How the magician frees the prisoners of the planet

  • 2017

A COURSE OF MAGIC Unit 3. The body Learning Object 1. The cycles of time

The coordination of ideas-decisions, logical ideals and divine truth constitutes the possession of a straight character, the prerequisite for the admission of the apprentice to the constantly expanding and increasingly spiritual realities of the virtual (possible) worlds in which he finds himself the magician. Thanks to I Ching, we learned that all types of soul conflicts consist in the lack of harmony between moral self-consciousness and purely intellectual self-consciousness. The gain or loss of a soul depends on whether or not the moral conscience reaches the state of survival, through an eternal alliance with the associated immortal spirit that has been given to it.

Moral will embraces decisions based on reasoned knowledge, augmented by wisdom and sanctioned by faith. These choices are actions of a moral nature and prove the existence of the moral personality, precursor of the virtual (virtuous) personality and finally of the true spiritual state.

The consciousness of man is being released in different directions and dimensions. It expands in the world of spiritual realities and begins to encompass the fifth realm or spiritual realm, that of souls. Minds are released, souls are saved.

Salvation is the spiritualization of the self-realization of moral conscience, which thus acquires a survival value. When the human soul is mature, ennobled and spiritualized, it approaches the celestial state in the sense that it almost becomes an intermediate entity between the material and the spiritual, between the material self and the divine spirit.


  • Relate the cycles with the law of attraction.
  • Identify the middle points conducive to creation.
  • Classify the prisoners of the planet.


The plot throbs. It contracts and dilates. That the magician seizes the midpoint in order to free those "prisoners of the planet" whose note is correct and exactly in tune with what must be done.

AXIOMA: Personality cycles occur in groups of four and seven (4 in 7). The cycles of the soul continue in groups of seven and three (3 in 7). Spirit cycles (monad) continue in cycles of one and three (3 in 1).


Nemo Nobody is a child who has the peculiarity of being able to remember all their lives, be they fictional or lived, unlike the rest of the men, to whom the angel of life has erased their memory before they were born. At seven he must make an important decision in front of a train that is about to leave. Should he get on the train with his mother or stay with his father? Many possible lives depend on that choice. All lives are completely different and contain different experiences and lessons. Which Nemo has obtained since he has lived in one way or another all lives. At fourteen he had to decide on his sexual identity and at twenty-one on the woman to marry. Mr. Nobody intertwines different theories of quantum physics about the universe, chaos theory, and other philosophical explanations, before and after death, to tell a story about the wide possibility of realities we experience throughout our life. Mr. Nobody is a Belgian science fiction film of the year 2009 starring Jared Leto.

Will Salas, twenty-eight, is a factory worker who lives with his mother of fifty, Rachel, in the ghettos. One day, Will and his best friend, Borel, visit a bar where they see a man, Henry Hamilton, who has more than a century on his watch and flaunts his time before others. Hamilton is attacked by Fortis, the seventy-five-year-old mafia boss, belonging to a band called "The Minuteros, " who steal time from others with the use of force. Will helps Hamilton escape and takes him to an abandoned factory, where he tells Will that there is enough time for everyone, but that he has been saving only for the rich to become immortal. This occurs in the year 2161, when the human aging gene has been deactivated, when they turn twenty-five, people stop aging, but they only have one more year to live. After that year, they die of a heart attack unless they "gain" time and recharge their "life clocks" with them, which carry the countdown like a digital clock on their left forearms. Life time has become "money" and is the way people pay their luxuries and needs. The rich can live forever, while the rest must negotiate or borrow to be able to live day to day. The price of tomorrow is an American dystopian and suspense science fiction film of the year 2011, starring Justin Timberlake.

  • After watching the movies Mr. Nobody and The Price of Tomorrow, answer the following questions. What is a life? What is continuity of consciousness? What are the stages and crisis of the human life cycle? How do we make decisions in the face of crises? What is time and what is its relationship with synchronicity? How do you relate time to money? How to maintain the balance between profit and loss?

ACTIVITY ONE: Processes, cycles and circulation.

"I who am a complete chaos, the names and the measures, the entrances the exits, do not fit me in the brains." FEET DESCALZOS, DREÑOS BLANCOS Shakira

The evolution of the mechanisms implies and indicates the presence and hidden domain of a creative mind. Systemic thinking, expansionism and objective teleology provided the intellectual foundations of the systems age. Today creativity is manifested in the design of systems, the basic intellectual skills that favor that creativity are the analysis of problems and decision making. Today we are interested in responding to three fundamental interrelated problems in organizations: How to design and manage systems so that they can effectively serve their own purposes, the purposes of their parts, and the larger systems of which they are part: these are the problems of self - control, humanization and environmentalization respectively.

