Have you heard of psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology?

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 What is psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology or PNIE? 2 The pioneers of Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology. 3 What does psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology study? 4 Role of each of the Systems: 5 Conclusion:

The present article will consist of explaining the approach of a discipline of medicine that is recently being developed since it studies the relationship between different systems of the body which are directly influenced, so when stimulating one, another is modified. Due to the importance of having a more integral look in these current moments, where everything is individualized and taken out of context, it is necessary to know its existence, in order to face a disease we can glimpse it in its entirety and not as a unit in which Only one body system participates and not others.

What is psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology or PNIE?

Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology or PNIE is the branch of medicine that studies the inter-relationship between the four regulatory processes of the organism, that is, between the psychic, neurological, endocrine and immunological processes . In this way his main interest is focused on the health-disease process. This relationship is carried out through certain mediators such as hormones, neuromensajeros and cytokines.

Clinical psychoneuroimmunology is an approach that, based on current molecular physiological and biological knowledge, uses different types of therapeutic tools such as physical activity, sleep regulation, biorhythmic analysis, nutritional aspects, emotion unlocking, philotherapy, Orthomolecular medicine, among others, as it recognizes the influence of all these body systems.

This approach is totally new since previously, not long ago, it was believed that each system worked independently and in isolation, that is, the possibility of the existence of some link between them was not even remotely considered. This dilemma is well known historically as Cartesian dualism (movement raised by René Descartes). Let us not forget that for many centuries this dualism was in force, in other words, the statement about the split and the absence of mind-body relationship, a division that marked the development of research on these issues. Fortunately, this issue was highly criticized for what many, despite the general refusal, kept asking if this division was real or only fictitious . (Cabrera Macias, Alonso Remedios, López González & López Cabrera; 2017).

Despite this, scientific research has shown from different areas of knowledge the influence that the environment (context) and the nervous system have on the mind, that is the body. In this way, many research papers have proven the relationship between the origin and development of somatic diseases with certain psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression and stress, to name a few.

The pioneers of Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology.

The pioneers of Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology, were Kielcolt and Glacer who in 2005 published the potential consequences of psychosocial stressors on health. This work was a before and after for psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology.

The PNI Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology has its great clinical value for chronic pathologies such as chronic pain, irritable bowel disease, migraine, allergies, rheumatic arthritis, psoriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, disorders produced and maintained by disorders at the psycho-neuro-endocrine-socio-immunological level, among others.

What does psychoneuroendocrine immunology study?

Psychoneuroendocrine immunology studies the communication and linkage of the mechanisms of regulation and control of the body . This communication or connection that is carried out between them is carried out through various types of molecular signaling . These molecular signals (or we could call it molecular language) through which different systems communicate, are neurotransmitters, neuromediators, interleukins, cytokines and hormones . The Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems act through neurotransmitters.

Role of each of the Systems:

“The psychological system has its organic bases in the limbic circuits (circuit of the vital, proprioceptive, primary and primitive instinctive), paralymbic (circuit of the evaluative, hierarchize, postpone and prioritize) and pineal (synchronization of endogenous biological rhythms with external rhythms). These structures are responsible for the externalization of behaviors before the processing of emotions . ”(Cabrera Macias, Alonso Remedios, López González & López Cabrera; 2017).

Cabrera et. to the. (2017) affirm that the “ immune system has as its main function the discrimination between“ the own ”and“ the alien ” ; as well as "the dangerous" and "not dangerous ". Once the antigen is recognized, the components of the immune system execute a response directed to the elimination or tolerating the antigen that triggers its activation. The system components participate in this response; both molecular, cellular and the organs that are part of immunity ”.

For its part, the immune system has the ability to receive, process and send information to the Central Nervous System . The presence of receptors for hormones and neuropeptides in leukocytes, for example, demonstrates the influence of the central nervous system and the endocrine system on the immune system .

The endocrinological system, comment Cabrera et. to the. (2017), “is the control system expressed by the different hypothalamic-pituitary-peripheral axes . The hypothalamus produces release factors that are uni or multifunctional peptides or glycopeptides which regulate inhibitory or stimulatory release of pituitary hormones . These hormones in turn regulate the peripherals ; leaving in this way a regulatory link between the nervous and endocrine system ; which has a mechanism of retrocontrol given by the inhibitory effect of peripheral hormones on the endocrine system ”.


In this way it can be seen that the three systems have many similarities. One of them is that they respond to certain stimuli, adapt to certain and new conditions, and their mechanisms are regulated through negative feedback links.

Another thing they have in common is the language used by each of the three systems, which enables the existence of a communication between them.

In conclusion, these authors allege that the integration of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems is aimed at the well-being of the individual, keeping him alive, that is, making the innate struggle for survival effective and performing all the necessary processes to maintain the homeostasis of the organism. In this way, the nervous system detects certain changes from outside or inside, gives an answer (as adaptive as possible), the immune system on its part is attentive to any dangerous agent both internal and external and in the case of affirming its presence eliminates it . In parallel, the endocrine system emits the most appropriate response for survival (struggle) .

If you liked this article, I invite you to share it with your loved ones, friends and acquaintances for whom perhaps this answers your concerns about any psychoneuroimmunoendocrine disease or that is related to some of these systems.

REDACTORA: Gisela S., editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood.

SOURCE: Cabrera Macias, Y., Alonso Remedios, A., L pez Gonz lez, E., & L pez Cabrera, E. (2017). Are our worries sick? An answer from the Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology. MediSur, 15 (6), 839-852

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