Medieval Gnostic Esotericism

  • 2018

Fortunately in our time we can talk about esotericism in public, whether we are in the light of day or in the darkness of the night. But let's think that it hasn't always been that way. The Inquisition of the Middle Ages pursued from every point of view any type of Gnostic esotericism and any condition.

Cornelio Agrippa, Felipe Teofrasto Bombastro de Hohenheim (Aureola seem like) and also the famous Dr. Fausto, charming and renowned magician of the time.

These men were disciples of the venerable great master Abate Trithemius, who taught esotericism in his own medieval monastery and never went to the stake.

Even when the cruel and antihuman practices of the Inquisition were in force, directed with extreme wisdom and perversion by the Catholic Church, Gnostic esotericism always remained alive within the monasteries

At that time it was not possible to speak publicly about these issues as we can do today. Whoever spoke or proceeded with his actions, in certain actions that the church and his heartless representatives failed, was judged by a heretic and a sorcerer and burned alive in the public square .

Medieval Gnostic Esotericism, the Inquisition and Torture

The actions carried out by the Holy Office during the Inquisition are creepy and very unpleasant.

The inquisitors claimed that by throwing the witches into the water, they did not sink. They floated because the devil helped them and then it was absolutely necessary to subject them to another type of physical torture.

The most imbued Inquisitors of religiosity, and the most faithful Catholics, proposed that their hands be tied behind the body and that they be tied to the pulpit, leaving them hanging in the air.

The Inquisitor said that it was an infallible system since the sorcerer or the witch, when found in those circumstances, would return by himself and with the help of his own witchcraft and that of the devil himself, to place himself on the pulpit and "sing", that is, confess your crime.

That is, in one way or another the inquisitor's mandate was always fulfilled . It always ended at the stake.

The Inquisition has based its procedures on fraudulent and manipulated actions since its inception. In one of the acts of faith of the Inquisition you can read: “… there was a subject in the country of Germany who, walking through a forest, found a group of people who were in the Sabath.

When those people were discovered, they completely submerged themselves in the Fourth Vertical and disappeared. More left on the ground a cup in which the names of various personalities of the time were written on paper ... ".

Obviously, that cup with the names of those involved in that "witchcraft" went to the hands of the representatives of the Holy Inquisition. And they had no choice but to burn them publicly in a bonfire.

Gnostic esotericism was always persecuted and especially in the Middle Ages . The Inquisition also arrived in Turkey and the inquisitors spared no evil when they said that “lift the nails of the witches and sorcerers and nail them so that they feel pain, or take them to the tower of martyrdom or the well, or burn the plants of the feet, etc. It was part of Divine Justice, ordained by God. ”

The inquisition reached such extremes against his struggle against esotericism that he believed his own lies and lies. A priest had to confess, under torture, that he had sexual intercourse with a demon woman for more than forty years.

The old ninety-year-old priest went to an enormous bonfire with his old bones in the middle of the public square.

Between thousands and thousands of stories of those times we find that of another monk who had to admit that "he was always accompanied by an invisible female demon who had copulated with him for many years."

Evidently he was dragged to the stake and burned in public so that everyone present could appreciate the immense power of the Church and its vassals.

Seen in Gnosis-Samael Aunweor, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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