Mental models of the system are used to design a system. The model is the master design from which copies are made. Let's see how our personality was created: the mental form of its design is the original model aspect given by the Father to a living being; it connotes the direct ordering of energies, and this plus life and movement, is the mechanism of the creature's existence. Even spiritual beings have forms, and these spiritual forms (models) are real. The spirit is the architect, the mind is the builder, the body is the material building.

We have three Principles in the design of any system:

  1. The Principle of Limitation.
  2. The Periodicity Principle.
  3. The Principle of Expansion.

These three principles constitute the underlying factors in the Law of Evolution, as men call it. They cause the imprisonment of Life in its various appearances or aspects; they produce environmental forms and lead imprisoned lives to other increasingly constructive prisons. Finally the time comes when the Principle of Liberation begins to be active, and the transition from the prison that numbs and deforms is made, to another that provides adequate conditions for the next development of conscience.

The problem of limitation is closely related to that of liberation. Everything that lives enters into the prison of the form; some do it consciously and others unconsciously, and we call this birth, appearance, incarnation and manifestation. Immediately another law or development of the active principle, called the Cycle Law, becomes active. This is the principle of periodic appearances a beneficial action of love, wisdom and innate divinity, because it causes the sequence of the states of consciousness that we call Time. Therefore, it produces gradual and slow progress in the world of perception towards self-expression, self-appreciation and self-realization. The Principle of Expansion brings the development of consciousness, so that the latent germ of the sensitive response to the environment is fostered in the living unit.

Only the primordial spirit and the true essence overcome spacetime. The primordial spirit dwells in the brain, the conscious spirit resides in the heart. The first is consciousness, the second is life. A very interesting analogy is presented when we study the words: “The plot beats. It contracts and dilates. ” The underlying idea is that of heartbeat, diastole and systole, flow and reflux of cyclic activity, the day of opportunity and the night of inactivity, absorption and expulsion, and those numerous appearances and disappearances that mark the current of the life in all realms and dimensions. This cycle of day and night, which is the inevitable sign of manifested existence, has to be recognized. Every disciple must acquire (putting the truth in simple terms) that wisdom based on the knowledge of when it should work or not, and on the understanding of those periods and intervals that are characterized by word and silence. It is here that many mistakes are made and most workers fail.

The English doctor William Harvey had the inspired idea of ​​comparing the heart and blood with a hydraulic system. Systole is the contraction of muscle tissue, diastole is the relaxation of the heart after a contraction. But while the circulation resembles the hydraulic, the breathing is assimilated to the pneumatic: the oxygen enters the blood in the inhalation and the exhalation is when the air leaves the lungs. To the analogy of the heart in its cycle of diastole-systole, we can add that of: the heart as a four-stroke engine . Otto's great intuition was to ignite the spark in the mixture, compress instead of just vacuuming, which increased engine efficiency. The electric motor is a device that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy by means of the action of the magnetic fields generated in its coils. Direct current or direct current comes from the batteries. The heart as it expands as a magnetic field creates a shield that protects the physical body of the human being.

The cycles during the manifestation follow the common evolutionary sequence of Differentiation, equilibrium, synthesis and liberation. In differentiation, the homogeneous becomes the heterogeneous, in the synthesis, the many become the One again.

Feedback is a mechanism by which a certain proportion of the output of a system is redirected to the input, in order to control its behavior. The loop is the permanent feedback of a process.

  • Analyze what kind of people you attract into your life and how you influence them or how they influence you.

ACTIVITY TWO: breathing, inspiration-expiration.

“Breathing the smoke of the memory that stole my calm I am smoking while I enter my brain and it tears my soul.” BREATHING Barbara and Dick

The disciple who tries to cooperate with the Hierarchy of Teachers and manifests it through active participation in His work on the physical plane, must learn to work not only through the contemplative realization, but also through the scientific use of the intervals, developed by means of breathing, between the points of inhalation and exhalation, in the purely physical sense of the term. This is the true science of pranayama and its objective. Brain awareness is necessarily involved.

Whoever studies these instructions is interested in being able to achieve a definitively constructive activity, at their intervals. These intervals for the purposes of our consideration fall into three categories:

  1. The intervals of life, or those periods in which the spiritual man is out of incarnation and has withdrawn into egoic consciousness.
  2. The ebb and flow of daily life in a given incarnation will also demonstrate their intervals, and the student must learn to recognize and use them.
  3. The third type of interval is that achieved and used through the process of meditation, and with which the student must become familiar, because otherwise he will be unable to work with power.

Some lives change their rhythm and mode of activity every seven years, others every nine or eleven. Still others act in shorter cycles with months of vigorous efforts, followed by months of apparent inactivity. Some people are so sensitively organized that, in the midst of work, events and circumstances, they are forced into a temporary retreat in which they assimilate the lessons learned during the preceding period of work.

