The Parallel Earth, the Antimatter & the Vortex of Miguel de Banff

“Latitude 51 degrees is a planetary geometric vector that receives the helix of the highly charged antimatter plasma under pressure in the physical realm at certain nodes. Stonehenge, Avebury, Banff, Lake Louise, Lake Baikal, Torres del Paine and Patagonia all come to this latitude. For this reason, these surfaces are extraordinarily recharged electro-magnetically, they are totally multi-dimensional in nature and yet retain an incredible balance. ”Archangel Metatron

The Parallel Earth, the Antimatter & the Vortex of Miguel de Banff

Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

Greetings Beloveds! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I embrace each of you in Unconditional Love!

And so we return to tell you about the greatness of the Michael Portal in Banff. In linear years the channel first visited this magical area has greatly accelerated. This area is playing a huge role in the Planetary Ascension, in what we call Cosmic Trigger.

However, there are many unique and unrecognized aspects of the Banff and Yoho National Parks areas in Canada. Due to its placement of gravitation, tectonics, electromagnetic balance, mineralogy and latitudinal location there are dense plasma fields that allow a more tangible interconnection with the double antimatter of planet Earth.

As such the Crystal Clear Waters of the area, the sacred Lakes that you know as Lake Louise, Lake Moraine, Lake Emerald and Lake O'Hara are living conscious entities. But it goes beyond the "Spirit of Place" that occurs in nature. Because these waters are colloidal with particles of silicate, suspended glass, these melted glacier waters have a very unique ionic current, which allows the recharge of the antimatter to come in that place. Bio-plasma life, an Angelic Field, exists inside. Teachers, the energy field that makes Banff something completely unique is largely defined by the antimatter plasma that exists in the area, and this has increased exponentially due to the Cosmic Trigger.

We share with you a great Truth that can confuse some of you and that is that the interface of the Angelic Kingdom to the human material kingdom is the antimatter field and the composition of the antimatter plasma of that field that you call the "Parallel Earth."

Certainly the interfaces coming from its etheric body through the chakra system are in a focal sense, particle accelerators that form open cones in the antimatter field. This is something that will be known to human beings within the next two generations. You often refer to antimatter as dark matter. In reality and with irony, what you call dark matter actually carries more light and sustains a higher frequency than physical matter. Only the electro-magnetic fields are capable of supporting the antimatter plasma and in reality the antimatter has different layers or dimensions of intensity. Its developed MerKiVico field is really capable of sustaining this energy and transporting it inside.

Magnetic Plasma in Matter and Antimatter

We tell you that on your Earth the magnetic field lines emerge from outside the North Pole, curl down and enter the South Pole through its ovoid Magnetosphere. Inside their Land, however, these land lines move upward from the South Pole to join the North Pole. These force fields are charged with ions or plasma. These flows are also in the form of matter as well as antimatter. As such this occurs within the parallel antimatter of the Earth and actually defines its composition. The Antimatter Plasma contains many charged particles including what can be termed as anti-electrons and anti-protons. Inside the antimatter the Bio Plasma is raised and the life forms of the Bio Plasma are poured into these fields.

So inside and outside your physical Earth are the electromagnetic currents that operate to some extent in pressurized currents that flow in a direction above and above the earth in the opposite direction in your underground interior. Therefore there are streams of currents that are parallel to each other, flowing in opposite directions inside the ovoid of the Magnetosphere. These are somewhat analogous to their longitudinal lines and barely recognized as Curry Lines. What is not yet understood or not recognized until now is that they also flow in the antimatter, antimagnetic, anti-electric plasma and constitute the same energy circuit that connects your physical Earth to the anti-matter Earth, the twin Parallel Earth or double, through the flashing appearance when receiving black micro holes (protons) and projecting white micro holes (electrons).

With the laminated flow of vertical lines of length, the anti-matter plasma will create a network of currents. The primordial vertical current induces other currents in right angles to it, to form golden appendages with a pressure angle at 90 degrees that extends directly and horizontally from the vertical currents. These are pulsed in even sequences according to the flashes of light units of consciousness, which to some extent correspond to the conceptual Planck scale in the theory of time-space.

