The 5 holiest places on Earth

  • 2017

Here is a list of the holiest places in the world that deserve at least one visit at some time in your life, regardless of your religion or spiritual ideas.

These are in no particular order, because who can judge which place is the most holy?

The Most Sacred Places in the World

  1. Bodh Gaya, India:

Religion in India is predominantly Hindu, the majority of people in the second most populous country in the world devoutly practice their faith. A minority of the Indians, however , are Buddhists and the reason for this is Bodh Gaya, a place of Buddhist pilgrimage, considered the most sacred place on earth for all Buddhists It is believed that in Bodh Gaya the prince Siddharta Gautama rested under a tree and gained the enlightenment that transformed him into Buddha Gautama . Thousands of pilgrims come to the place to try to reach even a pinch of the wisdom that is said of Buddha won there.

  1. Mount Sina, Egypt:

According to Jewish, Islamic and Christian history, Mount Sina was the place of one of the most crucial moments of religious and divine history. Located on the peninsula of the Sina of Egypt, the summit of the mountain was where Moses said he had spoken with God and received the 10 commandments, written on two tables of stone. This account has been mentioned in the Tor, the Cor and the Bible . Thousands of pilgrims walk to the top standing where Moisés got up and numerous religious groups have erected a place of worship there, to give their members the opportunity to pray.

  1. Glastonbury Tor, England:

In English Somerset County, one would not expect to find sacred ground. However, Glastonbury Tor is another of the most sacred places in the world, a hill that, according to legend , contains a mystical aura . The ancient Celts believed that it housed at the entrance of the house of Gwyn ap Nudd, the Celtic king of the Fairies. In recent years, it is believed to be Avalon, where the coffins of King Arthur and Queen Geneva were supposedly found at the top of the hill. Another legend states that it was the site of the Holy Grail . No matter the myth, it seems that Glastonbury Tor has been shown to emit positive energy to visitors who walk through its hills. Many have claimed that they felt lighter and happier as they descended the hill.

  1. Mecca, Saudi Arabia:

Everyone baptized in the Muslim faith has the mandate to visit Mecca at least once in his life. Located in Saudi Arabia, Mecca is considered the most sacred city of the Islamic faith, as it was the birthplace of the prophet and founder of Islam, Muhammad. Every day, Muslims are expected to say a prayer in the direction of the Kaaba, which is located in Mecca and is considered the holiest site in Islam.

  1. Jerusalem, Israel:

One of the holiest cities in the world is also ironically, devoid of peace and order, due to clashes between Israelis and Palestinians. These clashes date back to biblical times due to territorial disputes. However, Jerusalem is still considered a sacred site by three religions : Judaism, Christianity and Islam . Among the three religions, which is perhaps considered the most sacred for Christians, since it was in Jerusalem, where Jesus lived, preached and died . Literally millions of pilgrims travel to Jerusalem to walk where Jesus walked: to the room where the last supper was celebrated; to the garden of Gethsemane where he was captured; by the Via Dolorosa, in which he carried the burden of carrying his cross; and finally to Mount Calvary, where he was crucified.

These are only 5 of the most sacred places in the whole world, but in reality there are many more, which like these have great sacred value.

AUTHOR: JoT333, editor of the family

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