Cleaning, Loading and Programming of Crystals or Gems

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Clean your crystal 2 Connect with the crystal 3 Program the crystal 4 “With all the power of my intention I invoke my higher self. I claim all my personal power to program you. I respect and love the great being that you are and that is why I ask you to help me, to give me all your benefits, to bring to my life all the positive things you can give me. Please protect me, keep me from the negative and keep from me what may cause me harm. I ask our creator with love and humility to shine your full potential and share with you your ancestral wisdom. So is. It is done. Thank you dear and wise friend. ”

Clean your glass

Whenever you buy or receive a crystal it is important that you carry out a process in which I recommend you wash it, discharge it energetically, and then charge it with the energy of the sun and / or the moon.

It is not a good idea to use an uncleaned glass because it is charged with the energy of other people or places. If you do not load it and program it, your crystal will be just one more stone, it is asleep. So if you want to use it with a purpose and take advantage of all its benefits, I will show you a series of steps you can follow:


  • To wash it use sea salt or pink salt from the Himalayas.
  • Leave it in a glass bowl (clean, without designs or letters) with a teaspoon of coarse salt and pure water, for about 3 hours.
  • Drop the water without touching it.
  • Wash it very well, if necessary, do it with a soft brush and make sure you get all the salt very well because there has been everything that the salt has cleaned.
  • Put it back in the glass bowl and leave it under the tap with the water jet for a minute or more if you can. You can add some sugar to the water.

Note: Not all crystals can be washed because some are broken, below I will leave a link so you know which ones you can wash or not. In the case of not being able to wash them you should do the cleaning with incense preferably in grain.

Note 2: You can wash your glasses when they are opaque, dull. In this case it is not necessary to use sea salt, it will be enough to use a little powder detergent.


  • For this purpose you put your glass on the ground, in the garden and if you don't have it in a pot. It is not necessary to bury it, leaving it on the ground is enough.
  • Another way to download it is to place it next to a citrine quartz, in an amethyst or crystal quartz (transparent) druse.

* Load.

  • Ideally, let it charge for 24 hours, both in the sun and in the moonlight, preferably full.
  • I suggest you put it at 9 am and pick it up at the same time of the next day.

Connect with the crystal

  • Rub it in your hands, hold it between them for a few minutes.
  • Welcome it and thank for now being part of your life.
  • Imagine that it is full of white light and that light begins to beat, contracts and expands like a beating heart.
  • Ask him out loud to connect with you and be compatible with your energy.
  • Leave it in your hands for a while and feel its energy.

Program the crystal

  • Take it with your left hand and put the right one on it.
  • Put it on your heart chakra.
  • Ask from the bottom of your heart what you want me to do, program it with your intention, with your desire, with conviction .
  • Say out loud what you want as a fact, as something that already is, for example, "I express myself eloquently, " "I am successful, " "I attract abundance, " "I communicate with love, " etc.

Note: You can read about the properties of the crystal and use its features as a guide to program it. For example, if rose quartz in its characteristics has to favor conditional love, when you program it you can say “I love unconditionally”.

If you find it difficult to find the words to program your crystal I share with you a very personal way in which I program my own. It is a general programming that applies to any crystal. For this, take the crystal with your left hand, place it in the heart chakra and repeat it out loud:

“With all the power of my intention I invoke my higher self. I claim all my personal power to program you. I respect and love the great being that you are and that is why I ask you to help me, to give me all your benefits, to bring to my life all the positive things you can give me. Please protect me, keep me from the negative and keep from me what may cause me harm. I ask our creator with love and humility to shine your full potential and share with you your ancestral wisdom. So is. It is done. Thank you dear and wise friend. ”

Now your glass is ready, you can carry it or place it somewhere in your home or office according to the task you have assigned to it, now you allow it to be and be at your service. And remember, you can only ask them for positive favors because they do not work with negativity and cannot harm anyone.

Author: Editor for the Great White Brotherhood, Diana Marcela Carvajal Díaz.

I share this knowledge that has been given to me by my teachers and mentors. I thank you with my heart and my being to all for your contributions.

Special thanks to San Miguel Arcangel and Dr. José Gregorio Hernández, who have guided me on this path.

Link to learn more about the cleaning of your crystals and to know which ones can be cleaned with water:

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