The choice ~ Choose in a world ~ The Lighthouses of Light November 2013

  • 2013

The Lighthouses of Light ~ Home Re-cordatories ~ The choice ~ Choose in a multidimensional world

The Re-cordatories of the Home of the Lighthouses of Light are presented live on the Internet, transcribed and published here on the 15th of each month. The Spanish translation is published between the 25th and 30th of the same month.

The next virtual Light Emission of Light Workers will take place on Saturday, December 21, 2013, at 11 am Pacific time in the United States.

~ Re-cordatories from Home ~

Note: This message has been edited and rechanged in some parts by the group to provide greater clarity in this format.

Regards, I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service.

The sky is not above the clouds. It is everywhere.

Today I have to tell you something new, but first I want to take you home for a moment. Here I am, in the place you call Home. Humans believe that the sky is above the clouds, it is funny, because the sky really is everywhere ... it is in all the places where you are not ... in all of them, simultaneously. When they arrive on Earth, they arrive as babies that must be carried, cared for and held in their arms. Most of the time, when they look up, they see the loving eyes and beauty of their mother, father or whoever takes care of them, and automatically assume that all beauty and affection comes from above. That's why they believe the sky is up. Don't you find it interesting? So I will bring you here and, for a moment, you can sit with me on a cloud. I want to show you something. Agree?

Laughing is the most spiritual thing you can do

Clean your eyes and prepare to carefully observe the universe because that is what we all do here, all the time. We will look at the Earth for a moment and observe the total panorama, all hearts merge . Just open your eyes slowly and what you will see is a large lake without any waves. The water is absolutely still and there is no movement in the air, just a beautiful reflection in a perfectly still body of water. That is the Earth, and in many ways, this is how your emotions look for us until something presents itself. When you feel fear, you create negative waves here in the energy. Take a small pebble and fill it with the energy of your heart, then just throw it quickly into the pond. Go ahead, throw it there. Can you see the waves moving away from the center? Small circles ... and more circles. Now, if they take a whole handful of pebbles and throw them all at the same time, they get many circles that begin to move and create all kinds of energies. They overlap and the movement creates all kinds of beautiful situations, which is what we see when you celebrate. Suddenly, we see that beautiful blank space and a small wave and say: “Just watch. There is a small wave that is beginning. It's going to be a good wave. ” And we see them celebrating on Earth. Now, why is that so important to us? Because in those moments they forget that they are human and begin to sustain their spirit all the time. Do you know what happens when you laugh? They leave aside the image of what they think they are to see themselves participating in the game. It is not beautiful? Actually, that's where laughter is. When humans celebrate, we wake up on this side of the veil. Do you know what happens when you think of Elrah and I am not talking to you? Suddenly I am at his side. And there is no difference if 8 million of you do it at the same time, because I am capable of that, but all of them can do it too. When they are at home and think of someone, they attract him to his field in a heartbeat. It is magical, well, what you think is magic. We do the same here, so when you celebrate the vibrations of one another are anchored. All these small circles of light radiate and intersect, some cancel, others accumulate. That constitutes the expression of a beautiful celebration of light and the greatest thing you can do on this Earth. Many of you believe that you have to do something spiritual and that you have to work hard. We tell you that you cannot do anything more spiritual than laugh because that is where you forget your human part and all your spirit emerges and shines. Re-cord, dear ones, the rooting of the light of the Home is one of the reasons why you are here.

Rooting the light of the Home

How can you root the light of the Home? They can do it in many different ways, but when they laugh they are doing it. You are the ones that attract you to Earth when you take that light from Home and create the most beautiful reflections through your own biology bubble. You see, that is changing a bit now for you because you are on the planet of empowered humans. Planet Earth is experiencing a lot of changes and there are many different ways to open space for creative beings to take their power at the point where they are now without having to go to the Home to anchor the energy again and begin again. You are really beginning to achieve it, right here and now, and it is beautiful. I'm going to take a break and allow eM to enter, because he has something to contribute about it and I would like him to share it with you.

Choosing in a multidimensional world

Greetings dear ones, I am eM. That is the laugh that must come with me. Yes, this is how we balance the energy of the Home. A few laughs from time to time will establish the energy of your whole day and that works well. They will remember this every time they laugh a little ... they will feel a slight tension and the energy that runs through their being, cleaning them, bringing them home. Welcome everyone, I am eM and I tell you that this day is very magical. I will ask you an individual and personal question. Everyone has made choices in their lives, but have you ever chosen something that made them doubt for a long time? What would have happened if they had chosen otherwise? Well, that is especially interesting because of what they are about to discover in the scientific area. Until now, his science had been focusing solely on the brain and his spirit only on the heart. Now, both are unified because the veil is thinning. You are witnessing that mutual validation in different ways and that is part of what I want to talk to you today.

