With the light in the Look: The best service by Alberto Agraso

  • 2013

The best service

What better service can we offer our world than a healthy look? What better help can we give to others than to adopt and share a happy look, a cheerful, positive, assertive, understanding look ...? What better legacy can we grant with our lives than to wear a look where Love resides? A look capable of perceiving magnificence in everything that exists?

The world does not need to be saved, the world needs to look with new eyes.

How many times I stopped doing something important to me in my life, something that I really wanted because I thought there was someone who needed me: a sister, a sick father, a friend, a girlfriend, my association, my job, my ...

I became a bastard because I did not fly to my destiny while trying to save others from their own problems. When, in truth, what I was giving them was the appearance that they needed me to be able to solve them. Confirming them and feeding that poor idea about themselves. I was telling them "you just can't."

In the great moments of my life I have always had to put aside my belief that someone needed me to move on. I've had to trust me, but I've also had to trust the worth of those I left behind. As incredible as it may seem, the latter was always the most difficult. But I could always check later that, in reality, nothing was destroyed without my presence, each one continued on his way and found his own form. Curiously, with my decision to free myself, most of the time we all did it.

From this base, today whenever I help someone I do it happily, not from a supposed duty. I do it freely and for love, not for obligation. Thanks to this when I help I don't feel resentful. I also don't feel guilty when I don't.

I have stopped helping economically or materially who I see that what you really need is self-confidence, confidence that you can. I have stopped helping financially when I see that my help only breeds more illusion of dependence. And when I do it is always symbolic, my material help is a metaphor for raising that brother's consciousness in the light. My financial contribution is accompanied by a silent "Namaste", or a more modern "I See You", as in the Avatar movie. My help is not a help but a present, a sign of recognition. I am telling him "I know who you are behind the veil of appearances, I know that you and I are the same, we are walking the same path, acting in the same work."

I keep helping, and I think that more efficiently than ever, but I do it almost always in the field of beliefs, of the "perception of things", because I think that is where the real problem lies. I try to raise the look that person has, which will help them improve their circumstances or realize that these, from the new look, have ceased to be a problem.

Thus, in this way, I stop collaborating in the illusion that we are dependent or needy beings and reaffirm my own paradigm, and theirs, that we are all beings that we can use for ourselves.

Let's stop trying to save the world. Let's stop trying to meet the needs of others while ours are neglected. Let's stop trying to fulfill what others expect of us and focus on fulfilling our own dreams first of all, because if not, nobody will make any come true.

Aircraft oxygen masks have the slogan "Put on the mask before helping others." We should apply that wise advice throughout our journey through life.

I am not saying that we do not collaborate in improving things but that we do so from the base that this collective improvement is not in danger. Humanity is not in danger is evolving, and that evolution is unstoppable. The improvement of others does not depend on us, it depends on each of them individually. And many times by meddling with our radical ideas of what's right and what's wrong, we slow it down.

What depends on us is our own improvement. Let's focus on improving each one of us and in our process we will help others improve themselves. Interestingly in this way the world will also improve.

If we all focused on this I think that the world would quickly be a happier place.

We would be happy because we would be doing what we are really passionate about instead of wasting our time in sacrificing ourselves for others who do not really need it, which are ultimately even harmed by it. By feeding them with that false idea that they are not self-sufficient. What those people, what humanity in general needs is to believe. Believe in yourself, believe that you can.

That is the greatest gift we can give ourselves.

I ask again what better gift can I give to someone than what has certainly served me? What better gift can I give him than inspire confidence in himself and in life? To pass on the knowledge that, if you want, with the right attitude, you can? What better gift than talking about that attitude that, in my experience, will help you on your way? What better gift than to show him the door and let him have the courage, the confidence and the constancy of crossing it, and of finally reaping his own fruits?

We can teach, educate, give advice, a guide, an inspiration, show a path, share an experience, a look that can help them help themselves. But they have to cross the door and walk the road. And even if you are not there, rest assured that sooner or later they will. When they are prepared, one way or another, with or without you, they will find the way.

Only when the student is ready does the teacher appear.

Because that teacher, regardless of the means through which it manifests itself, whether through me, you, a book, a movie, a school, an organization, an inspiration ... that teacher is essentially the same for all, the inner Master who dwells in each one of us. Our true Self, our true Essence.

We are not so essential, except for ourselves. Only we can hear our inner voice. Only we can follow her. No one will make the way for us. And if someone did ... it would be of little use to us.

The best gift we can give someone is to listen to that voice, follow our hearts, pursue our dreams and be an example to others that they too can follow them. Make our wishes come true and bring the blessing of that new creation to the world, and along with it the promise or at least the hope that others can also do the same. Stop sacrificing ourselves so that others stop doing so, and thus cease that insane and terrible chain of endless sacrifice.

We are not victims, we are creators.

We can walk together, we can collaborate on common projects and dreams, in making this a better world. Because that ends up being sooner or later the natural consequence of pursuing our dreams: the desire to improve our environment. Because when we improve, the natural desire to benefit others with that improvement grows, to share our gift, our happiness, our joy, our creativity. Transforming what one day was a chain of sacrifice into one of blissful creativity and expansion for the common benefit. Nobody wants to be the only happy being on the planet.

The best gift we can give to society is to understand that each and every one of us comes to this world with the ability to improve and consequently improve it, that we all have the potential to make our dreams come true and, what is certain, At least cover all our needs.

We all come with that ability. All: poor, oppressed, illiterate, sick, invalid, lame, maniac, blind, deaf, immature ...

We can all improve our circumstances, unless ... unless we believe otherwise.

Let us help then in what really matters. Let us help above all to eradicate that belief. Let's help raise our eyes.

Source: http://www.conlaluzenlamirada.blogspot.ca/2011/10/el-mejor-servicio.html

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