Divine Mother - Becoming an energy teacher via Susannah

  • 2015
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Practice the meditation of the unified chakra in this month of July, to connect the chakras to each other and integrate all facets of their being.

You are here right now, to become an energy teacher, and for this you must put into practice all the vibratory tools we have given you; I the Divine Mother and my beloved son Archangel Michael. You can change the events and circumstances in your lives, and thus achieve what you want, knowing yourself better and working with subtle vibratory tools, so that you succeed in your self-realization and personal goals. Archangel Michael gives them protection, purification and elevates their vibration when they call it. The teachings he is giving them and their vibrational techniques such as the personal pyramid in the fifth dimension, unite the fragments of the soul into the light and love of his heart and infinite breathing; They are to help them in their ascension. Guardian angels are always taking care of you, under Michael's orders, guardian angels were created for this divine purpose and are a feasible fact of God's love for you. My Beloved Son Miguel, help you in the area of ​​your life that you want to change. It gives them faith, tranquility, courage, optimism, will and spiritual power to face adversities with the help of God. Breathe the blue sapphire energy of Archangel Michael that can be encapsulated in a protective cylinder around and inside of you.

You are under the law of grace that is the refined energy of the soul. You can ask for changes in the contracts of the soul, if this is necessary for you to Mother Azna, the Council of Twelve and the Karmica Board.

To dissolve the malfunction of the mental body, if they lack hope, dissatisfaction, confusion or depression, release these energies by the seven chakra and send them to me, to the Divine Mother.

They need more connection with their Divine Presence . Let your attention move towards me or towards Archangel Michael, so that we raise your vibration. Notice and contemplate your Divine Presence that is your Spirit. Soften in me with the softening vibrating tool. I am driving with my love, all in their lives. When you know this, when you refer to me every day, your life will improve and it becomes much softer. You will find that you receive the right people, the perfect information, the perfect instructions as to how to move through each situation, whether to let go, or for the softening that is the switch of divine light, allowing the Infinite act, yielding to the Infinite Totality.

The first manifestation of Infinite Totality; it is love. The Creator has said it many times: "The key is love." You are the love. You have to trust in Love and Truth and keep moving with them, allow them to flow, soften them, over and over again. In doing so, all the malfunctioning of the mental body dissolves and the Truth begins to be revealed. The knowledge of the truth begins to reach your heart. You are Divine Beings that live in a physical form. Trust that your divinity knows how to cure your physical form and vibration. Ask your Higher Self to harmonize the vibration of your energy field.

Ask for help first. When you ask us for help; Our energy starts to fluctuate in your system. You can see your divine friend even if you look at him carefully. Energy can be observed when you say. "Archangel Michael help me, " he appears. You can see it or not see it, you can hear it or not hear it, but you will always be able to feel it, because it will be there to help you.

Ascension is all about love

His ascension has to do with his relationship with me; if I were the sea, you would be the drops of salt water, the drops would evaporate if they were out of the sea each drop contains all the components of the water, but they need to be in the sea. are we not one?

You have to purify and cleanse your lower bodies, so that your higher self can readjust you. You are raising your consciousness with the vibrational frequencies of your higher self and with the vibrational elevation of Gaia. So, please break the veils, so that you have an intimate relationship and synchronized with your higher self and with Mother Earth.

When you meditate, put your awareness on the dimension of your higher self; they will receive discernment, elevation and enlightenment. I would like to ask you to dedicate a part of your time every day for your creative visualization. Go to your pyramid of light in the fifth dimension, lie on the glass table, receive the white light of the Divine Mother that comes out of the highest part of the pyramid by Double peak glass and wrap the image you want to create in a white circle. Take control of the light of your higher self, and say: WITH THE LIGHT OF MY HIGHER I, I CHARGE THIS IMAGE, TO MAKE REALITY COME TO ME .

You are in charge of your lives, you are responsible for your lives. Therefore, they should take care of their physical body with love, as if it were a son. Listen to what your body is telling you; Do you need more water? More vitamins and energy foods? Does it help your nervous, circulatory, lymphatic, immunological, or digestive system? Improve your joints, your muscles or your bones? The more they commit to the energy of health and expand it in their fields, the higher the vibration of their physical body will be and the less prone to Blocks and diseases. So, your health is important in your Ascension . Your physical body will not have it forever and when this happens you should let it go.

