Activating your pineal by Abjini Arráiz

  • 2014

I am reviewing a book that I wrote for my Sacred Geometry workshops, on topics that I consider super important for awakening, dedicated to my students, there I include the experiences of how I have achieved my own awakening, to accompany the path that is transiting or to open to those who want to transit this other angle of perceiving reality.

One of these issues that I consider relevant and that I want to share with you is that of the pineal gland.

For the Egyptians of the School of the eyes of Horus, this gland was the door to the spirit world, the tunnel of connection between the physical body (Khat) and the spirit (Ka), a kind of antenna towards multidimensionality, through from this portal they left the superior worlds of the gods and goddesses to the Duat.

This school left us a legacy with very effective tools to open that channel of perception in these times of change. I share one below.

Anatomically this gland is the size of a bean and is located in the center of the brain, its name comes from the Latin word Pinea which means pinion. From ancient Sumeria to the present day the pinion has been used as a spiritual symbol, in Greece, in Rome and even in papal canes.

Also in the Hindu tradition it is recognized as the third eye, the sixth chakra, the ajna, the vision chakra. A lot of symbology is woven around him, the bindi in the middle of the eyebrows that denotes the illumination, the representation of Shiva and other deities with an eye on his forehead as a sign of his connection, his awakening.

Today we know that the pineal gland is literally an eye that is in the geometric center of the brain, responsible for secreting neutral transmitters such as melatonin that regulates sleep cycles (circadian cycles) or the serotonin that is said to be responsible for Happiness and good mood.

In recent scientific research it has been found that lizards have a third light-sensitive eye that secretes melatonin just like our pineal gland, which would be "the eye of the mind" according to Dr. Cheryl Craft, Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Cell and Neurobiology, University of Southern California.

Even in dissections of the gland, it has been discovered that its anatomy is basically that of an eye, with photo receptors (rods and cones) such as retinal tissue, connected to the terminals of the visual cortex of the brain and even with vitreous humor as well. That eye.

The pineal gland also secretes DMT in our body, this is another very particular neutral transmitter that is secreted only on special occasions such as birth, death, vivid dreams and mystical experiences. The reason for its metabolism is not yet known scientifically.

In shamanic traditions, power plants such as Ayahuasca or Yage are the resources used to activate this gland, plants that, when ingested, due to their DMT content, open that portal that connects with the higher worlds. This has been the flight of the shaman, of the indigenous visionaries of our continent.

I have much to thank the Taitas of Colombia for having guided me by their hand and some urban Shamans of Peru for having opened that door of perception, thanking for having experienced with them the flights of the eagle, the connection with my own vision, with my ancestors stellar, with the union to the whole universe.

Thanks to these experiences I can now understand how that dimensional portal works, which is that point of light in the middle of the head, which radiates and receives, many times when I close my eyes I find myself in front of that portal, geometric kaleidoscope with infinite variety of fluorescent light colors, that like a tunnel take me to those other worlds, those other universes, to have spiritual experiences where you feel that you are only light, frequency, vibration.

We also know that the pineal gland can deteriorate and calcify due to the fluoride we eat, which in addition to being a poison, attracts heavy metals to itself, such as mercury, lead, aluminum and others.

On this issue, a whole conspiracy theory is woven to keep us asleep, beyond this, it is a reality that since 1960 the fluoridation of water in the United States officially began and that many countries such as Europeans followed their recommendation with the excuse of That was good for dentures. Other countries like Venezuela chose to put fluoride in salt.

The truth is that today it is known to be a poison and yet it is still added to the salt water and many of the junk foods. So consciously we have to take care of ourselves.

Fortunately you can reverse the calcification, detoxify and activate the pineal gland with the suggestions that I will share.

How to detoxify the pineal gland

To detoxify it, release the accumulated fluorine crystals, the first step is to completely eliminate fluoride from the daily diet, then there are other things that help:

• Stop drinking water with fluoride, stop using salt or fluoride toothpastes.
• Always drink, as far as possible, purified mineral water.
• Change the diet to a basically alkaline and organic preferably.
• Consume green juices in the morning with fruits, coriander, lemon, spirulina. Coriander is one of the plants that most helps eliminate heavy metals.
• Take sunbaths daily for short periods, or failing to consume solarized water in indigo blue bottles, in addition to receiving the activation solar codes.
• If you want to do a fluoride detoxification you can spend a day drinking tamarind water, studies have revealed that tamarind is very effective in cleaning the fluoride through the urine, even the one that lodges in the bones.
• Meditating, doing yoga, performing any spiritual practice
• Listening to bowl sounds, Tibetan bells
• Singing mantras

Visualization to activate your pineal

A simple visualization that comes from the School of the eyes of Horus that I want to share is: imagine that a bubble with the shape of the Flower of Life enters your forehead and installs in the middle of your head and begins to shine as a star. Feel like that white light with geometric reflections like a disco ball, shine in the center of your head This is repeated daily for 21 you will see the results.

Abjini Arráiz


Activating your pineal by Abjini Arráiz

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