The Principles of Metaphysics: the 7 Principles of Happiness

  • 2018

The study of any of the principles that govern the Universe, which have not yet been integrated into traditional sciences, is called metaphysics. So, in this post we focus on the Principles of Metaphysics centered on happiness .

The meaning of the word goal is "beyond", where metaphysics is summed up in the concept of studying those phenomena that are a little beyond physics, that is, that are outside the perception of our senses .

The Principles of Metaphysics

The Principles of Metaphysics were written by Hermes in ancient Egypt, which is why he is considered the father of wisdom, founder of astrology and discoverer of alchemy.

It was called Trismegisto, three times large, and was later deified by the Egyptians themselves when they named it Thot. The immense knowledge he possessed was extremely secret and was only revealed to a select few of those times.

The "hermetic" teachings spread through countless countries and societies and were incorporated into all religions to a greater or lesser extent, but they have not been able to identify with any existing country today.

In the beginning, the precepts and teachings were transmitted orally. No written material was used until the appearance of the Kybalion, which compiled teachings, axioms and principles of metaphysics.

Kybalión means container, because this study is applied as a container of wisdom. Probably, one of its main authors was the Count of Saint Germain, who according to specialists and scholars of that time, was one of the reincarnations of Master Hermes.

The Kybalion says: "The principles are seven, he who understands this perfectly possesses the magic key before which all the doors of the Temple will open wide."

The Seven Principles of Metaphysics

  1. Principle of mentalism
  2. Correspondence principle
  3. Vibration principle
  4. Polarity principle
  5. Rhythm principle
  6. Principle of cause and effect
  7. Generation Principle

1. Principle of mentalism

The All is mind; The universe is mental .

To understand this principle it is necessary to start from the base. In our Universe, in which we live there is only one God . There may be different beliefs and perhaps great religious and cultural differences, but God is one and is the same for each and every one of us.

In the Kybali n the concept and the word All are used, from the point of view of the synthesis of the idea of ​​a single Presence.

In the entire universe there is only one Mind and everything that exists is understood within that mind. We are connected by one mind and as a consequence there is only one law, which is manifested in the seven principles of metaphysics.

God is Infinite, Omnipresent and Eternal . Everything was created by him. He believed it in his own Mind. Everything that existed, exists and will be included in that great Universal Mind.

2. Principle of correspondence

As above, so below; as below it is above .

Understanding the scope of the principle of mentalism allows us to understand and accept that, with our thoughts, we create our reality .

The Correspondence Principle will let us understand why sometimes we create negative situations that harm us and harm us. We can understand why strange reasons attract people to us who cheat us and lie to us blatantly and who are even able to rob us.

We must understand that how it is inside is outside and how it is outside is inside.

The things that happen to us and that happen around us are reflections of what happens inside us .

If the person is messy with his things, he shows the disorder inside . And if on the contrary the person is very rigid with order and neatness, it reflects a schematic and hard mind.

There is a direct correspondence between what is spoken and the accompanying body expression. When a person lies, he usually tends to express the discomfort that his interior feels and can be itchy in the face. In children it is very common to see that when they lie they put their hands to their mouths.

Adults do not behave so clearly, but only because they make other similar gestures such as fixing their hair or scratching their nose.

Just as lie detectors work, a kind of internal short circuit occurs in us, an inconvenience that usually culminates with an itchy face.

Also the eye movement accompanies the sequence of thoughts.

If the eyes look up, they look at the images. If it is up to the right, the creative part is activated. Instead, if it is up but to the left, it is being activated to memory.

It is quite easy to deduce, when a person is asked a question and when he answers he looks to the right, he is inventing an answer.

If, on the contrary, he looks to the left, he is remembering something he did.

3. Principle of Vibration

Nothing is still. Everything moves, everything vibrates .

We have already learned that God has created, creates and will create everything, from his own Mind.

We, who have been created in his image and likeness, do exactly the same thing: what we believe is what manifests in our lives.

We have learned that there is a correspondence between what we live outside and what we have inside .