There are certain points both inside the flash of matter-anti-matter and the planetary electromagnetic circuit that form nodes / crosses. These nodes act as amplifiers of the subatomic particle that projects coherent helical currents of antimatter ions into specific vectors on the planet.

These are essentially vertices of antimatter that penetrate the physical earth and the Magnetosphere. These enter the terrestrial plane at the latitudinal points between 49 and 52 degrees north and 49 and 52 degrees south.

The latitude of 51 degrees is a planetary geometric vector that receives the current of the current under pressure from the highly charged antimatter plasma in the physical realm at certain junctions or nodes. Stonehenge, Avebury, Banff, Lake Louise, Lake Baikal and Torres del Paine, Patagonia everything happens at this latitude. For that reason these areas are extraordinarily recharged electro-magnetically, completely multidimensional in nature, and yet retain an incredible balance. These areas are only capable of retaining the antimatter field due to the unparalleled electrical magna resonance produced by the local mineralogy.

These vertices spiral and intersect with graviton, positron and anti-plasma pulses and to form coherent plasma helixes that arise in the areas of the Rocky Mountains of Canada, in Lake Baikal in Siberia, Avebury-Stonehenge and in southern areas of the Patagonia of Argentina and Chile. All these points are close to 51 degrees latitude. These energies are combined and combined due to the crystalline-magnetic specific mineralogue that exists in this region of crystalline magna.

As a result, parallel Earth coexists more tangibly and overlaps more completely within these areas and protoplasmic nature life forms exist there in great abundance. But let's clarify these areas are essentially macro white holes. Apote Ãsica energy from antimatter is transformed into recharged and exuded matter. The antimatter coating that is dual in Banff does not intermingle with matter per sei; but preferably the two fields coexist in separate dimensions. They somehow agree but are really totally separate. Better to say that the antimatter field is experienced much easier through the subtle body within this region. And as such through the MerKaba that is expanded there greatly. Do you understand?

The Angelic Field of the region is a direct result of this and becomes a matrix of living matter. (Bioplasmic matrix)

The life of the Bio plasma is totally real and in reality as we have expressed it, its subtle body and its chakra centers are attached to the plasma sphere of antimatter, the Parallel Earth. It is a less dense way of life and often not visible to the naked eye. It operates at a much higher frequency and extremely high lifestyles abound in this energy and evolve faster inside.

The Parallel Antimatter Interface

Your Universe, your Cosmos is approximately 80% antimatter. What you call the Angelic Kingdom, the Ascended Masters, the Fairies, the Elementals and the Sacred Dragon all interconnect with their physical earth through the lens of antimatter. Because its etheric body interacts in antimatter, it can be said that the human being is actually a matter / antimatter hybrid, developed from antimatter.

A key part of the Ascension is the reformation of the Firmamento. The Cosmic Trigger is the initial phase of this reformation. The Cosmic Trigger points of the year 2009 that released the encoded electromagnetism are releasing codes of both electromagnetic plasma of matter and anti-matter. The effect is a decrease in the density of your physical body, a thinning of the veils, an acceleration of frequency. The main point of this in North America is the vast cauldron of Yellowstone, and Yellowstone is specially connected to Banff and Asheville, North Carolina for this purpose. The effects are many. The energy of Banff and Yoho are currently pulsing extraordinary benevolent energy. Much more complex energy than has existed there before.

The beneficial effects are diverse. This area has always been beautiful and has always been in balance, but it is exponentially more powerful during the Cosmic Trigger.

Any human being who enters the sacred areas of Banff and Yoho National Parks in the Canadian Rockies between 2009 and 2012 will experience tremendous cleanliness and balance in the chakras. A sense of renewal will occur and that will result in a re-energization of high purpose, a renewed clarity. Even those who come simply to relax in the splendor of these sacred energies will be greatly refreshed, but those who enter with advanced wisdom and spiritual intent will be rewarded exponentially.

