ELOHIM VICTORIA - With the Flame of Victory, a person can make a difference

NOTE: This dictation was delivered, through Kim Michaels, on April 7, 2007, during the Shangra-la conference during Holy Week.

Victoria is my name and my flame is the Flame of Victory. Because I come in the Seventh Ray of Divine Victory, to realign yourself with the flame of Victory that burns like a self-powered flame that will never be extinguished by any appearance of imperfection on earth.

Because, beloved ones, in the Flame of Victory there is only Victoria nothing else can exist -. Because down here everything is consumed by this Flame of Victory. And simply, because of this, I would like to give you a portion of that flame if you are willing to receive it in your heart and let it become the leaven that could Raise all your consciousness, realigning with that reality of Victory that we are in the Seventh Ray.

The last challenge is freedom

When you passed the initiations of the other six rays and arrived at that point of which Saint Germain spoke you have to face the last challenge And what is the last challenge? Well, the last challenge is Freedom!

Because, beloved ones, freedom is not something that comes easily. In truth, it is a challenge to stay there and discover all the opportunities you have for you, because there are no laws or restrictions that tell you what to do and how to be. However you have reached the point where you need to go up and take that final step towards the Cristeidad.

And my beloved, there are no rules in the Cristeity, there are no laws, there are no doctrines. There is only the Living Word, which flows according to the need of the hour, with the need of the situation; trying to reach people in whatever state of consciousness they are in, to raise them from there, since they never leave anyone in the same state they found him. As in truth, you - you have been willing - will not be the same after this conference.

My beloved, receive within you - if you wish - a portion of my Victory Flame. Because in truth, you must be able to hear through my voice the flame that is Victoria - that will never be held for anything, that does not respect any of the so-called authorities on this Earth when they limit its flow - this flame burns, this flame shines; His Light penetrates all shadows, penetrates all barriers of unreality and anti-victory, which have been created by beings in the consciousness of duality. Those who in their blindness and arrogance, sincerely, believe they have the power to curb the flow of the Light of God on planet Earth.

No, I say! As long as there are hearts that are willing to be the open door for the Light of God to flow, then that Light will truly flow. And it will consume the darkness until there is no more darkness, neither in your consciousness nor in the collective consciousness.

A person can make a difference

However, my beloved, I must tell you that - as with the Living Word - the Flame of Victory is a double-edged sword. Because if you receive it in your being, she will reveal all the elements of anti-victory that have been left there - when you, sometimes, reject yourself. Or you excuse yourself in several ways by saying: “But how could I have the opportunity to make a difference? Could a person make a difference in the world or in a nation as large as the United States of America?

And my beloved, I would like to remind you of the old story, of a man who walks down the beach and in front of him sees another person. On the beach there are millions of starfish, which were thrown there by a storm. And the person bows, takes a starfish and returns it to the ocean and then heads towards another and returns it to the ocean. And the person who is taking the walk goes to him and says: “What are you doing? Look at the beach, there are millions of starfish. You may not be able to return them all to the sea. What you are doing will not make any difference. ” And the other person looks at him bowing and taking a starfish throws it saying: "it makes a difference for this star". [Laughs]

And for this, my beloved, never be victims of lies - the great lie of the power elite - that none of you can make a difference. Because I tell you - if you all believe in that lie, in reality, you will never make a difference. But if a person here and another person there, decides to reach the Living Word and aligns their conscience with it, then, when enough people do this, a critical point will come, where suddenly you will have that change - the change in national consciousness -, when now the United States of America, can wake up and realize its mistakes, without rushing to the anti-victory of hurting itself; descending lower and lower, instead, of saying: “Ah we have made mistakes that must be corrected, but we are willing to work. And, therefore, we will use them as a step for Victory, to rise higher, as we could never have done before, because now we are wiser, we are willing to see the beam in our own eye. And recognizing that beam, we will take it out and return it to the ocean where it came from, raising us higher. And, therefore, we can lead our nation higher than we could have done, in our former state of consciousness - where we were not willing to recognize our defects and get that beam out of our eyes. ”

Therefore, my beloved, now that I have put you on notice, now that I have made an offer to you, the decision is up to you. How much of my Victoria Flame can you take in your heart and can take with you from this retreat. Thus, I bow, as always, to your free will and say, “This is the body of Victoria that is delivered by you. Take, eat and do this in memory of VICTORIA! ”

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