Embracing sacred sovereignty - The divine path of calibration Archangel Metatron through J. Tyberonn

  • 2015

Greetings, Beloveds!

I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome those gathered here. We surround each one with a specially created Unconditional Love vector. A nonlinear space vector that opens only when everyone reads these words from their own chosen space and time.

The current phase of linear time on your planet is a unique opportunity juncture for self-examination and loneliness by choice. Teachers, many of you, especially those over 49, the seventh cycle of 7, are in a state of loneliness; their spouses are gone, their marital relationships and contracts are over. And although this path is sometimes quite lonely, quite difficult, and may be "unnatural" for many, it has its purpose. So we tell you to use this time wisely, to adopt it. They are in the anteroom of a great graduation.

Now, in many of his religious texts a message is repeated that says “For every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.” Certainly this is a time for loneliness. Divine Solitude is a noble condition, which offers quantum leaps in terms of growth, when understood and recognized in its deep purpose.

You see, the Divine Being is finally and definitely alone in his final quest for omnipotence.

In your terms, the soul enters the Earth alone, and the spirit leaves the Earth alone. The Ascended Masters who walk the Earth have sought solitude for millennia in their incarnations before attaining their Mastery . And that happens with many of you now.

Dear ones, many of you are alone in these times, and believe you must find a partner. Many seek their "soul mate", their soulmate. However, we tell you that in many cases advanced souls are alone because they have planned it that way. It is certainly a noble and special company. It is a time for Divine Solitude.

Those who seek sanctified light, those who seek what you call "consecrated enlightenment, " choose specific periods in your life plan to be alone for a time. This does not mean that they will always be alone; It is simply a time they have chosen to "work with themselves;" to achieve love for themselves. Among the souls who seek Mastery, approximately one in three or four lives is a life in which loneliness is chosen.

Love themselves is a condition that many have lost, especially those of Christian tradition. Christianity, with its teaching of original sin, instilled in them that they were defective by nature, and that they needed to be forgiven. They spent prostrate lives asking for forgiveness for being who they are. They lost the sense of their divinity, and found it easier to give than to receive. The balance is lost.

However; we tell you that as the Earth transforms into the new Crystalline Era ; The nature of the energy resonance and the dimensional capacity of the planet expand. The influence of duality / polarity decreases for those who choose to extend beyond the third dimension.

You may wonder what gives the soul, the loneliness or the couple more progress . The question is timely and especially pertinent for many of you at the dawn of the Ascension.

The short answer is that both the couple and loneliness have their divine purpose and we highlight the word BOTH . A lot is earned when you are engaged in a love relationship. It is the natural circumstance in most of the lives on the Earth plane.

But Masters, we tell you that in solitude there is also a great purpose. In fact it is a requirement.

It is not by mistake that many of you, in the final steps of your path of enlightenment, are alone in this period. It is the anticipation of the coming Ascension. If you are among them, we tell you that perhaps your loneliness is appropriate. Maybe it's as it should be. See, it's how many of you have planned it.

However they feel that enduring loneliness is too much and that they must get a companion that elusive soulmate. Dear Souls, there is a lot of confusion about the concept of soulmate, the el lmico, and the nature and role of an optimal company in the Master a of Being.

Loneliness must be a period of sublime reverence of being. Your life and your experience on this plane are your own creation, your own living tapestry, woven with your individual beliefs. Within loneliness, the soul is driven to self-examination, has the opportunity to dive into the deep waters that flow inside. Swim in the ocean of BEING, and in doing so rediscover love inside, learn what a bright spark of God you truly are.

Relationships are a method of reflecting the affectivity of your belief system and giving you information about what works and what doesn't, to put it simply. Detachment requires the individual to explore their self, reconnect with their internal horizon, and this facilitates and needs sovereignty. Sovereignty is the dominance of Mastery.

A relationship between two non-dependent sovereign humans has greater balance, greater creativity and greater longevity than the coupling of two co-dependent beings from one another. Do you understand?

Ultimately each soul must clearly define the BEING to win the Mastery. Self-mastery is embodied in the periods of planned detachment. It is in that period that impeccability crystallizes. We tell you, Dear Ones, that crystallization through impeccability is a necessary phase of Self-Mastery. It is a calibration juncture in multidimensional travel. One enters only the emptiness, the great mystery, in search of sovereign strength and vision, and without a shoulder on which to lean. And in that process, one discovers sublime totality and self-completion. Do not misunderstand the meaning: there is great validity in the couple, in the natural aspect of the soul partner. But the path of Mastery is definitively walked in sovereign detachment.