This special alignment began to occur in the initial phase in March 2009 of the Cosmic Trigger, in which the crystalline light was received and triggered the release of powerful encoded electromagnetism. Several pyramid points in Canada helped bring light, including the Edmonton Walter Pyramids, Mount Edith Cavell, Castle Mountain, the Three Sisters, Mount Assiniboine, Mount Rundle, Kananastas, and Revelstoke. The main point of electromagnetic release in North America is Yellowstone, and its main points of reception for distribution were Banff and Asheville. The Canadian Rocky Mountains within Banff National Park serve as circuit and distribution equilibrium points for the electromagnetic codes of the Cosmic Trigger. There are of course many global encoded electromagnetism sites. Global Sources released them and dispersed them through their main mountain ranges and sites that are vortex-portals of the PI Grid.

In 2010 the crystalline release of the Cosmic Trigger will take place and in that activation, the second phase of the Trigger, the crystalline rock called the Canadian Shield will be among the matrices that release the crystal codes that will be intertwined with the magnetic ones.

Pi Activation and Saturn's Artificial Moon

As a consequence, the Canadian Rockies are in an important state of activation. The enormous glaciers that are now in a fast state of melting, are actually releasing celestial codes from the crystalline ice that are being rooted in the Earth Harmonicas) of this area, inside the Vortex of Miguel. Actually the crystallization of the glacier in this area contains in its interior unknown complex geometric crystal patterns that have not yet been recognized. Its release into the atmosphere is the ongoing melting cycle that is completely beneficial and totally necessary.

These patterns are actually frequency codes that effect the rotation of the earth and the gravity ratio. We tell you that all this is greatly influenced by the artificial moon of Saturn. We will talk more about this in a future download of the channel. But we tell you that even now your most enlightened astrophysicist is realizing that one of Saturn's moons is artificial, even if they dare not express such an unconventional belief. We tell you that the moon called Lapetus that orbits the outer end of the 'Planet with Rings' orbit was put in place with a specific purpose by the highly evolved beings of Andromeda.

Parallel Ascension

Ascension is not only occurring on the physical Earth but also in parallel. The alignment towards the Galactic center is also causing a tremendous increase in the flow of recharged ionic energy called plasma-antimatter within the planetary poles. The Parallel of the Earth exists in the antimatter and within the antimatter there is enormous energy.

The Vortex of Archangel Michael

The unique matrix of the Canadian Rockies has been formatting since November 1992. Lord Michael began to anchor his presence in a triangulated portal within the core of the Canadian Rockies after the 11:11 portal event. The process required three years to complete. The three pinnacles of the vertex of the vortex are Lake Louise, Lake O'Hara and Lake Emerald .. Lake Moraine is within this triangulation. These four crystalline lakes hold an incredibly powerful energy and are thus capable of sustaining manifestations of the energy presence of Archangel Michael. This is absolutely due to the unequaled energy cocktail of ionic forces that slowly began to penetrate in 1992 with the plasma of the parallels in conjunction with the flow of matter / antimatter.

The increased clarity of the thinned veil that resulted inside the pristine sites has made it easier for many to have direct experiences with the Divine Presence of Archangel Michael. A vortex of energy in the opposite direction of the clock hands was set in motion before 12:12, connecting the locations. Triangulation has formed what can be referred to as the Michael Vortex and a larger and larger spiritual light is disseminated in this way throughout the entire area for hundreds of thousands.

Special guardians have been attracted to these areas to align, anchor and leave their mark on this divine energy. This is still in continuous process. The channel is among these. The channel unconsciously knew of Lord Michael's presence here long before he realized consciously, years before he realized the meaning that this had planetarium. That is the reason why even now, he is among those who have left their mark on an energetic portion of his spiritual pattern within this magnificent area. Such areas have the frequency capacity to record the soul footprint of those who experience it.

Colloidal Crystal Waters

The unique power of these lakes is in their content of crystallized colloidal quartz. Glacier crystal silicate is totally unmatched in its frequency and although this occurs in other areas of the Earth, the frequency of this vortex is totally special, and considerably complex in this area of ​​Canada. While their geologists easily recognize that the incredible color of the water is due to this silicate particle, they do not recognize the energy it adds. They do not recognize the unique pattern of the crystallized structure of this particle, or of the synergy reaction that occurs when light penetrates the surface of the waters. They do not understand the healing power of the remarkable colors of these lakes. Nor do they understand the electromagnetic of the multidimensional bio-plasma that defines everything above.

