Message from the Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaelle

  • 2016

Greetings dear. Everything is proceeding according to the plan although it may seem to you that the world is going backwards. Powerful energies of Light are creating a new world consciousness resulting in battles between the old and the new . New frequencies of Light are exposing information and those who benefit by leaving things as they are, disagree.

This is what will bring change although it cannot happen from one moment to another since most need time to process what they are becoming aware of. Those of you who are more intuitively awake know that what you are seeing, and your realization of the truth behind all appearances, is what is helping to dissolve these old energies .

Each individual is traveling consciously or unconsciously towards total awakening but not everyone is at the same level of consciousness at the same time. Old souls are those who have lived and learned through many lives, while the newest souls have been on Earth only several times and still need many more life experiences before they are ready to move toward higher levels of consciousness. high.

Continue sending Light and Love to the world, visualizing the Earth and all its life forms as pure Light, because that is what they really are. This makes them light workers. A Lightworker is anyone who not only knows the truth but lives it, in the realization that instead of appearances on the contrary they are all Sparks of the Divine Light .

Many continue to think of Lightworkers as being only those spiritually gifted individuals doing healing work, teaching, or channeling. This belief is a facet of the belief in separation because in truth all of them are spiritual Beings and each activity becomes the work of Light when it is done with eyes and ears awake.

The work of the Light is the natural effect of an evolved state of consciousness, which without conscious effort can raise the energy of those receptors. Even the seemingly insignificant daily interaction is Light's work when they flow in energy currents of true Love and Light .

The time has come for Humanity to stop declaring everything as good or bad . This is duality and separation because nothing exists except the Divine in expression and limit any person, place or thing unless this is three-dimensional consciousness. Nothing exists that is not in its truest sense, spiritual . The sleeping state of consciousness ignorant of the truth, judge by appearances and then place labels on everything. You are ready to stop playing this game .

Stay focused on what you know is true, aware that the energy of worry that you can flow into something adds energy and power. Pretending not to see discord by hiding his head in the sand and shouting ; God is everything, it is very human. No, as enlightened beings, they are learning not to give power to appearances, knowing that the belief in fear of anything perpetuated it. They can then take any human step to which they are guided, if any. The actions done with this higher sense of consciousness carry a higher energetic resonance becoming a work of Light.

Because the world is rapidly moving towards a seasonal time of giving and celebrating, we want to talk about care, a term that is commonly understood as the consideration na the feelings, needs and general well-being of the other . It is this, but much more.

Caring is really the first step that everyone takes in their soul journey towards reaching the awareness of unconditional love. In reality, care and love are one and the same, but this fact is usually not known to those unconscious of the deep truths. He usually takes care of the first interconnectivity experience, especially for those who limit their expressions of love only to family and friends.

This is part of the loving service that pets can provide. Accepting responsibility for a pet may be the first time that an individual has had the experience of caring for another. The natural ability of a pet provides the individual with experiences that will begin to open him to unconditional love despite the fact that he may believe that it is simply taking care of the basic needs of an animal.

In order to move towards the deepest truths of unity and love, one must first learn to care. However, if you are not alert to the vast amounts of cuidadopretentive care flota floating in the material world, those new to the emotions of care can find themselves in situations of co-dependence doing what they are asked to do. and giving their power in the belief that they are caring.

Just as it is true for love, so it is true for care that spiritual actions never mean being a doormat - the delivery of one's personal power - no matter how much pressure can be presented.

Some actions called care are nothing more than attitudes of pretense and this can easily be seen in the actions of some (not all) corporations and businesses that promote care activities as meaning being placed in a better public light for financial benefit.

The sleeping ego uses "pretentious care" to prove itself and others how wonderful and altruistic it is. This type of care is based on duality and separation but even this may be a first step for those just beginning to wake up. As for charitable donations, always use your intuition and do your research, because not all "charities" are serving at the highest levels despite how they are presented.

We talk about care because many are beginning to shift to more enlightened ways of seeing the world, which in turn is opening many more emotions of care. World events are being known and seen almost immediately through the rapid circulation of photos and news. This is bringing the plight of others in front of many who have lived so far every day in comfortable security in the belief of everything that has been told by those in positions of authority. The action of care serves to open the mind and prepare it for the higher truths when it is spiritually ready. The acts of care serve to change the energy and open it to new levels. Caring is in its truest and highest sense: “ I take care of you because I know who you are. I see your struggles because I have also faced struggles. I take care of you because you remind me of myself, and you make me reflect on what I would do in your situation. I take care of you because I know that I am you. ”

Because the world is entering a time of seasonal celebration, ideas for the promotion of love and care are flowing from all directions, most of which are based on financial goals and three-dimensional concepts, not love. For the time to come remain alert and focused. Learn to recognize the fashion of intended care, seeing it for what it is and not allowing it to become yours.

The energies of the Earth have increased intensely and are manifesting through all levels of consciousness. All serious students of the truth must remain alert because it is very easy to align with the energies of political instability and commercialism as they are pushed to you moment by moment every day - activities that express the materialistic concepts of a world still lost in Duality and separation.

Stay focused and focused inside, the best you can at all times. If you feel yourself slipping towards some level of world hypnotism, pause where you are and realize for only a second that; "I AM . " This may be enough to lift them out because denser energies cannot enter the higher. If you are well in the illusions of the senses, do not judge yourself for having failed, because there is no such thing, just start again, now more alert and aware.

Let your festive care acts never be based on emotions of guilt or obligation but reflect the realization of the Unit. Let Thanksgiving represent a true sense of gratitude which is, "I have because I Am" and that his gift is, "By giving you honor the divine, because you are that." Learn to recognize all celebrations as joy within the Unit.

In celebration of Unity ...

We are the Arcturian Group

AUTHOR: Marilyn Raffaelle

TRANSLATION: Juan P. Rodríguez


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