The March Equinox: The Storm Passed, Calm Returns by Master Sant Germain

  • 2014

With the energies of the March Equinox this year, you will begin to leave behind your recent turbulent times; and you will begin to change them for a renewed sense of calm in your life. While the previous months may have been intense and difficult, you will soon find yourself inspired and again energized by new ideas; and you will see that your plans finally produce results.

You are inaugurating a time in which every time you will realize that all the sweat and all the tears that you have put into your projects; and in your life, they will have deserved your effort. In addition, you will receive the help and guidance necessary to advance in everything you do.

One of the dominant themes of this March Equinox has to do with the unfortunate consequences of living in fear, under the authority of your ego, rather than living from a Soul-centered perspective. You will have an opportunity to observe how your ego compulsively blinds you to the things that you think you want to be happy, but that nonetheless remain unsatisfied. You will see that your fears of not having what you desperately need, or of losing something you already own and without which you believe you cannot live, only feed your unhappiness and the sense of apprehension and threat while you live in the world. You will have an important opportunity to see and understand how you allow your uncontrolled mind to seduce you, to tell you things about your life an opportunity to look at what separates your focus from the purpose of your Soul for you. In fact, you may discover that the things you thought you needed, or wanted, or feared in life, were really distracting you from the purpose of your Soul; and that now they don't have the same domain they had before. When you connect with the purpose of your Soul, when you are driven by your intuition; and not because of your fears, or your desires, or your needs. This increases your clarity and helps you return to your Essence.

When you come to a better understanding of the purpose of your Soul, your life will be less complicated. And by having this simpler position, you will be more able to witness and recognize the guiding force of your happiness, no matter what your perceived successes or failures may be.

Recognize and understand that your inner voice guides you in the right direction; and when you give him the opportunity to guide the decisions you make, you will have a truly liberating experience; and soon you will have a sense of victory and triumph in your life.

The guidance that your inner voice is offering you will be a source of joy, warmth and emotional roots, which will lead you to some comfort and stability during the next months. This will come accompanied by a feeling of being in the Home and happy with your life.

If at this time you are experiencing any loss, it will only be temporary; and finally it will only be seen as "letting go" old ways that simply weren't working in your life. What must be completed and released will finally be obvious to you; and you will understand that through this liberation you can value yourself more and give greater value to your heart .

You are about to find new hope and understand what your life has to offer you; and any persistent pain related to your past regrets will soon go away. And even with this optimistic look, you will still need to be aware of any tendency to cling to the past by staying in your doubts or needing to blame you for any missed opportunity or any past disappointment.

Once you allow yourself to be free, you will be able to spend with value for the next months. And if your fears show up again, you will know that you can still them by staying focused on a path aligned with the purpose of your Soul. Find out that if you do, your rewards will be great.

If you find doubts or fears along the way, just let them be reminders of what you have released. Let them motivate you to stay on the right path. When your life does not seem to be working as smoothly as you would like, just let them remind you what is true and real to you; Not what is false, fearsome and unreal. Remember to observe your fears in this way, but always follow your intuition inspired by the Truth. This will allow you to anticipate the important events that come into your life, without being worried about them; and thus make your progress easier.

Certainly, I AM Saint Germain.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

The March Equinox: The Storm Passed, Calm Returns by Master Sant Germain

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