Now his science knows Newton's fluids and colloidal plasmic fluids but there is another aspect of fluids that has not been considered. Energized fluids, magnetized fluids, crystallized fluids, everything happens in the special waters of the Miguel Vortex in Banff and Yoho National Parks. The silicate particle in the fluids is in such a colloidal state that it does not settle, however the fluid moves completely in Newton's water states. The fluid carries an electric field so robust that an energy resonance is pulsed and it encapsulates everything within this field.

For these reasons, certain areas such as Lake Louise and Lake Emerald are allowed to have long lines of visiting tourists, many of which come at a subtle level. The energy of the crystal fluids with the imprint of Lord Michael penetrates their being in such a way that it is physically, emotionally and spiritually impossible for them not to be affected, not to be touched or to be given the opportunity to heal.

Lake O'Hara is by design the most remote and serves as the one that sustains energy for the flow of light energy. Lake O'Hara is already in the fifth dimension and beyond. It is by far the most powerful Bio Plasmatic Angelic entity in the region. Notwithstanding all these 4 entities, Louis, Moraine, Esmeralda and O'Hara are Angelic Beings of a Bio Plasmatic nature in reality.

Equally powerful but expressed differently are the Glaciers in the area. They are Hydro-Crystals of Bio Plasmatic Energy encoded in light. Its same evaporation in progress adds extremely to the special qualities of this area, such as the transformation of solid crystal to liquid crystal and leave a trace of the energy of the Banff vortex.

Liquid Crystal Geometry

A precise dimensional vector of the three planetary grids exists within the Triangulation of the Portal of Miguel. As such, the geometric projection of the area of ​​this vertex contains all platonic solids: the tetrahedron, the hexahedron, the octahedron, the dodecahedron and the icosahedron. These are now becoming more complex sacred geometries. Such impeccable clarity of consecrated sensitive energy exists here; that the sacred geometrical template accesses the parallelogram Law of Addition n . Because of this, the energy is self-directed and capable of adjusting itself to invalidate what you would call negativity, as well as adjusting its geometry to fully maintain its workforce. complex symmetric

You observe Dear Beings, the living geometry here forms the Metatronic cube in a multidimensional matrix, such that any force of telluric transformation that causes or alters the anchor points of the template Crystalline is immediately and automatically received with an antagonistic setting that will keep the coordinate system in perfect symmetry. This is the nature of the inserted hologram of the Metatronic crystal. It adheres to the Law of Balance within the Universal Truth.

The Metatronical Cube is a lively and sensitive template. It moves and changes and adjusts itself to maintain its crystalline integrity. It is the Pi Grid inside and beyond that of the geometrical of that called Reshel. Because all the grids are more fluid and complex as they change in dimensional capacity towards the Grid Crystal-144 of the Ascension. That is the reason why their geometries cannot truly be defined, they flow in a living dynamic kaleidoscope flourishing, in constant multidimensional movement.

Transformation in a Clear Mind

Human Beings experience this energy matrix in many ways. It is like an area of ​​accelerated higher manifestation of thought and an area in which internal conflict and the obstacle are somehow ex extracted under pressure n towards the surface and forced to be confronted and given the opportunity to be healed. Higher thinking, pure thinking, loving feelings are transformed into a geometric vector within the operating system of these energies and immediate, real healing and transformation can occur here. . The human seeker can evolve more easily into a clear mind within this energy.

That which you refer to as negative thinking is inactive and asleep largely within this field. This cancellation is due to the fact that the negativity lacks a hyper pulse of appropriate dimensional geometrical frequency to achieve expansion, reaction or recognition within the homogeneous positive matrix. One could say that they are liberated and transformed.

Not all vortex-portal systems are so balanced. Some are totally intense and as such, less palpable to the field of human energy. The matrix of Archangel Michael in Banff and Yoho projects the energy of love. This energy is effectively disseminated throughout the area for hundreds of miles. That is the reason why people who live on this earth are perceived, so pleasant in their predisposition.