In Quantum Physics there is a dilemma regarding the experiment called the "Double Slit" . I will briefly mention it to explain one of the dilemmas they have had regarding their own quantum science and that teaches us a broader approach to life. You throw an energy - call it a "photon" - and there are two different slits through which it can pass. Well, when you look closely, you understand what goes through both slits. The reasoning is: "Well, obviously there are too many photons, so we will only send one photon at a time and then see which slit it passes through." However, it went through both slits at the same time, but how did that happen? "No problem, " they said. "Now we will put a mechanism there to measure which of the slits it crosses." Then they started their machines and just went through a crack. Why? Because you were watching. It was the observation that tuned the results into a single dimension. That does not mean that all photons have passed through a single slit when they tried to measure them. It means that, with your intention, you could see them pass only through a slit.

You exist in multiple places at the same time and many regret not having made certain choices in their lives. We tell them that they certainly made those choices. Although they do not necessarily make them from this angle of their particular multidimensional life, they have chosen all those options and their spirit has experienced more of those capabilities than they can ever imagine. Never regret your choices on Earth, dear ones, for at any time, if you are not happy with your choice, you can choose again. That is the beauty of an empowered society and it is something they are doing now. For a long time, they were feeling everyone else's energy and often chose based not only on the needs of their own heart, but also on the needs of those around them. This is how all humans have worked because you know that you are not alone on Earth and that the harmony and the way you relate have been very important to all of you.

Echoes of the other eleven dimensions of his Being

What would happen if they had a higher perspective and began to release some of their limiting belief systems, allowing everyone to get exactly what they want in their life? They're there, dear ones, because that's what the portal was for. Yes, it is hard for them to anchor that energy at this time. Many of you still have a hard time seeing your own reflection in the new energy. It is still as beautiful as it was before, but many of the known signals have disappeared, much of its roots in the old energy has departed. So it represents a great challenge and many have remained in the survival mode even when they have already entered the new world, in the place of empowerment. Suddenly, they feel they cannot continue and have been trying to readjust their lives to feel comfortable again. We tell you that you have the ability to go back and experience all those choices that you believe you have not made. The interdimensional walls are thinning as we speak to them. Dear ones, you are a single being expressing yourself in twelve dimensions, the 12th dimension being the Higher Self that is in the center. Simply imagine a vertex on the cusp, with a toroid tube consisting of eleven circulating rays. Those rays would constitute their experience as individual lives, all believing that they are unique. However, they all connect at the center of the creation of the toroid, providing them with the same essential focus of being complete. The spiritual journey of the Earth is designed for the evolution of the spirit through human experiences and, consequently, is a constant aspiration towards the live and express the perfection of your Higher Self at the center of the creation of your personal toroid.

If we asked them who they were at some time, they would describe one of those rays of light from the perspective they see when they open their eyes in one dimension. However, there are eleven other perspectives with their harmonics, so they could have many more dimensions, if they wished. Each of those dimensions contained all the choices you did not make, but you are experiencing all those options in your dimensional realities. However, they only experience one of them in the reality they consider theirs at this time. Dear ones, the reason why we bring this up is because it is one of the greatest events that will happen in the coming months and well into 2014. As As humans evolve, interdimensional walls are thinning. You called it the thinning of the veil. Many of you received the magnificent energies of this and felt the emotional energies of your other yo, because the walls are thinning and your other yo They are leaking through them right now. Although this may be somewhat uncomfortable and difficult to assimilate, much of what you are feeling is negative energy that seems to cross before positive energy. Although it is only a human perception to consider that the negative energy is bad, it is much easier for you to express the negative energy than to express the positive energy. Please understand that often, when you feel sad, you may be connecting with another of your dimensions. Although at the beginning there may be some negative energy, it is a rupture and the opening of a new dimension, a new feeling and a connection that is directed towards each of you. Soon, they will discover that happiness comes. Despite having walked around without laughing or taking root for many days, they will suddenly be laughing for no apparent reason to balance the energy. Now they opened that possibility and are starting to release those other parts.