Those of us who meditate know that there are two intervals, one is that of contemplation, a period of silence follows the activity of achieving alignment between soul, mind and brain, quieting the emotional body and achieving that concentration and meditation that will serve to focus and redirect the mind about a new world, and place it within the sphere of influence of the soul. It is analogous to the inhalation period. In this sky, outgoing consciousness is collected and raised. When this effort is crowned with success, consciousness then slips out of the so-called personality, the mechanism aspect, and there is a change in consciousness. The soul becomes active on its own plane and the brain and mind are aware of this activity. The second part of the interval becomes possible only when the first or contemplative interval has been reached.

There is an analogy in the physical plane of this process of divine inhalation and exhalation, with its two intervals of silence and thought. Let me repeat the effects of these intervals. At the highest interval, abstract or divine thought impresses the soul and is transmitted to the expectant mind; in the other, by concrete thought and the attempt to incorporate divine thought into form, the mind impresses the brain and produces activity through the physical body.

God breathes and His throbbing life emanates from His divine heart, manifesting as vital energy in all forms. It flows, throbbing in its cycles, throughout all nature. It constitutes the divine inhalation and exhalation. Between this exhalation and inhalation comes a period of silence and a moment of effective work. If the disciples can learn to use these intervals, they will be able to free the “prisoners of the planet”, the objective of all magical work done during this world period.

  • Analyze the cycles in your life as well as the crises, and the decisions you have made to deal with such crises.

ACTIVITY THREE: The prisoners of the planet.

The future is not one of those promised in the twelve games. Others taught secrets that I didn't, others really gave that thing called education ... Hey, I know the stories about the future. Hey, the time I learned them was the safest. THE DANCE OF THOSE OVER THE PRISONERS

I have taken this song from the Chilean group, to make known the criticism that many of us do of education when it does not achieve its task of freeing the minds of the apprentices. Thanks to constructivism there has been a revolution in education that has led us to meaningful learning and to return to the foundations of speech therapy, semiotics and hermeneutics.

Today (2017) The board of directors of the planet, through a group of servers in the world, seeks to restore the mysteries to humanity, to which they really belong. For the triumph of this attempt it is fundamentally necessary, to those who have perceived the vision and seen a part of the plan, devote themselves again to the service of humanity, devote themselves to the work of helping to the maximum of their capacity, to all the servers of the world Sacrifice your time and money in increasing the efforts of the Great Beings. First of all do not stop practicing meditation; maintain internal union; Think of the truth at all times. The need and opportunity are great, and all who can help are called to the front lines. Therefore, everyone can be useful in some way if everyone understands the true nature of sacrifice, develops skill in action and works without attachments.

It has been clearly stated that the goal of all magical work is to free the "prisoners of the planet." Therefore, it would be beneficial to study who these prisoners are and what method of liberation the magic apprentice should use.

The task of humanity falls mainly into three divisions of labor. Three groups of prisoners can be released and will find the way out of their prison, through the mediation of man. Human beings already work in all three fields:

  1. Prisoners of the form. It means working with our peers.
  2. Prisoners of the animal kingdom; there is much that is already being done in that field.
  3. Prisoners of the forms of the vegetable kingdom. Something has begun to be done in that regard.

The instinct that governs the vegetable and animal kingdoms, develops in intellect in the human family. Then the intellect merges with intuition, and intuition leads to enlightenment. When superhuman consciousness is evoked, both intuition and enlightenment take the place of instinct and intelligence. In order to free the "prisoners of the planet" who are under the title of subhumans, man must work under the influence of intuition; When he works to free his fellow men, he must know the meaning of enlightenment.

When the true nature of the service is captured, it will be discovered that it is an aspect of that divine energy that always works under the destructive aspect, because it destroys the forms in order to release them. Service is a manifestation of the Principle of Liberation, and death and service constitute two aspects of it. Service saves and releases, and brings liberation on various levels, to imprisoned consciousness.

The faith of Jesus traced the path to the purpose of human salvation, to the ultimate in mortal attainment of the universe, since it provided:

  1. Salvation from material prison in personal understanding of the sonship of God, which is spirit.
  2. Salvation from intellectual slavery: man will know the truth and the truth will set him free.
  3. Salvation from spiritual blindness, human understanding of the fraternity of mortal beings and virtual knowledge of the brotherhood of all universal creatures; the discovery through the service of spiritual reality and the revelation through the ministry of the goodness of spiritual values.
  4. The salvation from the incomplete condition of the self by obtaining the spiritual levels of the universe and through the final understanding of Havona's harmony and the perfection of Paradise.
  5. The salvation from the self, the liberation of the limitations of self-consciousness through the attainment of the cosmic levels of the Supreme mind and by coordination with the achievements of all other self-conscious beings.
  6. Salvation from time, the obtaining of an eternal life of endless progress in the recognition of God and in the service of God.
  7. Salvation from the finite, the perfected union with the Deity in the Supreme and through it.
  • In which of the four kingdoms would you like to serve, which prisoners you would like to release.

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