If our existence is chaos, with problems, without love, or we are sick, it is because an idea is ingrained, a programming that leads us to that.

The universe where we are constantly vibrates . Everything is in constant movement and transformation. Each and every one of the parts that make up the Universe, tend to become something better, something superior. It evolves towards a new level of existence.

Life itself is responsible for always pushing us forward, to find a way to live better . When we are tense or remain immovable in a decision, crises appear and the more closed we are in that decision, the stronger the effort the Universe will have to make to get rid of that entanglement.

It is common to find people who have to go through a certain type of illness or accident, or suffer a significant family loss, to realize the value of their own life.

But it is also possible to find people who do not make decisions and that is when the Universe itself makes decisions for them .

4. Principle of Polarity

Everything is double

Everything has two poles

Everything has its pair of opposites

Peers and antagonists are the same

Opposites are identical in nature, but in different degrees.

The ends touch

All the truths are almost true

All paradoxes can be reconciled

In the Universe in which we live everything is double and everything has its pair of opposites . The white and the black. The man and the woman, the heat and the cold, the above and below.

The good and the bad, the rich and the poor, love and hate. Dirty and clean, innocent or guilty.

The Kybalion states that opposites are the same . We can confirm it when we observe a person, who from our personal point of view, we consider very good and then compare it with another person who is very bad.

If we analyze it in depth, we can know that we are talking about exactly the same thing that manifests itself in different degrees. Each of them is at one end.

It is reasonable to think that there are different degrees of goodness and evil at the same time and we can come to understand those extremist people for whom everything is a matter of black or white.

Those people who remain rigid and immovable at their own extremes have to make a lot of effort and it will take a lot of work to find their own balance, their midpoint.

When we exercise these acknowledgments we obtain inner peace if we realize, that the culprit is also innocent and that no one is as good or as bad as he seems .

5. Principle of Rhythm

Everything flows and refluxes. Everything has its periods of advances and setbacks. Everything ascends and descends. Everything moves like a pendulum. The rhythm is the compensation .

We see another of the principles of metaphysics. Just as the waves of the sea move forward and then backward, so the Universe advances and recedes in all things . Life itself has a pendular movement and is repeated infinitely. Born, grow, develop and die.

In the physical plane it is also repeated, as it is repeated in the emotional and mental planes. After a sad period of great sorrow or pain, another full of happiness and joy follows.

It is quite common for mood swings to occur during the same day. We can feel optimistic and extremely happy and soon be sad and worried.

One of the most effective tools to understand the essence of rhythm is meditation . By meditating, a timeless state is reached where all the pressures of everyday life and those that, on the other hand, our own ego does, disappear.

Concentrate the mind on a single thought, on a single word, on some sound of nature or on some mantra.

6. Principle of Cause and Effect

Every cause has its effect and every effect has its cause. Everything happens according to the Law and Luck is nothing more than the name given to an unknown law. There are many planes of chance, but nothing escapes the Law .

Generally, we think that all the good things that happen to us are the product of good actions. That they are the natural result of the good things we do.

But we refuse to understand so easily that the negative situations we live have also been created by us .

We are partly what we genetically possess from our parents, grandparents and great grandparents. Society influences our thoughts, as does the religion we practice or the teaching institution we attend.

The closest friends and sports clubs and interactions among all, make us have shared peculiarities.

The student of the principles of metaphysics should take into account the accumulation of information received throughout his life and consciously select what he wants to remain in his mind, and discard what does not want.

In this learning process one must understand and recognize how our father, our mother and our grandparents thought to be able to choose with total ownership what we chose to think.

7. Principle of Generation

Generation exists in all things. Everything has its masculine and feminine principles. The generation is manifested in all planes .

The Generation Principle refers very especially to creativity . The Kybali n tells us that to create something new it is essential to combine two types of energy: the masculine and the feminine.

If this balance is not achieved, there can be no creative manifestation.

The Generation Principle is independent of sex itself . We are all bearers of masculine energies and feminine energies and to obtain success in our life we ​​must achieve a perfect synchronization and conjugation between them.

Seen in Triskelate, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood principles-metaphysics

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