Rooting Display

Rooting is something that almost everyone has thought or considered at some time

But the rooted is not a thought, it is an action, a tool that dissipates the thoughts that inside us produce noise, anxiety and the unwanted emotions that run through our bodies. It is an exercise that you can apply to your person, your home, car, computer, etc ...

It allows unwanted energy to seep into the earth. Creation of the Octahedron. When you hear that you are a walking drummer, perhaps your first reaction is to laugh out loud. If that is achieved, while reading these lines, we have already advanced a long way. Well, laughter is the best medicine.

However, as a Spiritual Scientist, I would like you to become aware of your aura, of that space that is also called the etheric body. This (seemingly invisible) site retains and fills every thought, word and action that occurs within you and in your environment. That is, it is a transmitter of information and many of the data it contains, have nothing to do with you. Therefore, if YOU control this energy field, you can act as an antenna and adjust EVERYTHING you want to attract into your existence. In the seminars and courses I teach, I show you tools to build this powerful energy field and make it work in YOUR favor.

For in this way, an alignment with the information of the Change is promoted, from the inside out and you begin to vibrate with the frequency of your Divine Inner (ID). In Sacred Geometry, there are five forms known as Platonic Solids, which have unique characteristics. One of them is the Octahedron. It is a four-sided pyramid, with the tip up and a second four-sided pyramid, connected to the base and pointing down. Building and sustaining the Octahedron creates a sense of contention.

This containment is not a wall or a defense system; It is an imperceptible vehicle, which allows you to perform all your actions, without being affected by noise or external chaos. It is also an antenna that aligns with the Light and the Infinite Intelligence that is transmitted in the present times from the Central Sun of the Galaxy. This tool, together with others of easy application, create an integration of your energy centers and the miracle happens, because you get in alignment with everything you are and simply filter, what you are not.

YOU FIND YOUR MISSION. A QUEEN is the WOMAN who knows, nourishes, respects and loves herself.

The day I realized, I noticed him because of his absence.

Book: ASPOSOS DEL ESP RITU by Jim Self and Roxana Burnet available at: translated by Linda Wurts

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