Sacred Seeds of Light

  • 2011

Have you ever held a seed in your hands and marveled at its perfection and beauty?

A seed contains all the geometry and the Light Codes in connection with the entire Universe. It is a cosmic fractal that carry a large package of Light Information. In its tiny size, there is a whole coded cosmic language that will expand upon contact with Mother Earth.

When the seed is planted, for us it is only a seed that will bear fruit. We are not aware that in its interior, embodied through fine filaments of energy and pure Light, infinite multidimensional geometries of information and Light are interwoven that contain the very pattern of life and creation, encoded with a specific frequency that gives the future plant its form and the qualities it will carry for Earth and Life.

Upon coming into contact with the earth and water, the seed awakens its full potential. Remember those geometric codes and expand them in connection with everything that exists, linking with the Great Cosmic Information Network.

The seed will give rise to life. And life will be a set of virtues, aromas and potentials that will manifest through the seed as it germinates and transforms into what it really IS.

As the seed grows and unifies with the Earth, its roots expand into the depths of Mother Earth, interconnecting with everything that exists through it. That way the seed is nourished by life, information, and Light, which together with Solar Light and Water, will shape its full potential.

And so, the Seed is transformed into a tree, plant or flower, which grows with its roots deep in the Earth and its branches and leaves expanded towards the Universe. Deploying all his Light and Wisdom to everything around him.

Through their leaves, roots and branches, the Universal Codes of Light flow, like fine filaments of energies that interconnect through multidimensionality with everything that exists everywhere, intertwining in that way with the Great Information Network.

Trees, plants and flowers are wonderful transmitters of Light, frequency, Sound and energy. As well as antennas that allow the anchoring of the Solar Light and its transmission to the Crystals of the Planet and all of Us. Its roots grow in mirror with its branches, acting in perfect synchrony with the Earth and the Universe, reflecting the Wisdom that flows from the Earth and the Cosmos in perfect Order and synchronic Harmony. Through its leaves and branches flows the Cosmic information and through its roots the information of the Earth flows, both are intertwined as one through s of the whole tree or plant. Absolutely everything is connected, there is nothing out there that does not exist right here on Earth, all life and Information flows through the Great Information Network. .

As we forget that Great Information Network that sustains everything, we forget the connection that exists between Us, the Earth and the Cosmos. We forget the intelligence and magnificence of nature, which is a fractal mirror of all Life in the Cosmos. Peoples originating on Earth know that Great Information Network and it is time that we all remember it.

The Trees, the Flowers, the Plants are infinite libraries of wisdom, interconnected with each other through the multidimensional roads of Light and Information that are present in everything that surrounds us.

And so, like the Seeds and all of Nature, each of us is a majestic fractal of creation.

Like a seed, we carry within us the perfect cosmic pattern. This Pattern expands and moves through a large amount of information that manifests as light spirals interconnected with each other and that together, create geometric patterns of life and Light that allow us to receive and reopen the portals of cosmic information to the which we are all connected

Our cells are fractals of the cosmos and the Earth whose spin is tuned with the rotation of planets, stars and galaxies. Everything in creation is tuned and together we create a wonderful symphony of perfection. When each of Us Recalls that Universal harmony based on Unity, Harmony and Love, we reconnect with all of Life.

The dance of the Cells, Fractals of Light and sound. (Image taken from the web, author unknown)

We are divine seeds, that in contact with the Earth we were nourishing to grow and transform ourselves into beautiful cosmic trees. There is no waste in Creation, even what has manifested as pain, was part of the growth of the Seed in its process of reunification and expansion.

Entering the deep knowledge that we are fractals of creation, recognizing that in our interior there are perfect symmetries and geometries intertwined with the Earth and the Universe, will allow us to recognize that beauty that had remained so veiled for so long.

Both on earth and in the Universe, the spiral represents the flow of Creation. The seeds grow and expand following the spiral patterns. The Galaxies and even our chakras and cells, spiral, reminding us that movement is the natural expression of every Being. Remembering and recognizing that spiral flow in our body and in each of our life cycles, will drive us to reconnect with ourselves and with the flow of information and life that is constantly circulating throughout our body. Follow your Divine Flow in the Spiral of your Life and reconnect with all that you are honoring your existence and each of your learning as Sacred.

You are a Sacred Seed of Light!

KAI Light of SIRIO

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