Trust in me and in yourselves, is one of the keys to ascension Ascension is a natural state of being, it will happen when you leave the attachments of this plane and learn to let go their souls will grow and change for a greater good, they will ascend because the potential of their souls is evolution and you are constantly receiving, integrating and anchoring energies, every time from me The high vibration of high dimensions of the kingdoms of light and you will rise more with Leo's intense energies in this month of July. You are going to reap what you co-created with me. You have discernment to receive the synchronized signals of the kingdoms of light.

Send love to orphaned children, their younger brothers, animals, their plants, their minerals, their Mother Earth.

Where they put their attention, great power and great strength are sent there . So its qualities of letting go and attention; they are paramount even when they leave this world and leave through the portal of their heart. It is precisely these qualities that allow them not to turn back.

Right now, we are working with the energy of transcendence and the light of the resurrection that seeks the divine and with the energy of health and deep healing that seeks the well-being of your physical body.

If you want to achieve your ascension, you must practice the teachings of my Beloved Son Saint Germain; the alchemy of the seventh ray that is coming to you from Uranus (the planet of Saint Germain) and the supply provided by your divine being or Divine Presence I Am, of everything you need, if you do the call well. Ask Goddess Victoria to teach you to receive the subtle currents of your divine being, to connect with your higher mind and with your energy matrix.

I give them the divine connection and I will help them to change planes; That is why his ascension has to do with his relationship with me. I am ensuring that. Ascension is your complete unity of consciousness with God on all levels of your being.

If you are creating something that you need to have, for greater well-being and progress, and you begin to feel confusion and lack of clarity, it is because you are forgetting that you are part of the Unit, and you are entering one side or another of the duality. For example, they need a car and we are creating it, but in turn, they are thinking: how am I going to buy a car with galloping inflation, then doubt is dismantling our precipitation. So do not forget that you are the Infinite Totality and that your divine being is the door to the abundance of the Universe. When doubts or confusion arise, say: " Beloved Presence I Am, I call you to action ." Trust is what I ask of you and clarity will come. You are divine beings.

When you enter my field, you resonate with my love - my love for you knows no boundaries, is unconditional and is strong and sincere. We meditate with the Divine Father in the heart, the Divine Mother in the third eye and the Divine Child (her inner child) in the twelfth chakra; Your child is in the care of Mother Mary and surrounded by white and golden light. So ask him or her what it takes to be completely happy.

It is your Divine Being, who determines the level of activation of your body of light - the communication you have had with your higher self is of great help at the time of your ascension. Your divine being is helping you achieve your ascension to the fifth dimension with a new energy field for you, but not for your higher self that is already there. So by unloading in your fields, the energy of the fifth dimension of your higher self, you are advancing on this path. Your divine being encourages you to meditate with your higher self, completely focused on your higher self, to use this transcendent energy.

You are united in your multidimensional aspects by your energetic field that co-exists with your multiple selves, with vibrational difference, and each one can take the place of the other until his ascension, so you are One multidimensionally. Your divine being is your big life in your multidimensionality and each of you can manifest it here on Earth.

The divine love of the heart is unlimited; its magnetic force is the most powerful in the universe and increases with the desires that you have - this is the reason why many return so many times, to the third dimension. When you become aware that God is in your hearts, this love expands and expands - you connect to your multiple selves through divine love. We will be integrating all your selves into One so that you are more complete.

Thanks to the Photon Belt that is the Christ Energy ; Mother Earth ascended to the fifth dimension with the name of the Nova Earth (the violet planet). Your great spirit was divided to encourage, nurture and give life to the violet planet and Gaia (the blue planet) and you will ascend there, if you wish with the Cosmic Divine Mother and the magnetic force of your hearts.

Question: Divine Mother, do the souls of good heart who have not evolved and change their plane due to illness, old age, natural death or because their body no longer has enough energy; Do you receive your help and that of the angels to ascend?

Divine Mother: Yes, all my children are helped by me in the process of changing planes and leaving the coat of the physical body to put on a new coat - I have to help them to continue with their other life. They are also helped by the angels who are in charge of the process of souls in transition and by other beings of light who also intervene if they are called, as my son Jesus does.

If the person changes planes long before the time foreseen in an accident or tragedy; your higher self, your guardian angel, your ascension angel and sometimes a relative who loves you, help you to rise - you are never alone.

