THE Physical Vehicle is a Wonderful Creation "by AA Miguel

  • 2010


November 2010


Broadcast through Ronna Herman

Translation: Odilia Rivera.

Dear teachers, as we move forward on the path of enlightenment, and come to a better understanding of the cosmic law and the works of the universe, we take the opportunity to occasionally give you a better understanding of some of the concepts of Creation and the complexity of the physical vehicle Therefore, we would like to give you a deep explanation of the composition of the Ethereal Body and its importance in the ascension process. The Ethereal Body or Ethereal Network, which is finer in substance than the terrestrial body, refers to the invisible counterpart of the physical body. The ethereal body is composed of the physical aura, which transmits its state of physical health through various colors and distortions, or lack thereof, within the pattern of the Ethereal Network. The emotions of pain, suffering and resentment are ways of thinking which prevent them from embracing and becoming the Light Bearers they should be. The auric field is the invisible electromagnetic force field that surrounds the physical body, and increases energy for you and radiates vibrational frequency patterns from you.

The aura of the mental body within the Ethereal Network is almost non-existent in those who are caught in the restrictions of the third and fourth dimensions because they see the world and events through an illusion filter created by their past beliefs, thoughts and Actions.

When it exists in a third and fourth dimension environment, the dominant force within the emotional body is the astral plane. Therefore, a vast majority of people are under the influence of their basic personality and the desire body of the ego, which is composed of unrealized longings of the past, as well as emotional imbalances and feeling of not being valuable or not being loved. . One of the most dramatic phases of the ascension process is to move through the distortions of the emotional consciousness of humanity's belief system towards the stability, freshness and harmony of the elevated dimensions.

Never forget, that fear takes away your power. The general belief system of humanity's consciousness is fueled by hostile, negative thinking and a resistance to new concepts and change. Most of the masses are frozen in a reality of pain and suffering, but they are not willing to assimilate new expansive ideas, which could relieve them of their self imposed prison or limitation.

It is vitally important that they remain firmly seated and in balance within the accepted range of duality while operating within the reality of the third dimension. They must also strive to establish emotional harmony and serenity within their illusory world of the fourth dimension while seeking wisdom and striving to acclimatize to the mental plane of the bottom of the fifth dimension.

They must always be alert for the whispers of their Soul and their Higher Self. It is also important that they understand that they not only have a Higher Self, but many fragments / sparks of their Higher Self scattered throughout the universe.

The ascension process requires the integration and gradual assimilation of the next facet frequency of your Higher Self from the next higher dimension. You are in the process of expanding your Light and your consciousness. Your transformation into Self mastery, also the ascension process, will be greatly accelerated once you have expanded your personal light lifeline, which is an ethereal tube of Light, which is your central connection to your Divine I AM Presence. . They are also in the process of reestablishing their connection to the River of Life through their personal Antakarana (Rainbow Bridge of Light) which contains the Creator's Essence called Part Adamantine cells. Through many past centuries, humanity has diminished the connection to the River of Life and Light; therefore, in most of the people, it has only become a small drip.

Each of you has a sphere of irradiation that is produced by the vibratory patterns of your auric field and the song of your Soul. Ascension means bringing the entire body system of chakras to a balance, which will facilitate cleaning, refining and balancing the Ethereal Body or uranic field. His goal is to return his Ethereal Body and his auric field to his perfect Divine Design, which is the human design for his original body called the Adam / Eve Kadmon Light Body. We observe them through bands of color within their multiple body, physical, mental, emotional and ethereal system, which have been created by their thoughts, actions and works through It is their many times of life over the centuries.

Your Energy Firm is made up of vibrational frequency patterns that you emit daily through your thoughts, actions and works. Your Energy Firm can vary greatly when they are operating within a third and fourth dimension environment. However, as he progresses along the path of Enlightenment, his Energy Firm gradually becomes more harmonious and melodious and eventually becomes part of his permanent Song of the Soul. The advance of his soul is monitored by the frequencies of his Song of the Soul and not by his daily actions.

His Song of the Soul is composed of vibrational patterns of frequency of the middle part of the fourth dimension and of a higher dimension of unconditional love, wisdom, balance and harmony. As an Auto Master, your Energy Signature and your Song of the Soul will emerge into a Heavenly Mandala of color and sound, by which you will be identified in the Higher Realms. They are recognized for the brilliance of their inner Light. The more Essence of Light you incorporate into your physical body, the brighter your aura shines brighter.

