How to differentiate high-level guides from less evolved entities in a pipeline

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ORIN AND DABEN: Sometimes there is confusion about whether or not to follow the advice of a certain guide. It is up to you to use your own ability to discern and recognize wisdom. When you receive advice from someone's guide, ask yourself, “Is it appropriate for me to follow this information? Does the information expand or limit me? Is it adequate? Does it have practical value for me, and is it immediately useful to me? Does it feel like my inner truth? ”Remember the last time you received advice from a friend or guide and things didn't work out. Wasn't there a part of you that didn't want to follow the advice? You generally know what is best for you. Carefully weigh the information you receive. Use your common sense to decide if you use the information or not; Do not blindly accept information about your life. High level guides will assist you to have greater confidence in your own truth. Channeled advice is to follow them only if they sound true to you, not just because they are channeled. Do only those things that make you feel cheerful or that are good for you.

Accept only those messages that resonate true to the deepest part of your being.

How can you recognize entities that are less evolved? Some of them love to give predictions of a disastrous nature, and enjoy emotions such as the fear they can cause in people. His preaching is not made to help people, nor is it formulated with a greater purpose in mind. Your messages can falsely support people's ego by telling them that they will be rich or famous when it is clearly not part of their path. You will know that you have connected with a low-level guide if you feel scared, powerless, or worried about your life after receiving advice.

Less evolved entities may want to encourage you to take actions that you know are not elevated and evolved. Less evolved entities often sow bad feelings among friends, trying to take revenge. They may suggest that you protect yourself against some menacing invisible dangers. Some entities, particularly the less evolved, are comforted by the intensity of your emotions and will try to get them out. Other entities simply waste your time and give you inadequate or inconsequential information. Low entities speak with pretense, they say trivialities in a way that seems profound but in truth they say nothing valuable.

The less evolved entities are not committed to elevating your vibration to a higher order. They may not be interested in your spiritual growth; They may not even be aware of paths that lead to spiritual growth. They may not have an awareness of the current direction of human evolution. You will recognize it because the guide you receive may sound interesting but has no practical value to you. They may not be bad entities, but they may not share your goals or purposes or understand your unique destiny, and therefore, they are not able to "guide you." These entities are probably not rude or harm you in any way, although you may feel some discomfort due to their low vibration. They may even be loving in their intention, but they may not have yet reached an evolutionary state greater than what you have. You can recognize if they are less evolved by the lack of breadth of their understanding and wisdom.

There is a level of reality, a frequency or a step beyond your so-called "astral plane, " which many souls access among their physical incarnations. In the lower levels of the astral plane, there are many entities that want to return to the earth. They may want to experience life through you. They usually don't have a bad intention, just ignorance. You can recognize them when they approach because you can feel their emotional fears, pains and lack of certainty. You will feel his lack of peace. Many souls on this plane are not sufficiently evolved to help you and we recommend that you do not channel them. They represent a section of human crossing of all paths of life. These entities attached to the earth may not know that they have died. If you feel this is the case, tell them to go to the light.

The guides will speak through you only with your permission.

We recommend that you never bring these beings to your body or verbally channel them. You will know them because their vibration and feelings are not high. You will feel heavy or even feel resistance towards them. They will not take possession of you because the earth plane is very difficult to penetrate for them. You are the one who has control in this reality. Your curiosity, your desire to play joke with them will keep them around. Be firm and severe. The guides will not disappoint you if you ask them where these entities are from. If you ask them if they are light, they will not say "yes" if they are not. Request a high level guide and one will be there.

A high level guide will make you feel more compassion for yourself and others.

If an entity other than the high and loving guides wants to speak through you, simply say "no, " firmly and clearly. As you channel your guide, you will know how to feel it. It will be impossible for someone else to fool you. A high level guide will make you feel elevated, loving and wonderful. You will experience a feeling of well-being. If for anything you feel depressed, sad or angry, then you are not with a high level guide. Ask that guide to leave and ask for a higher level guide. [...]

The guides encourage you to connect with the wisdom of your own soul. [ ] His only desire for you is to achieve your highest good. They are there to help you with things such as remembering who you are, letting go of fear, and learning to love yourself and others. They come to add joy and assist you in your personal growth and your work here on earth.

The high level guides neither scare you nor elevate your ego. They don't flatter you, even if they applaud your progress. They create an expanded sense of consciousness and a greater internal vision. They encourage you to use your own wisdom and discernment instead of blindly following anything they tell you. They never tell you that you should do something or try to determine or direct things in your personal life. They support you and lead you to develop and use your inner skills and your deepest wisdom. They ask you not to give your power to them.

High-level guides are often humble, and recognize that their truth is not the only truth. They will probably make strong suggestions and support you to make your own decisions. High-level guides can point out something that is not working in your life, but they will do it in a way that will make you feel that you have the power and strength .

High-level guides rarely predict future events. If they do, it is only because the information is useful for your growth or for humanity. If the information you receive from someone's guide diminishes you or makes you feel bad about yourself, choose whether you want to accept it as your truth or not. If you leave a reading with a guide feeling fear about your life, then you have not been with an elevated guide, since they leave you feeling loved and supported by who you are. They help you see yourself in new and expanded ways. [ ]

You will have heard about the causal plane if you have been exploring metaphysics. The causal plane is a very high dimension of a very fine vibration [ ] Many guides come from the causal plane and beyond, what is called reality Idime multidimensional . Living in these other dimensions requires mastery of polarities, an advanced level of control over emotions and mind, and energy management skills. Some guides have lived on earth, evolved rapidly, have acquired mastery over the lessons, and now they are pure spirit on the causal plane, and they are evolving even more. He is serving humanity. Others come from multidimensional realities and are highly evolved entities in their own systems.

[ ] Not all entities in the higher planes choose to be guides, just as not all of you choose to be channels. Work on other planes of reality is as varied as your work can be on earth. Guides are certain beings who are highly trained in transmitting energy from their dimension to yours. It requires a great deal of energy from our plane to reach yours, and it is done only by pure love of humanity and devotion to the transmission of high ideals. As you reach the highest levels, altruistic service to others is a path of accelerated evolution. We choose you for the alignment of our goals and because we love you. [...]

Some of you will choose to channel some of these high-level guides and others of you will choose to channel your superior beings. Your superior being can provide you with love, compassion, spiritual guidance and wise advice. Both the guides and your superior being are here to serve your growth, make the best of you, and assist you to live your highest purpose. […] We refer by soul to most of you that exist outside this dimension, live after you die, remember all your lives, choose your next life, your growth opportunities and those things. We use the words "soul", "source being" and "superior being" interchangeably. [...] It is well to channel your superior being or your source being, since you yourself are a beautiful and wise being. The wisdom of your soul is greater than you allow yourself to know. The wisdom of the highest levels of your source being can be as deep as anyone from a high level guide.

Excerpts from the book Opening to Channel - How to Connect with Your Guide by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, HJ Kramer Inc. PO Box 1082, Tiburon, CA 94920

Selection and translation: Karina Malpica

NT: If you want to learn more about the guides and how to channel, you can order this book (in English) on the Orin & DaBen website: They also have recommended tapes to help you Learn to channel like Opening to Channel and Meeting Your Spirit Guide.

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