Archangel Gabriel - Freedom

  • 2015


Let us make an exposition about the quality of Love known as freedom. Freedom is a state of mind that allows an individual to make choices and is willing to experience the consequences of them. Freedom comes to a person who has Consciousness of the Self and knows what is required to maintain his mental, emotional and physical well-being ; and then makes a conscious choice to achieve, use and maintain that goal. Freedom comes when you realize that you are One with the Creator of everything and that your potentials are powerful and unlimited. You get to know that you are always free to choose how to respond to any situation. He is free to choose to experience something new, to take a risk, to challenge his current understanding of himself and his life. He is free to change his mindset about anything previously conceived or experienced. You can decide what you want in your life; and then take the necessary steps to follow your dreams and goals. You are clear about what you want to experience; and does whatever is required to achieve that experience, as long as it does not interfere, harm or hurt others.

The sense of personal freedom increases when one is willing to do what he feels is right, no matter what others think of it. When one realizes his connection with the Divine Source of all life, that this is the Source of all that is good, he opens his mind to new choices, new and exciting opportunities and unlimited possibilities. .

Find the freedom to learn to be true to yourself and have the ability to say no to others, when there is no resonance with your goals and visions. Freedom comes when one stops comparing oneself with others and competing with others, when one is willing to make choices and accept full responsibility for the outcome of these. Develop the ability to choose for yourself what you truly want. Choose a lifestyle that helps you to be relaxed and not to impose unnecessary duties that deplete you mentally, emotionally, spiritually. One respects his need for time with himself, for himself and for himself. He has learned the value of who he is and what he is; and honors his need for a regular connection with his Divine Source.

When one exercises his freedom, he chooses to dedicate his energy, his resources and his actions in a wise way that nourishes his Soul. It becomes physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually stable , which results in its overall spiritual and evolutionary growth. Spend your time in a state of balance, knowing that everything you need to do will be done with Divine opportunity and order. Understand that learning the art of relaxing and conserving your energy is the greatest gift one can give and can give a lifetime. He has the ability to make his wishes known, to be in a new and unknown terrain; and is free to obey the whispers of his heart. Choose to listen to what your Divine Essence is telling you and reach a level of understanding that affects the way you perceive your life. When you freely make conscious choices, it shows your willingness to find a new way of living and being; and the Divine Intelligence that guides you will support your decisions by bringing the results you seek, with grace and ease.

The Divine Essence of one brings to your life the grace of the Divine in the form of great abundance, health, well-being, peace, joy and Love, as a result of what you think, feel and believe about yourself, about your life and about The Divine When one uses his personal freedom and chooses to examine and challenge those things that he was taught to accept as the truth, he finds behind them the truth of the truth. As a result of this investigation into life and its meaning, one realizes that the true freedom that all Humanity is seeking is only being who he is and doing what he does at the moment. He realizes the truth that the Divine Presence is within him; and that it is a unique expression of this Divinity living on Earth to fulfill a Divine mission and purpose. One honors his inherent Divinity; and as this Presence is more fully activated in oneself, it is infused with a constant and peaceful feeling of well-being.

In every circumstance of life one finds the seed of his freedom, so that he can open the doors and tear down the walls that prevent one from being who he really is. This helps you see each situation as a learning experience sent as an opportunity to break free. Then it becomes much clearer than the World outside the Self, it is always an exact reflection of one's own inner state of consciousness . It may be painful to recognize what one sees, but this is also the path to one's own freedom that will ultimately unleash the majesty of your true Self. One stops blaming the external World for what one is experiencing, because he realizes that He would let go and waste his Divine energy . One comes to realize that the answer always lies within. When each individual makes the free decision to allow the Light of Divinity to shine in his heart, the world around him is illuminated and deep peace comes to him.

Perhaps you make the choice to let your heart sing; and to grant you the freedom to illuminate the World with the Light of your Soul.

I AM Archangel Gabriel.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Marlene Swetlishoff


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