Planetary Message From the Isis Collective: Reborn

  • 2014

via Maryanne Rada

We are Isis We are an Almico Group of the entity known as Isis. We have been part of the history of humanity on the planet that you know as the Earth. From our collective energy Being comes the form in times when the people of the Earth need to be reborn. Isis has been in her history before as a mother; She embodies the natural form of love that cannot be denied. Remember that she has been part of the transformation of humanity in the past, at a time when the world changed its pattern of expression, when the time came when men advanced powerfully in the sunlight while carrying Its shadows inside. Since that time no trace has been left intact for a long time than it had been before. However, the spirit of the mother cannot be denied, and as long as there is some ability for humans to transform themselves from ignorance to understanding, as long as there is some sense of pain to be healed, the loving one The mother of whom they have heard being called Isis will return to help them emerge to life again.

Where has she been here who they call Isis when the world returned to foolishness and abuse of self and others? She has been in the form of knowledge within the heart of man and woman that there is still more to reveal the deepest pain. His presence has moved like light through the darkness of the night in the minds of people who seek to find their way back to human expression in the integrity of being, without the limitations of what The road has darkened. When the time comes to be born, there will be no obstacle between being and life itself. In this, Isis has been the conduit for the passage to life, and it will be again for those who are ready to travel through that transition. You have to decide for yourself what you are going to do when the time comes to answer the call from the farthest corners of the being to where you are, a human on Earth.

Know that we, the Collective Being of Isis, are surrounding the world now, so we are present for each individual, as present as Nature, as life itself. Command our response upon your arrival at maturity, and you will have our support to choose transformation, rebirth, life. We will help you throughout the process of letting go of death as life and the illusion of the limitation that hinders imagining your way forward. When they are ready to discard the labels and artifacts of self-definition, they will be free to see their own being more clearly and with greater love. Who they know as Isis is present in the era now; she lives in many who are attending the planetary revival. She is also present for any individual, as a child who is ready to welcome the mother's love to her very being.

We are everywhere just as Nature is everywhere. We welcome you to enter this time of transformation with the joy with which Nature welcomes the impulse of the life of the planet and the warmth of the sun and the love that is the current of universal, living integrity and good. As you pause to think about this in the days ahead, remember how to see with the eyes of the heart and the heart of the mind, and you will come to know who and what is really what you call Isis. We are aligning our consciousness with you now and remain in service to Love, to greet you in a new inner light.

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Translated by Gloria

Planetary Message From the Isis Collective: Reborn

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