Sit in Silence ... simply because ... by Serapis Bey

  • 2014
Message from Ascended Master Serapis Bey ~ December 6 to 13, 2013
Received by Julie Miller

Do you remember, dear ones, of the days long before cell phones and high-tech devices distracted you from your ability to listen to the gentle tranquility of nature? Long before the explosion of technical advances existed there was a time when Divine silence covered the Earth from one corner to another where peace and silence were not different Easy to find. Now, with the bustle of progress, it is a growing challenge to find that mantle of peace. When peace is finally found, what is also frequently found is the feeling that all your wishes and prayers concerning the future, not only of your own life but of the life of each person who shares your Earth with you, will become reality. Arriving to this place of a deep and respectful silence a great internal growth happens. My dear ones, it is important to tune into this silence - with the peace coming from within, and communicate with your whole Being through subtle energy. You already know, my dear ones, how connected you are with God through your precious heart that beats in your chest and with the living Earth that breathes and thrives under your feet. Changes will always come; it is up to you to make the best of each opportunity for the greatest good of all.
Even within all the noise that his advanced era has brought, it is equally important now that before all the advances find a place where they can focus their attention on God, their Mother Earth and the world of Spirit, while discovering ways that be effective for your ability to interact with others, regardless of whether they are your neighbor or someone who lives on the other side of the world What a challenge your new and exciting world poses when you are trying to forge a Divine and Sacred connection with God! It is enough to learn how to silence the mind, but it is an even greater challenge to silence the noises of the outside world with its silence, but nothing is impossible my dear ones when you want enough to achieve something so important to you. The incessant chattering of each person has replaced the cheerful bubbling of a stream or the whispering leaves of a willow tree. What is heard most often now is the noise of a busy office, a noisy classroom full of excited children, gossip or video games that distract people of various ages from the serenity of nature and the calm that it brings with him. One of the things that we have witnessed, my dear ones, is that with the advancement of their technical devices there has been an increase in the fear of Beings in the modern era of being alone because they have become accustomed to knowing everything by pressing a button. The many dear beings who are just entering this advanced era of information and technology are having a hard time communicating with their Inner Self and with God. This requires a great discipline now to turn off phones, games and other high-tech devices and keep out external distractions to put a full and pure focus on their spiritual and personal growth and development. Silence is essential my dear. Through comforting silence you can improve your own individual consciousness and conscious state in order to feed your entire Being from the Source of your Divine creation. Know, my dear ones, that God is the Source of the nourishment of your whole Being to revive and revive peace and calm from within so that you can share that balanced and loving nature of your Being with others. Understand, my dear ones, that without silence it is very difficult to listen to God, His Guide and Divine Direction, because there are too many distractions demanding your attention. Choosing to ignore the silence seems to have become an epidemic for some dear Beings who have become spellbound by the explosion of information and technology, and becoming very proud to be too busy to be able to take time and smell the roses or simply sit under a silent tree Silence is essential my dear ones, so that your inner achievements may prosper; they cannot be satisfied with external influences or distractions. You cannot forge your Inner Self without silence. Understand the depth of your Being and what is manifested from the silent moments in which you enter and that bring you closer to the understanding of the purpose of your life and this silence because whatever time you enter it, your comforting kingdom away from the clutching claws of the distractions of the outside world, and that is where you can rest in the peace and calm that your heart and your Being have been yearning for. We know that they cannot always be silent; We understand that many of you work, go to school or run a home business or take care of the children; However, with discipline they can easily add time in their busy week to silence. Make space at least once a week for yourself to flow through the comforting and peaceful energy that brings silence and that allows your Being to exhale through the comfort that your heart is also experiencing during these quiet moments with your Inner Self. . As you allow yourself to have a weekly time of stillness and silence with all your Self, you give yourself the great gift of healing and renewed exuberance for life and for the challenges from which you have taken a break.
Think of silence as the language of your Being. Through the silent moments that you give yourself you allow your Self to guide you through the loving energy of God to go in new directions in your outer activities where you could improve them through new ones. and creative methods and ways. Arriving at home, to your silence, you will deepen the meaning and purpose of your life my dear ones. My dear ones, without silence it is not possible to evolve to higher states of consciousness and to be aware. The development of your personal and spiritual trajectory requires you to become more aware of your own I as contributing members of society as a whole. Through silence, my dear ones, you find out who you really are, what is authentic and real, and you learn to let go of what you imagined to be. It is essential to instill a special time of silence in the universe of your life for healthy growth and development of your total Self; Just as your body requires food, your Being requires silence. You will soon come to realize that it is equally important to have a healthy personal life than to have a healthy spiritual life when you recognize your connection with God and with all the Divine gifts given by Him as a means of expressing His Love to through his actions, words, thoughts, feelings and will.
Life will continue to live frivolously until each loved one learns to consider himself as sufficiently deserving of having the sanctuary of peace that they find within the element of silence permeating every corner of their life. lives Know, my dear ones, that the more frequent the sacred and precious silence of your Inner Self, the more you approach God and His Powerful Presence. Remember that silence is the path for the growth of your spiritual path that will bring positive changes to your personal life. His time of stillness and silence can be found through deep contemplation or meditation, or simply sitting in a quiet place or watching the sky turn from day to night; silence can be found in endless places and ways, the important thing is to discover the best way to find silence for you, my dear ones, to reconnect with your Inner Self and with the Source of Energy Light of your Being. You are restoring balance, peace and calm to your whole Being every time you choose to be silent and listen to what is only within you. Remember, dear ones, that in order to restore balance, peace and the way in which your life is destined to be lived, you will always find yourself setting aside time to be silent. I AM the Ascended Master Serapis Bey via Julie Miller

Sit in Silence just because yes

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