Thoughts of Master Beinsa Dunó for the month of May 2013

  • 2013

1. I invoke you: try Love, now is the auspicious time!

2. Many people stumble on their development because they are in a hurry, they want to achieve many things in a short time. He who is in a hurry is a coward - wherever he goes he knocks on the door, he wants to be opened as soon as possible; He is in a hurry because he is afraid of something. He who wants to quickly become a big man, and he is a coward. He stops at a door and knocks loudly; If her mother, that is Love, is inside, there is a sense of knocking strongly at the door - she will rise and open it, but if she is not inside, no matter how much she knocks, everything will be in vain, no one will open it.

3. Only Love sees things externally and internally, so we say that he gives meaning to life. Outside of man, outside of living beings, love cannot manifest. This is because, when it is said that Love gives meaning to life, you will immediately think about some living being - a flower, an animal; in what you think, such direction will take your conscience. If you can think of Love without connecting with any being, this means penetrating the entire Solar System. It is enough that you think of Love so that you turn around all the planets - this means having a clear and full picture about Love.

4. He who understands Love, he has everything available; what he wants momentarily acquires it - Why? Because Love manifests itself in the present, it has no behavior towards the past and the future. Love does not deal with large jobs, he does not take into account high positions. That man occupies a high social position, this means dividing those around him into two camps and producing strife between them - they begin to contend how the man who occupies the high position is, whether he is prominent, famous or ordinary. Any position that the man of Love occupies always serves others - he takes into account the interests of his neighbors first, he leaves himself last.

5. The force of things hides in their union and not in their disunity. Only with ordinary consciousness can you do nothing, and only with Divine consciousness can you do nothing, but the two consciences connected together represent a great force. What does the divine consciousness represent? - a high mountain top; What does ordinary consciousness represent? - a valley. In order for the valley to take advantage of the mountain's assets, there must be a connection between which the energies of the height descend to the valley.

6. If your works are not going well, enter between Nature and sing a song; she loves brave people and richly rewards them, and to the coward she says: “You will have patience, you will wait until I show my benevolence towards you. Doesn't he act like that and the teacher? To the good and brave student he responds with attention and willingness; for the coward he closes and lets him wait until he acquires courage and determination.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: The aspiration of the human soul towards the great in life, its desire to realize its noble and superior feelings, are able to renew and rejuvenate it. Now you will ask how this can be achieved. There is a simple way, this is as follows: with the right hand consecutively pull all the fingers of the left hand, starting with the thumb and ending with the small finger; after this, with the left hand consecutively pull all the fingers of the right hand. Viewed externally, this is a mechanical process. What can man get from pulling his fingers, this depends on him. The man can pull all the fingers of his hands without receiving anything, but he can pull them and receive something.

7. Man must connect with himself, with his higher consciousness, with living Nature - only then can he know God. You will say that all people seek God but cannot find Him. How do they look for you - with crying and murmuring? God is not affected by human tears, He wants all people to participate in His work, to become His co-workers. Outside of God there is no life, outside of God man cannot cope with his difficulties; Without Him wealth, knowledge, strength, they make no sense, and with Him poverty, diseases, sufferings, make sense - man learns his language and talks with them.

8. The thought that I want to leave you is the following: That you have connection with God. This connection is the reality to which you can rely on all conditions: as sick and healthy, as poor and rich, as unhappy and happy. In this connection and even the greatest devils recede. This internal connection determines the future of man. And if he were discouraged and lost faith, if he has this connection he would easily overcome his states; if the connection is cut, everything will fail: and knowledge, and faith, and strength, and wealth. If he loses faith in himself, man loses his life; If so, keep your connection with God. Be ready to all sufferings, but do not lose your connection; Be ready to sacrifice everything for this connection.

9. He who has made connection with God and maintains his behavior with him, he has found the magic bar in his life He is a magician, consciously works with his mind, with his heart and his will. He has something positive, is connected to the Absolute reality and always confesses to it; although he goes through the greatest sufferings, he is brave and determined.

10. Now we talk about the Divine life that makes man good, prudent, healthy and just. If he is healthy, he is rich; If you are rich, you have to give your goods. You will say you give love. How is your love? -human-; human love is intermediate between the love of the people and that of the angels. The angel is generous, he gives everyone abundantly and what he finds in his way will be kissed by the Angels' Love is similar to the light that kisses everything he finds in his way, and everything Illuminates, without staining. Divine Love is ready to all sacrifices.

11. Love introduces light into the mind of man and broadens the heart. These are necessary conditions to work: without light in the mind and without breadth in the heart, man can achieve nothing. Love heals, removes the causes of diseases, however, if the forces of Love twist, instead of widening, instead of rising, man feels certain internal limitations which consequently become the cause of disease, of disorders Psychics We talk about the correct manifestations of Love and not about crooked human love. In crooked love there is jealousy, fear that the object of love will not be lost; In true Love man acquires but does not lose. Love excludes any contradiction, in human love, however, there are great contradictions.

