Padre Pio: Rainbow energies arrive from Orion

Beloved children of light, there is much love, much confidence and a magnitude of irradiation on this day, which covers the entire planet. Today myriad of rainbow-colored beings are radiating light to the planet, because on this date that apparently celebrates a tragic episode for America, in reality rainbow bridges are being laid To start a new stage.

The energies that descend from Orion manifest a magnitude never before thought. There are huge diamond buds that, like merkhabas, descend to the planet in places where special irradiation is required. These places are places where energy is anchored but with a disease energy. Times have come in which the cycles of disease apparently return, we say apparently, because these diseases are being ideologically implanted on the planet. These dark buds of disease that are in different countries, are being reconverted by these other crystals that are descending from Orion to implant the codes of Happiness and Bliss.

Padre Pio speaks to you.

The energy of cure falls in abundance because there is much need on the planet to avoid confusion, mental disturbance and this collective idiosyncrasy of believing that the disease can be transmuted with a vaccine, with a medication. Medicines are necessary, they have made a great benefit to humanity for a long time, but what happens, it is time for the human being to realize that with the frequencies that are going down it is much easier to raise one's own personal frequency to enter A new stage, a new cycle.

On this day in confidence and gratitude, they are being placed in large buds of information where people who are frightened in certain countries, enter those protective cocoons to be restored, to be blessed. There, in those seed buds, beings erase old pain records, which have been attracted to their own DNA and are being activated by other forces to frighten more than is really happening. And children ... poor children, suffer from the same frequency as adults, but are massively led to receive adverse medications.

Be cautious, some need information to know how to preserve their health. But others are taken blindly. It is time that you can differentiate forces, it is time that you can really discover what is happening. Through my essence, from my sacred heart, in the sacred place where I am, I send you a hug in gratitude and compassion, to be able to restore all those memories of pain that humanity brings.

They are ancient diseases, which do not really return today, have been brought ex profeso under other names. Take care, dear souls, it is time that you strengthen yourself, it is time that you can really discover this Rainbow frequency that descends today.

Through this channel the Rainbow energy at this moment, is descending to many people. The people who form the groups that the soul coordinates, the people who are here, the people who are in other places, and who also coincide energetically with this frequency and those who will receive this channeling, this audio, at home, in their space, where this restoration energy will be recreated again. This is an arc of time that is offered today, with supreme frequency. Embrace yourself in the light, recognize this truth, and visualize yourself wrapped in a cocoon of light, like a rainbow-colored diamond. This frequency has been transmitted through the essences of Lotos, which this soul has channeled in higher frequencies for the planet, and which have also been channeled into meditations that are carried out to ascend the DNA patterns, and to ascend the memories. of pain

Today you are provided with precious information. There is work to be done that will expand in the coming months. This work is going to be done in a group, and with groups in different countries, this is an open call to start an open space of gratitude where they will meet, not only as in a council, as happened a while ago, but also You will install a rainbow membrane in certain countries, to form a diamond between the north and the south, between the North and South continents, in certain countries that form this diamond and it is very important that it be closed before 19 May of next year. This work to be prepared, will be done from the month of November, in scale, with different information that will be arriving, and this information will be providing the contributions so that in each site the irradiation arcs are illuminated.

Why it is so important to radiate, because if you knew how much energy of dissatisfaction is dissipated through irradiation. If you knew how many souls gather in a big hug to expand BEAUTY. If you knew how much LOVE opens, and how much multiplied love you will receive, then you would already be sitting meditating.

In honor and gratitude to your sacred hearts, bless this hour. Seal your heart with a flower, your heart is a sacred flower, a flower that is a blue lotus. Today it is blue, because through this blue color, they will transmute the ego, especially for those who feel powerful or omnipotent.

Visualize this blue lotus, breathe deeply until you feel that the blue lotus encompasses all your aura, and through your aura illuminated in blue, close your cocoon with this intention: I AM an illuminated blue lotus that expands love and gratitude, in manifest confidence Beauty, in confidence I expand and expand my love. And in this expansion I meet all the beings on mission that are igniting the unconditional reflections of love on planet earth. May this lotus of consecration allow us to meet mirror beings, gathered on different continents.

This is a sign of openness, greeting and manifestation.

Bless your hearts, bless your souls. Illuminated on this day, in confidence, your houses, in Rainbow color.

Bless you, Padre Pio.

Channeled by: María del Carmen Vila © .Anikha -

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