If you feel that YOU ARE a spiritual BEING: then: Live it! 1. by light blue

  • 2011


With respect and all the love of my soul and spirit, it is my vocation from my I AM in God ... to approach once more through this portal, towards the light that they are. We are ONE, and my heaven in you is yours.

From my planetary service name Adalay, I raise my energy vibrational frequency of consciousness, and I connect with my people humanity, the entire planet ... to give words of enthusiasm, help, support and light of God, to those who are connecting right now With these energies. Time does not matter, it is wise and consistent that it be so, say the teachers of the Light in God.

I have read in your emails that you have been manifesting spiritual gifts for a while, or are even lifelong ... They are real manifestations of what my beloved ARE : you are BEINGS OF LIGHT ... Live it !!!

You know it and feel it in silence, in your wonderful hearts of pure LIGHT of God: ... and it is that you are: BEINGS OF LIGHT, are BEINGS OF LIGHT ... you are BEINGS OF LIGHT ... we are ALL: BEINGS OF LIGHT.

It is something in Silence, which is quiet ... but that every time beats and beats within you ... stronger ... stronger ... and begins to manifest itself in consciousness outside. The silence ... is heard ... remember?

I want TODAY to ask you, with all due respect, in the living light that YOU ARE: as children of God and of the Divine Source of everything created, visible and invisible ... TO ACCEPT IT, once and for all and begin to Live it Consciously and consistently here and now.

I ask you, and the call will come to everyone who has reached their time to WAKE up to this TRUTH of life, who ...

PLEASE my beloved ones:

If they see it.

If they hear it

If they feel it.

If they intuit it.

If they understand.

If they are living it.

If they already smell it and taste it.

If they already have manifestations.

If you are already AWARE that they are: BEINGS OF LIGHT.

Live it ! 11 ...

Its coherent.

My Christ Master and his angels, at the time explained something fundamental to our path to AWAKENING, which is called COHERENCE and when practicing it with sincerity, we make it Divine: we transform it into DIVINE COHERENCE ... and it is the closest level, to which we can to become perfect in this 3D, living as a spirit of LIGHT a human experience ...

Consistency is to align in peace, love, life and joy everything in our life:




If you look, we align like this in perfect ORDER:




If you see it beyond, it is the energetic coupling of our chakras or vortices of light and dynamic energy, which connects us with the UNIVERSAL that WE ARE REALLY , in that LIGHT that We Are ... in GOD ... Like a ray: from earth to heaven .




This single action, applied vehemently in all the activities of our daily and spiritual life ... with sincerity and conscience ... is an electrical corridor to OUR AWAKENING, to OUR ASCENSION to other planes of energetic vibration: in the here and now ... Achieving personal improvement and soul.

Align COHERENTLY : feeling, saying and thinking about our life, at all levels, tasks, crafts, relationships, jobs and needs: material and spiritual ... makes us, little by little or ALREADY, become CONSCIOUS, Magical Beings ... with Power, with Energy of healing, freedom, joy, life and Peace ... here.

This alignment leads us to be free and to meet again with what we are and what we came here to do, in this leading reincarnation ...

That coherence is what finally reconciles them with the SOURCE OF THE DIVINE BEING THAT THEY ARE AND THAT WE ARE ... IN ONE .

I will give you examples:

If in a relationship, friendship or family: we do not feel, say and think alike: we are not nor make anyone happy, we are prisoners. There is no true LOVE.

If in a job we do not feel, we say and think, for him the same: we are uncomfortable, not wanting to continue, prisoners ... There is no PEACE

If in our home: we do not feel, say and think alike: we are bitter, disgusted and fighting for everything ... prisoners ... There is NO LIFE

If when doing some sport, activity or hobbies: we do not feel, say and think the same: we are wanting to defect and / or flee, we are tired and with pressure to end, looking at the clock with stress, prisoners ... There is no JOY

It also happens in our inner and spiritual worlds ...

If we do not FEEL how our spirit and soul feels, we collide with Him and it is then that we do not have love, peace, life, or joy ... we feel that something is missing, and it is like this: it is coherent.

We walk zombies: like empty and plastic sorbets ... Some invisible person explained something that caused me grace, and I felt that he wanted to tell me that we were living, like inside blotting paper tubes ... discern this: “in a dark tube, with the light away, full of layers, locked up and alone, hahahaha. It made me laugh and I thought it's true. ” So we are and we are here.

It is consistent to say that if then, WE ARE BEINGS OF LIGHT, living on the planet earth a human experience, by NOT doing and living what we really are, in that LIGHT. .. We are and we are wrong, uncomfortable, without peace, life and love.

The torment of life and the cross of fear, fear, disease and doubt, that we think, feel and say that we carry, is totally incoherent with the BEING OF LIGHT CAN WE REALLY be able to explain me?

It would be indescribable the amount of situations that exist incoherent in our lives in the here and now that give us harvest: bitterness, sadness, loneliness, constant dissatisfaction, struggles, vices, subjugate us to suffer and become prisoners and victims of our same actions, dimes and direct of daily incoherence and we continue in a rapture of contradictions that not only do not stop but get worse, and As if that weren't enough, we savor them and understand how they are normal Life is like this . Well, this is not the case. We can and have the right to allow ourselves to be and feel better, better and better every day.

