Living A Transcendental Time by Mar a J. Garc a D az

  • 2014

March 3, 2014

How many changes we have had the last three months, especially in February. We have been placed on the edge of the abyss ... and we have emerged strengthened, with greater mastery of our mind ... ... with even more confidence.

The experiences have gone beyond; even to have conscious experiences outside the body…. disconnection and connection, swimming in the depths of our Being… ..and seeing many shadows that we did not know existed there.
Our search seems endless, but God's infinite patience always gives us the necessary answers at every moment.

March, with new challenges ... yes ... these will seem sweet after life. This month inspires us again from the heart, which has been in “maintenance work”, and once the debris has been left out, it is up to us to enter, live and BE. And this is precisely our mission this month.

Two nights ago, I had conversations with my guide again - Being Superior, Do you know that we all have a related spirit in Master Line? ... It is a being, that seems to unfold from you, and appears on the scene when both (which are actually One ) are prepared to take a greater quantum leap. The best thing is that when it appears, we recognize it, and it only happens once in each life. The only reason for this to happen is for the exchange of codes-information necessary to climb the next step, the big jump. This is happening at this time for most Beings that are transcending or have transcended the old paradigm, and intuitively follow the voice of the heart.

The most important thing is to become aware that we can no longer live in Separation, which is a false creation of our Ego. Understand that Nothing is in this Universe that is external to us, that nothing can affect us that has not been created by ourselves ..No other exists, only I believe myself separated from God .. when In truth, we are ONE alone.

There is no doubt that we are living a M in our earthly existence, which is momentous in our Universe and for our Spirit.

Without a doubt, we are reaching a new coast, which we are about to start exploring.

I wish you all have a very sweet month, full of blessings. Trust fully in God and be happy.

From the heart

Maria J.

Living A Transcendental Time by Mar a J. Garc a D az

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