12. When he loves, man changes. If he is old or young, when he loves, man is transfigured. And the grandmother, when she falls in love throws her cane, stops moaning and looks in the mirror finds that she is not so old. It is not ridiculous that grandmother and grandfather can fall in love; when they fall in love, they constantly talk about Love. There is no more interesting and sensible question that Love l unites all people, it gives meaning to life.

13. Outside of Love, life cannot manifest itself, it introduces thrust, impulse in man in every direction. If man has some thrust, some internal aspiration towards something, he is under the influence of Love. If he is aware of this, it is not important: for man it is important to warm himself to the rays of the Love, widen your heart, push yourself towards something. Man must open his heart wide for Love, to make sense of his life - without Love, life becomes a desert.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: To restore his health, the man must pull his fingers a few times a day. First he will take his big finger; If he does not heal, he will take the second. If his illness is serious, he must pass neatly through all his fingers and toes. As he pulls his fingers for a few times a day, for about 10 days he will heal fully, or at least improve his condition.

14. Do you hear someone say: "I look for the Truth, I love it, I want to apply it." Why does this man love the Truth? Because he has understood that without Truth there is no growth, without Truth life cannot manifest, without Truth the soul cannot live. Only he seeks the Truth, the one who wants to manifest, to give expression to what is within him.

15. That which gives meaning to life is not hidden in something great, this is not in the great wealth, nor in the great knowledge, nor in the great force. This which gives meaning to life is hidden in microscopic things, barely visible and captivable. The small, the invisible, the microscopic is nothing other than the connection of man with God, with the First Cause, with the great Creator of the Universe. This connection is small, seemingly insignificant in sight, that's why philosophical people argue about it, look for it, hopefully find it. If they fail to achieve it, the cause lies in this that they seek it by an external path.

16. When Divine Love, Divine Knowledge and Divine Truth become an ideal in man's life, then he will understand what connection with God means.

17. The duty of man is to reach the positive things in life. What things are positive? Health, strength, faith, love, knowledge are positive things; and sickness, helplessness, disbelief, hatred, ignorance - negative. Which living being does not seek health, which man does not want to be healthy?

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: What do you do when you get sick? Some seek doctors, others heal on their own. The first condition for healing is faith - without faith man hardly heals. When you get sick of something, for example headache, stomach ache or rheumatism of the legs, hand, apply the following method: put the palms of your hands on the sick place and say: “I live in God . In God there are no diseases! ” If your faith in God is strong, not even half an hour will pass and your pain will disappear. The weaker your faith is, the more difficult the pain will be removed, however, you must be constant until it heals definitively. You will know that without faith nothing is achieved.

18. Faith and perseverance at work are two necessary conditions for the achievement and fulfillment of your desires. And the saint and the ordinary man need faith and perseverance. In order for them to rise on a higher step, and the ordinary man and the saint have to work. Since the saint has reached a certain result through conscious and persistent work, he requires the same from each man. Wherever man goes, among worldly or religious people, work awaits him everywhere: he must not think that he is the son of a king or princes and that he should not work.

19. A faith that is stirred by the smallest wind is not true; A Love that goes back in the smallest difficulties is not true. So the tests are storms and winds by which man is tested. If he does not go through tests, he cannot know himself. It is said: "Know yourself." That man knows himself, this means freeing himself from all deceptions, from all the alien elements introduced into his personal life. As long as he does not purify his conscience of all the mixtures and deceptions of the past, man cannot be happy - whatever effort he makes, he cannot change life.

20. Water flows and carries its sediments, but man must purify himself of these. The wind blows, swings and waves to the trees, but man must surround himself, not to submit to his influence. Water and air simultaneously produce damage and goodness. In the stomach the water is in place; if it enters the trachea, it can drown the man. The same can be said and for the air: if it enters the lungs it is in place; If it enters the stomach, it causes a disorder. Therefore, everything that goes to its place produces joy; If it does not go to your site, it causes distress.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: Now I am going to give you an exercise to solve the difficulties in life. When you find yourself in a certain difficulty, take the thumb of your right hand with your left hand and stroke it. The thumb is connected to the Divine world, it is an antenna through which Divine Love flows. The thumb is composed of three phalanges: the one below, the fleshy part, is called the mount of Venus; the middle part is connected with the reason of man, and the highest part - with the will. So, in order to connect with the Divine world, man must harmonize in himself the forces of will, of mind and of love. If you want to introduce this harmony in you, gently stroke your thumb and wish to connect with Divine Love.