In their lives there are turning points where they start from scratch and without problems - changing planes is one of those turning points. At each inflection point; we must make sense of things that have to change, there must be recognition (an expansion of consciousness) and let go at that same point, considering that the point where the turn occurs (which may be unexpected) is the beginning of your other new life that will be better for you, since life in the fifth dimension is more fluid. You can go to La Nova Tierra or the cities of light of the fifth dimension, and you will be completely protected.

Your infinite consciousness is becoming very expansive in your contact with the Source, so that you can use it with your intention and attention in your Ascension, bringing light from the Source for the softening of what you wish to heal or improve. They are growing in Totality. The infinite is helping them to grow the positive and the negative decrease. Focus on positive attention; then Totality can flow through your consciences; to that point of attention and will give them the revelation, healing, relationship, wealth or grace they need. When your attention is on something and awareness flows there, there are changes in vibration of the energy field that becomes a more complete and complete field. So put your attention on joining the fragments of your soul, from your heart with light and love. Let the love in your heart be intense, deep and pure .

Loving yourself is another key to your ascension. So value yourself and take care of yourself. Communicate with your soul. The soul being or soul body is the one who will tell you; what they need to heal and strengthen, to transform pain into joy. Achieving Ascension is an immense joy and a true party.

There is an action, and this action is an alchemy that occurs when you give confidence to the Infinite. Trust is in your heart, so alchemy is going to take place and the transfiguration of the physical body when you change planes; and it has to do with the confidence in the Infinite so that you always have the support of life in the different planes of existence. The way to be in harmony with life is to focus on the situation that is presented to you and then let it go to the Infinite. We soften, when we go to infinity - Let go of your hands some parts of life, so that you can have the whole of life.

I am peace, balance and purity in you, and you need me for your ascension we have the same essence; Divine love is our essence. Now let me bathe you with strong jets of my divine love to the core of your cells, to change the structures of your atoms and turn your bodies more spiritualized.

There in your heart, in the deepest part of your being, you will always find my love. I am constantly filling you with my light, when you meditate with me, I am healing you, I am creating enormous energetic waves of light, full of my electrons, that activate your cells to the crystalline nucleus and help you in your Ascension . Visualize your electrons.

As they ascend to other dimensions; they will have greater freedom to move with the intention of thinking they are ascending as they understand the nature of their whole being, the handling of light and the unlimited reach of love.

Their souls were created with light and love, and they are composed of ectoplasm be filled with light every day, shower with divine light to cleanse your energetic body of impurities It is the light of your divine being. My children you are in the arms and in the heart of the Divine Mother, and in the immensity of my Creation.

I love you so much.


I am teaching him the ability to use his attention. For example, when I instruct you to soften your belly button, your attention goes to your belly button. Softening is a rather vague instruction. It means expanding or relaxing, to be less focused. So, you are using your attention as a direct approach and then softens your attention that becomes more expanded or diffuse. This ability to maintain focus and soften the focus or broaden the focus is important for you to learn. You are learning how to find a point, in this case the navel, and then soften at that point at that time, and leave that fuzzy point more unlimited. Transcendence and softening are synonymous. Keep softening, it is the light switch. The practice of softening is the practice of surrender, until the softening is flowing in its physical form, in its life stream, as a Divine flow of Divine Love. Keep letting go, softening. No matter what the situation, let yourself be delivered; so that the Divine wisdom that is almighty can move you where you want to go.

His life is a significant presence on this plane of the Earth. You have needs that can be satisfied by your alignment with the Divine Mother. I will say it once more: The Divine Mother is the power that animates the universe, as well as to align with that power, her life becomes blessed by the power that animates the entire universe. You are brought under the protection of the Supreme Intelligence that guides the universe.

Whenever you are confused, when you are unhappy, breathe in the heart, open in the heart, work with the heart, call the names of God that affect the heart They are for Devotion and love All the names and every name of God are to nourish the heart. You have the power to free yourself. You are in charge of your energy. If you find yourself attached to a fear, cut the thread, break the thought. Do not believe in fear. Trust your Divine Being. Do not trust fear. Trust me. I am One with you. Trust our Unit. Go back to the deepest love. That is what will happen through their lives and they will create all miracles.

Source: http://esferadelaunidadmaitreya.blogspot.com.es/

Divine Mother - Becoming an energy teacher via Susannah

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