The Future of the Earth and your Role

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 The Future of the Earth and the Role of Humanity 2 The Role of the Beings of the Inner Plane 3 How to instigate the satisfactory evolution of the Earth 4 What is the vision of your soul and the frequency of realization and evolution from the earth?

"The future of the Earth and your role" is the message that Our Dear Archangel Michael wants to share with us today, Channeling through Natalie Glasson, will impact you! Listen to it now through your reading!

The Future of the Earth and the Role of Humanity

Focusing on harmony, love, peace, truth, healing and the realization of loving actions brings immense healing to the consciousness of humanity, returning the alignment with the Creator. (The Future of the Earth and your Role)

The future of the Earth is determined by those that exist on Earth at any given time.

Thoughts, emotions, frequencies to which they align, the energies they exude, the actions they perform and their reactions to the inner world and around them impact reality, all, experiences.

Every soul is creating the evolution and future of the Earth .

The energies in which the majority of humanity is concentrated come to fruition.

As an individual, your approach impacts the energy of the Earth, if many focus on a similar energy, this manifests quickly. It is because of this that there are many paths that the Earth and its ascension can take.

At any given moment, humanity as a collective consciousness is creating numerous opportunities, moving from one path to another as humanity evolves and more souls wake up .

As a soul on Earth, you have the power to influence the collective consciousness of humanity through the way you choose to exist on Earth .

Focusing on harmony, love, peace, truth, healing and the realization of loving actions brings immense healing to the consciousness of humanity, returning the alignment with the Creator . (The Future of the Earth and your Role)

When you concentrate on asking the divine to channel the awakening of high vibration, healing energy and loving energy through your being towards the collective consciousness of humanity during meditation or the moment of calm, this begins a powerful transformation.

As you work vigorously, heal, release negativity and realign the consciousness of humanity to the Creator so that humanity automatically awakens their hearts, minds and whole beings in a greater light of the Creator .

You have the power to accelerate the transformation and realignment of all humanity by working with the collective consciousness of humanity, focusing on the light that flows through each being on the Earth

Thus, all souls will remember the joy of existing in harmony with each other and with the Earth. This will instigate a beauty of all forms that nourish and create on Earth .

The Role of the Beings of the Inner Plane

... will transform the Earth and create the peace, love and harmony that everyone wishes to experience, a coexistence with Mother Earth. (The Future of the Earth and your Role)

The Creator shares frequencies that can be deciphered and put into positive action on the internal planes and the Earth to positively impact everyone, creating harmony, peace, love and the exploration of truth.

Beings like the Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, and thus decipher and deliver the light and consciousness of the Creator throughout the Creator's Universe and to Earth .

Through communication and connection with the Creator, they have a vision of a path for Earth and humanity that will bring the greatest satisfaction to all.

This path is similar to a vibratory journey that they perceive will serve everyone in their unification with the Creator .

It may not be that they have an understanding of the specific scenarios that are required for them to take place on Earth . Instead, there may be some opportunities or experiences that can create the same trip and vibrational result.

The beings of the internal planes keep the focus on the result of frequency of fulfillment for humanity and the Earth, and constantly deliver this to Earth and humanity.

The more mankind opens to receive the light of the Creator that is delivered through the beings of the inner plane, humanity and the beings of the inner plane begin to work together. It is this sacred union that will transform the Earth and create the peace, love and harmony that everyone wishes to experience, a coexistence with Mother Earth . (The Future of the Earth and your Role)

The pure focus of the beings of the internal plane will be discharged into humanity and merged with the focus of the collective consciousness of humanity.

This will create the most appropriate path for the experience of all mankind. It represents the unification of the Earth and the Sky, the synchronization of the desires of the souls on the Earth and the internal planes.

How to instigate the satisfactory evolution of the Earth

I become more and more aware of the Creator on Earth in and around me. (The Future of the Earth and your Role)

“The energy that the beings of the internal plane are delivering with the focus of the pure evolution of humanity and Mother Earth is a deeply healing, edifying and joyful vibration.

When it is received, it is similar to liquid gold that fills all your senses and calms all aspects of your being. He has the power to re-align his complete memory of all that the Creator is, and to encourage him to act and react from his intuition by creating the Creator on Earth.

With the support, love and guidance of my community of guides, I invite my whole being to open myself properly to receive the frequency, vibration and focus of beings on the inner planes that have been endowed with the Creator . (The Future of the Earth and your Role)

As I receive the energy journey and the result of the pure evolution of the Earth, my whole being receives healing, elevation of my energy vibration and a deeper connection with my inner happiness.

The true and pure desires of my soul for the ascension of Earth and humanity merge and integrate with the pure frequency approach to Earth from the Creator through the planes of inner beings.

This creates a beautiful transformation and an awakening within my being that further expands my energy and conscious awareness.

I become more and more aware of the Creator on Earth in and around me. (The Future of the Earth and your Role)

The new integration of my soul's desires and the divine approach to Earth continues to grow and intensify within me, positively and lovingly influencing my actions and reactions on Earth.

Therefore, it allows me to play a divine role in the creation of peace, love and truth on Earth.

I know that the energy of the internal planes does not necessarily dictate situations that must occur on Earth to help ascension .

Instead, the energy fused with mine will inspire me to create actions that support the creation of the desired energy frequency result for everyone.

Thank you, I am open to receive now. ”

What is the vision of your soul and the frequency of realization and evolution of the Earth?

… Once again, a synchronicity with your internal and external world is always required, since they are the same; one. (The Future of the Earth and your Role)

Many light workers care about the physical situations, experiences and circumstances that must occur to ensure a loving future for everyone on Earth.

They also worry about wanting to understand how the physical future would look like what it would be and what people would be experiencing.

They may worry about whether the Earth will remain 3D, it will transform into light or move to another dimension.

Ascension, even the Ascension of the Earth and the world you experience is born from your being.

The transformation within your sacred inner chamber where you communicate with the Creator is of the utmost importance.

The Earth will be transformed as a reflection of your inner truth. This could be interpreted as no need to take actions on Earth to help others; This is not the case, actions must always begin within and extend to your outside world.

Once again, a synchronicity with your internal and external world is always required, since they are the same; one. (The Future of the Earth and your Role)

The most important question is not how the Earth will appear, but how the Earth will feel when the pure evolution of the Earth takes place .

Ask yourself in a moment of tranquility or meditation: "How will the Earth feel when the pure evolution of the Earth takes place?"

Let your soul show you the vibration and frequency because it is already present in your being and has already been created.

It is your guiding light, your constant companion from this moment. It will inspire you in the most appropriate way to take the most sacred and creative actions to transform the collective consciousness of humanity and bring to light the truth of the Creator on Earth the more you connect with this vibration.

Your vision of the Earth is not as important as your feeling of the pure Earth that you have the opportunity to manifest.

The feeling and frequency will create actions and opportunities of the most divine nature.

With love and blessings,

Archangel Michael

Original URL : The Future of the Earth and Your Role

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of

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