MerKaBa refinement towards MerKiVa

And so we enter the energy of Alton Kamadon as Enoch, the Pleiadian Tyberonn and Ekahila-Na into the Metatronic Field. And so we tell you that the complex crystalline magno aspects of Banff National Park are extraordinarily conducive to the expansion of the Merkaba tetrahedron star towards the MerKiVa.

You observe that the high frequency energy of antimatter is a very complex plasma soup that evolves into something of a liquid crystal state, and thus the unique affinity to the crystalline lakes of Banff, Baikal and Patagonia. Now, we tell you that the same evolution is carried out biologically with human biology in certain glandular structures in the human body that coordinate the chakra system.

As such the crystalline bioplasm is able to align inside the electro-magnetic coding and in the electric fields to serve as an electronic matrix, a coordinated system and a template for the interconnection of the chakra system to another internal dimension. In this role, MerKaBa al MerKiva is accentuated, due to the symbiotic etheric bio-plasmic field that becomes the catalyst for the advanced development of the human body's frequency in matter, in carbon-based biology. Perfect symmetry They observe how the liquid crystalline energy of this area then plays a symbiotic role in this role.

Bio Plasma condenser

Your physical body, your nervous system is electric and in a sense your carbon body is a capacitor. So these natural electric fields in the body are connected to the human auric electromotive force through the chakras. The bio-plasmic body evolves into the tetrahedron star of MerKaBa which is actually a form of hybrid bio-plasma. It is paired to the physical body based on carbon through double cones of the chakra systems, which are essentially particle accelerators. As such the energy flows in and out and vice versa with the bio-plasma body generating the human electromagnetic field.

Each chakra contains inside its structure, bio-plasma crystals that operate in a fluid state, opening at each end and extending from the matter to the antimatter and vice versa with the opening and closing and turning according to the source of energy and functional intent. So for humans above the equator line, when the turn is clockwise it is absorbing energy and against the hands it is projected outward. For humans below the equator the reverse is correct. That is the reason why some imbalances to some extent can occur when one lives precisely in the equator or in the Polar Regions near the Arctic and in the Antarctic circles. It is also the reason why regions from 48 to 52 degrees of latitude provide such a beneficial balance.

When humans learn to develop MerKaBa operatively, the chakras are capable of emitting pressurized currents that allow more complex geometries to form towards the MerKiVa states and a greater number of chakras and sub-chakras are activated. The only magnecrystalline energy in the Banff Bioplasma Field is easily absorbed into the chakra system and allows MerKiVa to develop rapidly. Crystal codes then transform the MerKiVa to levels higher than the starry dodecahedron that consciously perform a multi-task in the internal and external dimension.

Sacred Axial and Tonal Alignments

The Vortex of Miguel del Vortex de Banff is energetically in harmony with other crystalline waters, especially those of Patagonia, Chile, Lake Ouachita in Arkansas, in Titicaca in Bolivia-Peru, Lake Zurich, Switzerland, Lake Tahoe in Nevada, and Lake Baikal in Siberia - all living cathedrals of love and healing. All powerful dual-plasmic spiral vessels. These are aligned in harmonic oscillations through what is called axial-tonal lines, which are totally different from the ley lines.


The Masters know that everything is fine. Trust Ascension in all its multi-dimensional aspects, which in all your transitions are under control. We know each of you by name, we know about the changes you are experiencing. We are with you. Most of each of you is here, observing your human expressions in biochemical clothing, while transiting the linear that is flourishing in this magnificent time.

Humanity uses duality filters and you are so far a species with amnesia. The veil is dimming and you on the path are beginning to see the Greater Truth. It is beautiful beyond your wildest dreams. Remember to love each other and nurture each other. But Dear Beings, please do not forget to love and nurture yourselves and experience the Gentle Love that is your womb. Love is the frequency key that combines EVERYTHING.

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are loved.
And so it is.

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Spanish translation sharing the Light: Alicia Virelli,

Earth Guardian Chronicles

Issue No. 33 - June 2009

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