I am me

Dear ones, everyone knows that they come from Home or from what they consider heaven. You can call it what you prefer according to your belief systems, but they are not native to Earth. Your physical biology bubble has lodged your spirit and is now evolving to carry more of your own light. How can they increase it? How can they contribute to make it happen or help it evolve? Dear ones, it's very simple. They do it by using light. Use your gifts and you will receive more. It is valid for the entire Earth and all nature. Now each of you has reached the point of asking yourself: What do I choose to do? Yes, they still have to choose because they are on the planet of free will. It is the basis of their power and corresponds to them by right. We wanted to share it with you because many have spent a long time regretting their choices, wondering what would have happened if they had followed this path instead. Dear ones, we tell you that you have not lost anything. They may not have been fully aware of it, but in their hearts and especially when they go home, all these experiences will make sense and will understand everything. They will understand why sometimes there is sadness over here and laughter over there, and sometimes it is possible to hide imperfection over here and perfection over there. They are on the planet of free will. Everything on your planet must be imperfect and if you really come from Home, you are perfect beings. That is why they live in twelve dimensions. They had to divide their imperfections to be able to simulate that they are on planet Earth. But they are not imperfections ... they are the taste of their light and everyone has the wonderful job of materializing it right now. Do they see themselves in me? I am eM and if they actually invest my name it is Me (NT: in English, eM inverted is Me which means Me) Do you understand? After all, I managed to make them laugh.

Dear ones, a beautiful journey awaits you. Play. Celebrate Know that your spirit has never made a serious mistake. They are complete and complete, living in multiple dimensions at the same time and becoming aware of it. Their choices have brought them here and that is the beauty of what they are, where they come from and what they are trying to do.

With the greatest honor we sit in front of you and observe how empowered humans now populate the planet Earth. Treat each other with respect, take care of each other whenever you have a chance. Know that it is a beautiful game and play it well together. Open all the doors you can for everyone, for they are at the service of the most beautiful light; yours.


The group

Connecting the Heart

By Barbara Rother

The home in Holland

Steve and I have just returned from a two-week trip through Holland. That is our home away from home. We have been presenting our work there since Lightworker began. Due to a seminar that was canceled in the first week, we found some unexpected, but wonderfully welcome. Amsterdam vacations. We carry that city in our hearts. We stay at our favorite hotel that always welcomes us warmly. I thought Steve would spend working on the computer during this free time, but to my surprise and delight, he didn't even touch it. Well, maybe once. We had been so busy at home with our work on the Internet, that this gave us the opportunity to relax and enjoy our time together and be with dear friends. This special time to relax and rest was perfect to start the next seminars with new vigor. By taking care of ourselves, we prepare ourselves to give ourselves totally in our events.

We return to the beautiful area of ​​Elspeet. It is a small and charming city nestled in the Menerode forests, a resting place for all who go there. I longed to return to that place in particular. A year ago, Steve and our son Austin presented a Lightworker event there without me because I was recovering from my illness. It was wonderful to return this time enjoying such good health. I was radiating happiness during the entire time we were there. On my way to Menerode, I constantly felt that I was going home. The hotel staff welcomed us with welcome smiles and hugs. Every time we went to Menerode, I intended to walk through the forest or ride a bike to explore the surroundings, but there was never time for that. This time I had the opportunity to make a wonderful walk with our daughter Elke. It was a very special moment for us while we wandered in the rain enjoying the beauty of the leaves with their almost golden tones. Next time I will do the bike ride. You feel comforted when you do something you have wanted to do for a long time.

As the other Lightworkers began to arrive, I felt the expectation grow within me. In the morning, when we started our seminar, the room was full of emotion. It was a great family reunion. Everyone was ready to celebrate. I felt wonderful connections between all the attendees. We hug and share very emotional words. I felt very happy to be present in this magical encounter.

We present a three-day seminar called The Mastery of Service. It was full of important and useful information. We treasure our one-day event with Janosh. He is a brother to us and his work combines very well with ours.

Now we are adapting to our reality of Las Vegas. We feel good having returned home. Our lovely time in Holland seems like a dream. Traveling and feeling at home when we are in Holland seems like another dimension of who we are. Now Steve and I present our work mostly through the Internet. I feel grateful for this tool that allows us to send our message to so many people at once. But I missed the personal company of our Lightworker family. I have always felt that I could live in any of the fascinating places we have had the joy of visiting. And particularly, in Holland. It is a special home for me, because home is where our heart is.

With love and light


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Translation and Edition:

Team of Voluntary Translators of

November of 2013

The choice ~ Choose in a world ~ The Lighthouses of Light November 2013

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