Connection to the Divine Plan. The Great Book of Life and the Evolution of Humanity

  • 2013

June 9, 2012

The radio molecule is to synthesize food. It is very necessary that we know that food is very important for life.

It is a message of love, to say that human food is one of the most worrisome motives of beings of light. Nothing is as important as a good energy diet.

All products that contain carbohydrates are necessary for life.

The sun's energy synthesizes nutrients and catalyzes these carbohydrates into energy. Water accompanies this metabolization process by channeling this energy to all the organs of the body. She is in charge of cell nutrition.

All memories are in the cells, therefore, if we want to remember who we are, we need to feed ourselves correctly and energetically.

Neurotransmitters and neuropeptides tune in with the energy vibrations to bring us in tune with life. Any medium that disrupts this connection and vibration is exercising a parapet towards personal freedom and the evolution of humanity.

It is very important then to review our day to day; what we eat, what we wear, what we enjoy ... to achieve a harmonious health with life.

This message of cellular expansion is a consequence of the advances and evolution of humanity, where there are no coincidences, nothing is accidental. If we look at animals, none of them contradicts the divine purpose, but on the contrary, they obey the divine rules of equality, community and connection with the Earth.

Every being that interrupts this channel of wisdom and divine plan, is belittling the value of his personality, his self-esteem and his personal qualities, however if the connection flows, we flow with life, the tune of love is restored and so is the harmonic harmony of life.

DNA covers the potential of Humanity.

We need to differentiate what is true from what is not. We need to question the value received by each act we perform and the awareness with which we do not materialize.

Our thinking is sublime, incorruptible source of value and vibration with the Universal Mind. We cannot disconnect the mind of the Creator. Separation will never be possible, but it is an indestructible bond.

The mental separation forces us to rethink life separated from Our Primary Source of life, divine energy, without it there is no life.

It would not be possible to understand what we are, but we understand where we came from. We come from the Great Divine Source of Love. The illusion of feeling separated is merely a process that was necessary to experience the Polarity of Being.

The union of opposites allows us to reconnect with this idea of ​​separation. The great Source of Love is inexhaustible and therefore it is unacceptable to think that there is no such idea of ​​thought.

All humans are evolving into a Cosmic and Celestial Abyss of Goodness, Wisdom and Love.

It is a great ether hole where there is the divine law of love, prosperity and abundance of love, the great divine law of existence and planetary, cosmic and sanctuary coexistence without coherent explanation for the mind.

Fortunately this possibility is open within the group of divine humans, capable of activating the southern and axiatonal energy laws of divine favor and connection.

The Great Book of Life

All the facts that allow us to move forward are considered divine and the motives that create them are written in the Great Book of Life.

This book is what you can, we can resort to consulting the doubts and purposes of our life. The Book is in the heart of each one. It only takes love to consult it.

Soon a fact will arise that will allow it for you, it is a crucial moment for Humanity, because it will allow you to combine the macrobiotic laws of concepts of understanding and openness to God the Father in Heavenly Mother.

It is a fact that will consummate all that you are and are as Humanity, beings created in the image and likeness of the Creator of the Cosmos, of Heaven and the Stars and of infinite love, the only rule of divine existence.

This fact will catapult Humanity towards a new cycle of life on Earth, an Earth divided into two, half and half.

It's like a slide, everything goes down and up, up and down to tune in to personal vibration.

Fever is a mechanism of evolution and axiatonal alignment, it deserves to be allowed, otherwise, the cosmic opening mechanism is not activated and will be repeated numerous times, but with other mechanisms such as cancer, sclerosis and other diseases, they make the body flow in vibration allowing to open the divine opening channel.

All the events that are revealed are for the good of Humanity. The process has already begun and many souls already have the channels for simultaneous ascension, therefore it is compatible with those who have not yet done so.

This is an act of love, allowing personal expansion at every necessary moment. Now many mechanisms of evolution converge and its materialization depends on us humans who come to an end.

The planetary expansion is scheduled for month 7. The gathering of all the planetary inhabitants will be a cause for joy and celebration. The expansion of consciousness that this reflects is a sign of the New Humanity.

The movement is constant and many absolutely necessary acts converge, such as overflowing rivers and tidal waves.

Stones are our help in planetary salvation. Wisdom is stored in all organisms that grow on the planet.

Everything is valid and necessary, it is an act of love to show what each of us is. As souls we feel lost without this connection. The tuning is produced merely by the fact of wanting and assent to the Divine Plan, to the Divinity. It is consistent that each of us learn and of this step necessary for Ascension, without nothing can be taken.

The control of life is Love and unconditional love where what each being IS and each being shows is respected. However, it is worrying if this action does not occur.

Nothing will happen that is not written, in many books it is shown; the cycles and evolution in the Bible, in the book of Matthew he names this fact related to his missions: "All those who follow their path will obtain the way to act according to the Creator of All Visible and Invisible."

The Divine Plan will come into effect. From today the Christian Community will see God resurface in his heart, his birth as divine co-creator of love.

The figure of God will resurface and the brotherhood and strength of Christianity will resume its teachings of love, humility and divinity.

Thank you and blessings to you and your family of love, to Gregory and your parents for getting this labor of love for everyone.

We continue at another time

Thank you with love to all the Beings of Light that accompany us in this wonderful and great moment for Humanity

Channeling received on June 9, 2012.

Source: God the Father Heavenly Mother

Channeled by: Ana Jesús Murillo


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