The mission you are here for has just begun

  • 2018

We are present on this occasion in order to help you during each of the stages that make up your earthly path to divine Ascension . We are able to help them create a much more balanced existence; hopelessly, that leads us to talk about the balance that must exist between female-male polarities, which at the same time are about physical-spiritual polarities.

The feminine-masculine

In order to totally change the balance of their physical-spiritual polarity, they must find that space that exists "in the middle" of the feminine and the masculine. The combination of the feminine and masculine polarities has to disintegrate, since it is essential that these polarities be able to recognize each other to be founded as a Unit.

By becoming a total Unity, both the physical and the spiritual are able to balance naturally, which will allow them to easily learn the lesson of the “ Pentagram ”, which consists of the head towards the stars and the feet clinging tightly to the earth while the Heart is completely open. In this way, you will have the opportunity not only to collect, but also to easily order each of the heavenly messages that have been received over the years, through the conception that exists between you and us, and above all, due to the strong connection that keeps them anchored to Mother Earth.

The role of female-negative electrons is to extract energy and place it in protons, and on the contrary, the role of male-positive protons is based on chasing electrons to get that energy. This function is a "catch and shoot", so that the more balanced and fluid the energy, the greater the awakening of Light that the body experiences, being able to finally develop perceptions that are much farther from the limits illusory, created by the third dimension that governs the Earth.

Love, Power and Wisdom

Within most of the civilizations that have existed throughout the existence of their world, patriarchal energy has been characterized as the energy that has managed to rule the Earth for numerous years; precisely for this reason, at this time his world is experiencing a great imbalance that has caused the Power to gain greater importance in the face of the force of Love. And since there is no adequate balance between the power of Power and that of Love, it is quite complicated Access the force of Wisdom.

The balance between the forces of Male-Power and Female-Love is what allows the force that belongs to the androgynous, to the great internal power that each of you possess, to his Wisdom. It is for this reason that those women who are wise and are leading within the earthly project, have a great masculine energy, while the wise men who are leading are closely connected to their feminine energy. Fortunately, thanks to the evolution that most of you have experienced, currently Love, Power and Wisdom harmonize within a large number of creatures that inhabit Gaia, especially those that have access to the 4th, in which the physical form is released from certain strict laws of limitation and separation.

The heart of the Crystal Matrices

Since the beginning of time, the heart chakra has dominated the relationships between male / female and personal / planetary ; That is why we constantly invite you to open your hearts to get in harmony with the Universe and its energies, and this time we say goodbye by doing it again.

Beloved brothers of the Earth, open your hearts to advance in your Ascension process, remember that everything you need is in you and once you access that information you will be able to more easily travel your earthly path.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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