The force of feeling, by Jordi Morella

Once, in relation to a situation in my life that seemed to be stagnant, my brothers in the Light told me:

- Sit down and feel!

On another occasion about the same situation they told me:

- Sit down and be still! Let us do!

"Sit down, still and feel!" So I decided to do, that is, nothing in relation to the fact. It may seem contradictory, but in wanting to act, sometimes we are going against the flow of our process to raise our soul.

Our past is the result of acquired beliefs and mental patterns that, most of the time, do not match our being. We accept and alienate ourselves with a way of acting based on the old energies that limited our progress towards our full realization.

What should we feel? When our life shows more hustle and bust, it is when we have more inner stillness. It is in these moments when we must feel calm and our true nature; It is when our inner harmony must be present, feeling it with all its warmth, embraced by the calmness of the "carelessness" towards the lived situation.

Feeling is the source of our materialization. When we feel we permeate each of our cells with the energy of our intentionality. When we feel we revalue the power of our will, opening the doors of its realization. Feeling waters every part of our divinity that is found in every cell of our biology, raising its vibration, opening the way for our divinity to be expressed.

We can visualize and use the word as supports of our inner change, but it is through feeling that we attract our intentions towards us. We can visualize, but without feeling, we only reinforce our desire, but we do not attract it. We can work with positive thinking phrases, but if we don't feel what we express, we can see a change, but we don't attract it with the desired force.

Personal work opens the doors to reach what we want to be and achieve in life. We can use any mechanism to find inner well-being, but when we add “feeling”, it is as if the forces of the universe come to our aid to “speed up” the process and begin to attract to us what we want in life.

Without feeling everything seems to go "slowly." When we feel it is as if we are in tune with the energies of the sky to show our divinity.

We attract and materialize more when we feel in silence and stillness, than when we move to “solve or unlock a seemingly stagnant situation.”

As spiritual beings that we are, we will create and evolve more, when stronger is the feeling of love as everything already is. The feeling of having already achieved the desired result will open the doors of its materialization. When we feel satisfied "we already have it or we are as we want to be", we show the universe our predisposition and preparation as we deserve what we feel and want. The ancient Essenes already transmitted it to us in scrolls found in the Dead Sea: The feeling attracts your will towards you, letting your divinity create according to your intentionality .

When we feel we are giving the order to our cellular consciousness what we want to attract. When our body has a concrete vibration, then it attracts more vibration of this type.

Equal energies attract. Depending on the type of energy we harbor, this will be what we will attract. We are energy and this energy is found in each cell unit. Our "body" is the one that manifests the vibration we have. The higher the vibration, the more evolved our soul will be. Less vibration, more identified with duality will represent that we are.

Feel the love in you, prosperity, carelessness, calmness, calmness and as you have everything, because this is what you will attract.

When we feel, we attract more energy from the universe towards us than we create. We can feel love, hate, sadness, scarcity, abundance, happiness, calm, resentment, and all this, is the order we will send to our cells to attract “more of the same” in our lives.

Feeling is the key to materialization in our life, and more in this new era where human beings can now show their divinity with all their radiance.

You are energy You are Love. You are God.

May Love and Peace be in you, beloved divinity.


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