Saint Germain ~ Relationships

  • 2014

August 22, 2014 channeled via M line Portia Lafont

Regards, I AM Saint Germain

Let's talk about relationships. Ah yes, the eternal fairy tale and a mystery to understand for many. Let me share my knowledge about relationships as I have experienced many on their earthly shores in the present past.

There are several modes and levels of relationships and different types of relationships that you all go through so that, after all, you come to an understanding and know that all you have been doing is actually having a relationship. With themselves. Look, the relationships are here to share beautiful moments and less beautiful moments with each other, and to reflect each other who you are and what they are made of: pure Love!

So one other you in the form of another physical expression or person comes into your life and you decide to enter into a relationship based on various ways of expressing this and sharing it with one another. Therefore, you have relationships based on a friendship where there is no romance in life but a deep and deep connection based on respect, recognition and admission of one's expression and personality. The friends do reflect energy signatures of their being about what is happening in their inner planes and support each other in that same resonance.

So you attract friends to your life, which will go through the same things and share the same thoughts and interests to some degree, if not all, so that your friends can support what is actually happening in your Interior and improve everything. Consequently, those energies in your inner plane that need to transcend and let go is what is improving, and you support each other in your resonance, and therefore, share and improve what you are being asked to let go.

Then, you have romantic relationships and a deep Love, a type of relationship between a million of them that you never believed would come true. These relationships are really reflective relationships that show you where you are in life and its evolution, for you attract what you are in a conscious state. Oh yes, now we get to the point of a real 'deal'. Let's talk more about this holographic reality of mirrors

Often romantic engagements are of a deep nature and kind, a kind of feeling that it is one in a million where they connect deeply with being. You can be sure that when you share this feeling you will be accompanied by a deep mutual recognition, that you have shared past lives together. Now, that could have happened in various ways and forms, not always as a romantic involvement, but it is palpable that they know each other. You can be Spiritual Friends, Twin Souls, or Twin Flames. Each connection level has its own depth, energy signature and function.

In these relationships, beings have decided to reconnect in this life and play a role in the evolution and process of mutual Ascension. This can vary from supporting growth with strength and love to attending to release karma, which is done by reflecting and seducing what is still within you at that particular time to go outside and unfold or be experienced by you. in order to transcend it and see it as a part of you in the first place.

So whatever role you have assumed and that your 'other half' in that relationship has assumed, everything is a part of this holographic reality that you both agreed to create so that you both experience what Love is in the various Possible levels It is in a Divine Order to take you to that knowledge that you are Love and to embrace with that Love. That is why these relationships are here in the first place, to teach you who you are and bring you back to that natural sense of what Love is truly .

This is how, when one longs for a relationship, one really longs for it for oneself because there is a feeling that something is missing in oneself. Although that is what one mistakenly believes to be true, on the other hand that is already really within one and has always been; so you ask to be reminded of that particular knowledge through experience, and for that the relationships are the best. The perfect mirror with that perfect person at that time and in mutual resonance.

Relationships can be beautiful to share and experience, especially when the bond is connected with being and both are deeply related to each other, that is when they can begin to experience themselves in another way. When both have awakened, they resonate with each other and begin to understand, to grasp, and to see that the other is simply another form and expression of the Self, there is so much more to see in themselves through the other. You can begin to play and consciously experience the various you and the different levels of Love and mergers, as well as the powerful co-creations. It is as if there is a profound change and a re-awakening to your own higher level of being that you embrace.

At some point you could reach that crucial moment in which you realize and feel that you do not really need any more relationship in terms of pointing out what you still need to see as you begin to live more in yourself ~ your expanded state. The feeling of being complete within themselves is the result of the fusion with their Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, which is the meeting of the Twin Flame. They have a relationship with themselves being Love. They go inside and face what they need to see and change what is possible as they embrace and recognize that fact.

However, there may still be a need to have company inside, so they ask the Universe for that kind of relationship they seek or need, and the Universe will present them on a plate as a result of their own creation. Humanity has felt alone and separated for too long to simply take a leap to that sudden point of being and feel complete with yourself, although that is where you all go in due time when you are ready and willing to do so.

When you are in a state of knowing that in fact everything is already inside and that your partner is another expression of you on several levels, you can share, create and have wonderful moments in resonance where much creation, inspiration and Love flow from that relationship, in which respect and freedom are something pivotal. Uniting as a Source and merging its energies is to remain in a sense and awareness of the power of co-creation. When everything vibrates in a Love of heart, everything is truly possible, and this type of relationship is the mark of the new world of being and living. In the new world, relationships, if any, are based on resonance and co-creation, rather than relying on karma and a sense of lack of something.

My friends, have a good one if you choose to participate in this hologram of relationships, but always keeping in mind that it is about you in some way with whom you are dating. How do you all feel to know this? Wonderful, isn't it? If they had reached that understanding before, would they have made that trip through relationships anyway? I would certainly do it because relationships are a world of their own and that is really a Master's degree and a school in itself. They are the best teachers, although this will eventually be
also transcended at a certain point and at a certain level. All in due time because the Master's is a creation and process in itself, and that must also be done step by step so that they reach that point of enlightenment.

Blessings to all from the heart forever
I AM Saint Germain

Now Modules 1 and 2 are channeled for you to reconnect with your Higher Self. For more information go to: tp: //! Courses / c1etk

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Saint Germain ~ Relationships

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