One becomes enlightened when one learns to transcend the physical self. Each one must undertake the final conquest of what we call "impeccability." Impeccability is the uniform crystallization or clarity of the soul, and is a necessary virtue of Mastery. It involves releasing dependence, releasing everything that does not serve your divinity. It is a restart and reprogramming of everything you are.

We have told you that the language or the plot of the highest dimension is sacred geometry. Impeccability is the geometric clarity of the soul mind. By defining oneself through impeccability, one becomes crystalline, and therefore more capable of Divine Consciousness within the geometric light of the higher coherent planes. It is only achieved by deciding who you are, what you believe, and then living it. Recognizing your truths, and fully aligning with them.

Ask Metatron: Are you saying that love relationships, like marriage, are not our ultimate union?

Metatron : Remember that in the highest realm you are in Sacred Unity, each one is part of the Divine One. So in terms of the experience of duality, the answer to your question is yes. In this context, YES! Teachers, in the highest reality, you are a unified plural consciousness.

Relationships, in the experience of linear duality, are a means to the end. We say that love relationships are a jubilant and sacred instrument to achieve Self-Mastery but, ultimately, in the journey of each soul there is a requirement of final growth towards sovereignty. The sovereign being is a sufficient being and does not really need to depend on another. Such a conceptual dependence can be an obstacle for the Master.

You truly merge sovereignly with your other half. The other part of your soul that separated in the expression of duality. Each has a male and a female component in duality; the other half merges back into the Integral Divine Being before rising to the highest realm. This is indeed a necessary merger, and it will be happening to many of you as 2012 enters.

Many consider that a soulmate and soulmate are the same. The only similar thing is the syntax. The true meanings are different. The general soul is the other half of the same soul, split into duality, and it is very rare that these two are together in the physical.

The "soul mate, " in our terms, is another soul with whom you have agreed to grow together within physical duality, as a means of developing and exploring love with another soul. A movement towards a common purpose.

The apparent paradox of linear relationships, that of the concept of “soul mate” (not soul mate), is that a relationship between two non-dependent sovereign beings has greater joy, greater balance, greater intercommunication with the divine, greater opportunity for advancement than a relationship based on co-dependence. They see him?

At this time, at this time, many are really merging with their etheric soulmate (not physical), and shaping their sacred fullness into a physicality in order to enter the crystalline kingdom in totality. In most cases, this reconnection of the soul is achieved in solitude or in non-dependent sovereign relationships.

That is why we tell you to embrace your chosen period of SOVEREIGN SOLEDAD; It is the sign of your soul's intention to enter the Mastery of Mer-Ka-Na Crystalline .

We will add that many beings who are in this life in the female gender have chosen particularly effective roles in the balance of the planet at this time. Isn't it true that the planet has been unbalanced in a predominance of patriarchal energies for millennia? That is why it seems that a vast majority of those who are attracted to the "New Age" are female, see? to anchor the Divine Feminine. Women have been conditioned and labeled in their current paradigm as "weak sex." Nothing is further from the truth!

Many women who are now single, are conditioned to feel they must have a partner. We repeat: embrace your loneliness. You chose it; We honor them for the path they have chosen.

For the planet, the ideal is not to be feminine or masculine, but rather a perfect balance of BOTH, but for now it is still in an imbalance of patriarchal resonance. We honor those who are in a female biology; Your strength is really progressing in creating a nutritional balance.

The super-soul is truly androgynous, self-contained. Self-sufficient It does not mean that love is not the frequency basis of the soul; In fact it is the highest vibration. It is the resonance produced by the Ascended Soul in the Cosmos, and is reflected as a collective harmony of crystalline love. There is a time when those who played the role of soulmates will be individualized and, as you say, will be separated with joy. The evolved soul, to achieve omnipotence, will become consummately self-sufficient, and in doing so it will radiate a spectacular unconditional love to EVERYTHING. This is how it should be, how it should be. This is how you ascend.

The final graduation of the soul is not achieved in the couple, see? It is achieved within the Divine BEING in universal harmony with All that is. Do you understand? It is the activation of the Being in the divine resonance of the Quantum Crystalline Field. The separation must occur before the final collective meeting; It must occur to allow final integration into EVERYTHING THAT IS.