Law of cause and effect, then the little story happens to us, because of so much inconsistency that we do NOT allow ourselves to see, we do not allow ourselves to remove the twig that prevents us from seeing the forest at last (Chinese saying). We assign our incoherence to the world and you think: because if the world changed, I would be happy . Noo 1. Be consistent with him and with you, and positively imply that. Aware.

Align with sincerity and consciously each and every one of our inconsistencies: heals us. He heals us, liberates and reconciles with our spirit of LIGHT that we are, because the greatest case is that you feel, know and see that You are a BEING OF LIGHT, but you do not live it. You have not allowed yourself to be consistent with THE YEAR, so friction and friction occur between what YOU ARE and what you DO and that brings pain in spray.

In basic physics here:

It is defined as a frictional force or frictional force, between two surfaces in contact, to that which opposes the movement between both surfaces ( dynamic friction force) or to the force that is opposes the beginning of the movement ( static friction force).

This means that if you are a Spirit of Light, embodied in a human body and you know it already, and you do not live in coherence with THIS : both roll in the process, or better: The cross is me. Is it heavy? Are we more spirit than flesh? Did you know?

You are a Being of Light embodied in a human body living a more human experience DO YOU REMEMBER ?

It is not the opposite ...

You are not a HUMAN BEING ... living experiences of Light, which seeks to be spiritual and see angels in your room, to grab you and explain. Do not.

Starting from the fact that you are a Being of divine light ... the first coherence that develops and practices is: LIVE IT.

Think like a BEING OF LIGHT

Speak like a BEING OF LIGHT

Feel like a BEING OF LIGHT ... Live like a BEING of LIGHT, coherent. CREATE IT.

Someone said that we love a lot and who incarnated 2000 years ago: " the truth will set you free" ...

Just as coherently accepting our spirituality and living it, so is the theme of REINCARNATION.

We still have at this point, beings very close to us, who affirm that there is NO such thing ...

When I once meditated on reincarnation, I realized that: to discern, feel and accept this reality that we are Spirits of Light and therefore, past and ancient reincarnations ... that we return again and again ... with pacts and agreements, to being developed and culminated here, in this now, I allowed myself to open myself to many realities ... and I said consciously: "... and then if this is so simple and easy ... why don't you understand? ... People would be happier, understand and live better . Understanding this truth: it makes you FORGIVE everything and everyone, and also LOVE everything and everyone… be grateful for everything ”… And in that instant (I remember it was in my kitchen)… I heard an inner voice that said to me: THAT I CAME AND I They killed.

At the moment I did not react ... but wow !!! ...

That was first person? it's going !!! .That are not my guides? ...

Who is it? ... I asked .

I felt a wave of warm energy and much joy ... jajjjajaj.

Is that you? ... I asked.

To good understanding ... few words, I said to myself .

I heard nothing more ... there was silence, but: Yes, my beloved Master-Guide and elder brother Jeshua in Christ Consciousness ... he was listening to me and he answered me ... THAT divine conscience: accompanies me and guides me. I know.

About being Divine Coherent and Living it ... I teach it to him, at another time, that's why I share it with so much love ...

After I heard that day, what he told me in the kitchen ...

I immediately ran to tell my husband the experience ...

I struggled to prepare him to believe me, I began to tell him everything calmly, much love and security. ( so he wouldn't think I was crazy )

That energy was so much that I transmitted to him, that without hearing me too much:

SLEEPED ... hahahaha

My beloved: he fell asleep on my face ... hahahaha.

See what I say? ... With such revelation and He did not hear or feel.

Peacefulness must be. We can't enjoy and eat ... something that is still green in their spirits. Raise awareness ... allows us to love and respect them.

My husband and all, We are Beings of light ... and all of us, today more than ever, WE ARE LOVED ... We are incarnate Angels ... Divine and loved throughout heaven ... with evolutionary levels of spirituality and truth in this 3D.

Beloved… Warriors of the light of God … Wise and truly full in your heart:

STOP SUFFERING, WE SUPPLY YOU (take control of your lives in this)…

Let's start being spiritually consistent ...

Allow it, Allow it ... Conscious ... Conscious ... Conscious ...

Forgive, forgive yourself, let go, clean your spaces, free, let go, love, let yourself be loved, open your arms, heart and wings to receive.

Be compassionate and benevolent with yourselves, be honest, thank you, do not be more distressed by anything, do not wear out for nonsense, discern before making decisions, try to laugh, breathe, drink fresh water, feel nature, walk, drink water of sea and coconut (bless her), pray, meditate for a while, love each other a lot ... give yourself lots of kisses, hugs. Because we are ALL VERY LOVED ... and it is the open sky we have in our heads, without limits. The less stones, let us load in the heart, the more beautiful, fun and easy will be the return trip, which we have already prepared. I love you unconditionally ...

We are definitely ONE!

I am light; -.)


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