Forbidden Education, film about the evolution of education.

  • 2012

"Forbidden education" is an excellent film about education that, regardless of the reflections that each one may give us, reflects a problem that is not even educational or social, but cultural and mental. We do not appreciate ourselves, we do not appreciate our fellow human beings, not even our children ... If not, from what point of view would we allow our descendants to go through such torture, more than a decade of their lives dedicated to a simple and flat Waste of time, with no other objective than to become meek and docile workers and consumers? That is to love ourselves and others very little. It simply means that we hate each other very much.

I don't know if one day it will come that we can glimpse a future without this kind of state mental programming. However, I am optimistic: I will not let some hypothetical future children of mine go through such bitterness. It is a promise that I have already made (I really think about it for a long time). And you? What are you going to do?

Forbidden education

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