It's about who YOU ​​ARE. It is the I AM that I AM .

Here we point out that, if you are in Soledad, you recognize its purpose. If you are in a relationship, refine it in beauty towards a greater non-dependent love. You will certainly discover that love expands and the relationship becomes more splendid in non-dependence; You will also be discovering that co-dependence relationships are one-way streets, unbalanced, and fail.

In sovereignty, humanity will see itself in this frame of reference as "total, whole" instead of being the property of the partner or the "half orange" of another. Each one will contribute his integral BEING, whole, in fullness, in the robust flow of energy to the relationship, in a way that does not usually happen today. There are previously agreed points that allow freedom of choice and change, even if the change is the end of the relationship. In sovereignty individuals share the best they have without compromising their ideals. Each recognizes the divinity of the other and retains the integrity of the BEING.

They will face their own promises and choices in a new paradigm, but there will be ways and opportunities to make adjustments, and the ability to revise the terms of the agreement. This will allow a greater recognition of the BE. They will be designed to prevent energy blockage and reduce dysfunctional marriages and divorce complications and trials.

In these terms some relationships certainly last a lifetime; others not . But the archetype of sovereignty will better support both, based on the choice and mutual agreement of the terms of each individual. And as long as that independence becomes jubilant, there will be no partner dominating and imposing their beliefs and morality on the other.

Today, mass humanity does not recognize or understand its soul, its divine BEING. For the masses, the being is unfortunately regulated in the realm of ego personality. It is true that the planet now awakens a ratio of light of a higher degree than what it has had at any other time, but still those who have woken up only account for 10% of a population No eight billion. That is a sufficient number to enable Ascension, but there is still much to do.

In the new paradigm, religion must be individualized, it must truly recognize the nature of the BEING, the nature of the DIVINE SOUL. None of the world religions truly answers these questions today. None of your religions answer questions about the multidimensional, extraterrestrial and cosmic origins of man, and that must come to be understood in the new paradigm. None of your current traditional religions can fully and precisely express the true history of man on Earth. Therefore, today there is no true religion on the planet. Most are preset regulated templates that are bought and sold. All claim to know the way to God, to be able to show the way to God, but none really does. Each one has its dogma, its hierarchy and its controls.

Man seeks GOD now with more fervor than at any other time on the planet, and this search has the potential to attract light. Few religious teachers are true teachers; They may be scholars, but not true teachers. Others are charlatans, even within the metaphysics and what they call New Era. Few of those who declare channeling the Ascended Masters or the Angels do it for real.

When integrity is not maintained, the connection with the true spirit is disconnected, and all humans are subject to falling out of integrity. Truly, the path of Ascension is the ability of each soul to rise to its higher self. Look inside and discover your own divinity within your heart. Do not blindly follow a guru, evangelist, channeler or spiritual leader, but your BEING . Accept only what you individually discern that resonates true, Dear, and do not surrender your power to another. Each of you can and should channel your Higher Self. Study, search, listen, discern, review and only accept what resonates with you.

Teachers: the path to the divine is through the sacred sovereignty of the BEING and, in the Ascension, the path to the Higher Self passes through self-definition and through the search for that aspect of God within each one, with the great I wish it is incorporated into the soul of each one. Study, search, and work! There is little hope to move forward if they choose lethargy and laziness. Effort is a requirement to rise above duality. It has always been like this. You are here to make the unknown known! Work on that! Be warriors of light within duality, because the real battles are internal, for self-mastery. The road is not easy. But within the Self-Mastery there is such an exquisite energy that drives everything they need to advance, and for each level they ascend to, there is another level above. Consciousness expands infinitely.

Discover your path . Find out for yourself. Love yourself, love one another, love the divinity within yourself and within everyone ! Discover the multidimensional aspects of your true Soul. That is the nobility of loneliness.

And although the path is quite lonely and sometimes difficult, you must know that this is the challenge of duality, because above you are complete and nothing is missing. In the highest realm, Masters, they are in their sacred nature of integral totality, in complete and abundant bliss.

We are always with you. We offer you unconditional love . We ask you to treat yourself and others with nutritious love and respect. We honor you!

I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I share with you these TRUTHS!

You are loved.

... And so it is.

Translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Source : www.traduccionesparaelcamino.blogspot.com.ar

Embracing sacred sovereignty - The divine path of calibration Archangel Metatron through J. Tyberonn

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