immune system is working 100 percent every day, causing brutal energy wear.

Canker sores- Glossitis- Gingivitis- Hypochlorhydric and autoimmune gastritis- Enteritis- Enterocolitis- Syndrome of malabsorption- Ulcerative colitis- Intestinal dysbacteriosis and Putrefactive dyspepsia (proliferation of fungi such as candida albicans) - Irritable colon- Adenomatosis and intestinal polyps- fatty or hepatic steatosis- Pancreatitis and fibrocystic disease of the pancreas- Biliary lithiasis and Salivary gland lithiasis- Chronic autoimmune hepatitis-Constipation (constipation) and Hernia.

3- Genitourinary and Breast Diseases:

The latest studies show that the number of cases of mammary tumors or calcifications has increased, as well as cysts and genital fibroids in women, younger and younger, in perfect combination with the amount of hormones that dairy products carry "as standard". We have to be aware that dairy cows, to prevent mastitis caused by extractors, have to be medicated daily with antibiotics (regulated by law in their amounts) and being eternally pregnant to give milk, they are also hormone and also regulated these amounts by law), and that milk we take DAILY in many products (not only dairy, since right now ALMOST EVERYTHING carries lactose, milk proteins, milk powder, etc, you just have to look at THE LABELS of the products). As a consequence, the number of hormones that we accumulate in our body, especially gonadotropic (sex hormones), is intolerable.

Kidney stones (stones) - Renal, acute and chronic insufficiency - Single and multiple renal cysts - Glomerulonephritis - Pyelonephritis - Nephrotic and nephritic syndrome - Cystitis and other urinary infections, especially for Escherichia Coli and Proteus - Urethritis - Vaginal discharge due to Trichomonas or Candida - HPV cervical lesions - Fibroids or Myomas or Uterine polyps - Prostatitis and prostate adenomas - Ovarian cysts - Endometriosis - Nodular and diffuse breast dysplasia - Mastitis - Paget's disease of the nipple - Female or male sterility with allergic, autoimmune component, infectious or hormonal. Breast and uterine cancer.

4-Neurological Diseases - Autoimmune, Allergic and Collagen:

Multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases - Amyotrophic or plaque lateral sclerosis - Systemic lupus erythematosus- Rheumatoid arthritis- Myasthenia Gravis- Hashimoto's thyroiditis and other autoimmune thyroid pathologies- Diabetes with autoimmune component- Scleroderma- Pemphigus- Chronic autochthonous retinitis type of allergic diseases, including allergies to non-dairy substances or adulteration substances- All types of collagen diseases and autoimmune diseases- Sjöegren's syndrome- Peyronet's disease- Dermatomyositis.

5- Skin diseases:

Hair, Nails and Subcutaneous Cellular Tissue. Scleroderma- Eczema- Psoriasis- Pemphigus- Erythema Nodoso- Vitiligo- Warts- Leukoplasias- Acne- Forunculosis- Abscesses- Lesions due to Herpes simplex and Herpes Zoster (Shingles) - Dermal and nail mycosis (fungi) - Cellulite- Alopecia - Dandruff - Seborrhea Diaper dermatitis and other forms of dermatitis- Sudamine- Impetigo- Skin cancer- Kapos sarcoma- Dermatomyositis.

6- Dyslipidemias, Cardiovascular and Phlebological Diseases:

Hypercholesterolemia-Hypertriglyceridemia and other dyslipidemias- Coronary arteriosclerosis, cerebral, etc.-Intermittent Claudication Syndrome- Varicose veins- Adenopathies and Lymphangitis- Elephantiasis- Phlebitis and Thrombophlebitis- Hyper or low blood pressure (high or low blood pressure).

7- Infectious Diseases:

Our immune system is constantly acting at the digestive level, subtracting energy and attention from other flanks.

All types of bacterial infections. All kinds of viral infections. All types of fungal infections (fungi).

-HIV with HIV positive- HIV without AIDS- Chronic chronic fatigue syndrome- Tuberculosis-Leprosy.

8- Endocrine Diseases:

Diabetes Mellitus with autoimmune component - Hashimoto's thyroiditis - Hypothyroidism - Nodular and diffuse goiter.

9-Cancer, Benign Tumors and Hematological Diseases:

Many oncologists from this country (and needless to say outside of Spain) recommend the abandonment of dairy products to cancer patients.

Cancer of the breast, uterus, ovary, colon, pancreas, bile ducts, stomach, esophagus, liver, prostate, testis, skin, brain, etc. Leukemia, Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas. Benign tumors of all types and locations such as pituitary gland- Acoustic neuroma and other nerves, brain, etc. Iron deficiency anemia and / or with Autoimmune components. Myelodysplasias

10- Ophthalmologic and Otolaryngological Diseases:

In addition to those cited in 1 Conjunctivitis- Otitis- Retinitis pigmentosa- Cataracts- Pterigion- Orzuelos.

11-Osteoarticular and Rheumatic Diseases:

Rheumatoid arthritis and other types of arthritis- Osteoarthritis with or without joint deformity- Osteoporosis- Ankylosing spondylitis- Abnormal calcifications in joints (parrot beaks) and anywhere in the body (arteries, breasts, brain, kidneys, gallbladder, salivary glands, etc.)

Other diseases:

AIDS without HIV ("idiopathic" lymphocytopenia of CD4)

More information:


Report by Prof. Jane PLANT, PhD, CBE (Click here)


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