20. When we talk about Love, some ask the question: how do you love yourself and what man can love each other? You will love as God loves. As regards the question, who can love? I say: everyone who has felt Divine Love can love; he who has not felt the Love of God over himself, he cannot love.

21. In Scripture it is said that on the day of judgment God will put one people on His right, and another - on His left. In other words: God will separate people into two categories, some of them will go to Paradise - on the right, others to hell - on the left. Therefore, if the girl puts the boy on her left side, she means that her love (his - ndt) comes out of hell; If he puts it on his right side, his love comes from Paradise. If you take the left hand of man, you go down to hell; if you take his right hand, you raise him, you take him to Paradise.

22. If in a home man takes his wife from the left hand, he will take her to hell; If she takes him by the right hand, she will take him to Paradise. What will be the result if the woman pulls to Paradise, and the man - to hell? In this home there will be contention, misunderstandings, discords, etc. Somewhere the man takes the woman in hell, somewhere the woman takes the man to hell. For there to be love, peace and harmony in homes, both men and women must seek to Paradise.

23. When you see an incorrect line on the human face, you should know that it is due to the crooked manifestations of man. As you know this, you must be careful towards yourself, which you straighten. Justice, for example, requires equal behavior towards the young girl and the old grandmother, the young boy and the old grandfather. The fair behavior of man towards all souls, draws on his face correct and beautiful lines.

24. Work forcefully for your salvation, that you may come out of the old life and enter the new. As far as wealth is concerned, do not think about it: the new life brings the necessary wealth. When the mother and father love their child, they will give everything; when God loves man, he will give him all that is necessary. God has placed in man the greatest wealth - mind, heart, soul and spirit. If he has this wealth, everything else will come by himself. Be grateful for all that is given to you: he who is happy with the little will receive and the great.

25. It is preferable that God finds you in the homes of the poor and suffering you help, rather than being first in a church. Be first to the sufferers, and last in the church. It is better that you be right before God and unbelievers before people, instead of being straight before people and sinners before God. The new generation needs a new moral, new precepts of life, new pedagogical principles. One thing must be known: you cannot convey to people this what you do not have in themselves. As much as you speak of morals, of love, of law, if you do not carry these things in themselves, they can perceive nothing.

26. And so, each man's duty is to love God and fulfill His will. When Love applies in his life, he can be rich and scientific and strong; if Love does not apply and does not respect the great laws of Existence, man is exposed to great suffering.

27. If the small finger on your hand becomes sick, if it starts to suppurate, and you don't pay attention to it, the infection will spread throughout the body. The same law refers to and towards all humanity: if people do not love each other, they are condemned to death, to infection. Hate is an infection - if it enters a man, it envelops everyone. People are parts of the Divine organism, so each one has been given the duty to overcome everything negative in itself, which does not allow it to go outside and infect its neighbor. Only then will man understand that the unhappiness of one is unhappiness of all, and that the good of one is the good of all. In order to penetrate this idea, man must put himself as a duty to serve God. This service includes service to others, as well as to oneself.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: Many complain about their destiny, because they don't think straight. When they start thinking straight, they can soften and improve their destiny. In this case, repeat the following words frequently: “I believe that I live in God, and He in me. I believe that life is reasonable and nobody can deprive me of the goods that God has determined for me. ” If someone dares to take away one of the goods determined for you, you will receive 10 times more.

28. Through service man knows himself, knows those around him, his difficulties and sufferings, and is filled by the desire to help. This does not mean that he can help everyone, but living in addition to himself, and for his neighbors, he becomes strong. The world needs strong people.

29. Each one must be penetrated by the idea that his good is a good of all, that he is ready to distribute everything he has; and for himself: to cut a fruit from the Tree of life.

30. Many people have been told about service to God; and so far it is still spoken, but still they ask themselves: "Why does man have to serve God?" The answer is as follows: he who wants to make sense of his personal, family, social and human life in common, has to serve God. When he accepts the service as his creed, he can say: "I was blind for a long time, but now I began to see and see clearly." If he does not accept this creed, he exposes himself to suffering and death.

31. There are two laws by which man walks: the law of Christ - the law of Love, and the old law. The law of Christ rejuvenates and resurrects man, and the old law makes man still older than he really is. Now, when you return to your home, let everyone ask the question, what law does it serve? When you answer, start working, that you develop your talents. The one with five talents, that elaborates 5 more; he who has two talents, who acquires two more; he who has a talent, that does not bury him in the earth, but works to acquire one more. Work for the Lord, for your neighbors and for yourself. This is the duty you must solve in this life.

Translated from Bulgarian to Spanish by: Rayito and Dimitar


For the month of May 2013

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