The Holy Spirit of your higher Mental Self is the discerning higher intelligence which monitors and regulates the infusions of Light, and the gifts of the Spirit that are assigned to you according to your level of spiritual consciousness and your needs. present.

Special distributions are monitored and dispersed by your Sacred Mental Self which is the intermediary between you and your I AM Presence or I God. Meditation helps to discipline the lower mind and the ego so that they can consciously tune into the reflections of their higher mind. This requires patience and discipline to stop the chattering of the mind that is the norm for those closed to their higher consciousness. We encourage you to practice active and passive meditation. A decree or affirmation is a prayer with power. This must be a concise and positive statement expressed with certainty, and the confidence that it will be manifested in the appropriate manner and at the appropriate time. If the affirmation is sent with loving intent and for the greatest well-being, they are aligning their will with that of their Higher Self; and universal law will ensure that your thoughts and aspirations co-creators are combined with those of similar ones. Therefore, they will increase in strength and power. Silent meditation is listening for a response from your Higher Self and your guardian Angel or the Holy Spirit.

Remember, a person who is centered within his Sacred Heart and Mind, can attract cosmic truths and inspired thoughts to millions of people while the amorous vibrations of his auric field blesses each one with whom he comes into contact.

Serenity and joy are qualities of the Soul. Intelligent love results when the Soul becomes the dominant inner force and the ego personality has been put under control. When you successfully dissolve the membranes of Light by keeping the entrance to your Sacred Mind, you can gain access to your personal hold of Divine Wisdom.

Let us give you a recap of some of the symptoms of ascension, which, the initiates on the Path, are experiencing now.

They will find themselves withdrawing from social activities and events that were pleasurable in the past. Loud noises, crowds and bustling activities disturb them, and they yearn for isolation and perhaps the serenity of nature. By raising their vibrational frequencies and becoming more harmonious, they will withdraw from interaction with people, events and places that emit discordant frequencies. Also, gradually, they will have less and less in common with certain friends and relatives, especially those who are negative, subjective and cruel to others.

They can have intense bursts of energy through which they can barely remain still, and sometimes they can feel so much light inside the body that they barely feel their body shape. Other times they may feel so heavy that they sink into the ground, and they may experience extreme fatigue. Your body shape is going through intense metamorphosis and an ethereal and cellular level, and some of the transformation symptoms are not pleasant, especially for those who are existing in an old or somehow weakened body shape.

As the Kundalini (Sacred Fire) begins to rise through its spine, (the ethereal tube of Light), they may experience times of intense internal heat, while their outer body feels cold and even sticky . This is the reason because, initially, it is better to strive for a gradual release of the Kundalini Fire stored within the Root Chakra at the base of the spine so that they can slowly integrate the high frequencies of Divine Light. Quick and more is not necessarily better when you are in the midst of the transforming Ascension process.

For those in the early stages of the process, the experience of integrating the refined frequencies of Light will not be so dramatic. However, for those Star Seeds who are well on their way into the Ascension process and who have agreed to be Servants of the World, clearing the way for others, this may be a formidable continuous process while integrating more and higher frequencies. of Light to share with others.

They may feel as if they were in an emotional ups and downs while experiencing many emotional ups and downs. They are reaching and releasing so many impacted patterns of jarring energy frequency from a deep cellular level, and it is important to allow those feelings to come to the surface so that they are transmuted into refined Light substance. It is important that you learn to become observers of what is happening and objectively see, process and rectify with loving patience and understanding that which is being revealed to you.

Your eating habits can change dramatically. No matter what you choose to eat, follow your inner guidance and monitor how your body feels after eating something. Your Elemental Body or internal intelligence body is waking up and if you pay attention, it will lead you to proper food and diet. Always remember that moderation in all things is the key.

They may have strange pains and ailments, for which there is no definitive diagnosis. There are many minor chakras and meridian points within the physical body. While the higher frequencies of Light try to flow through the body, they can find resistance in those critical junctions which can cause discomfort. One of the most common areas of pain is in the area of ​​the spinal column of the upper middle part, between the shoulder blades.

They may feel as if they are losing their mind, or at least their memory. There are multidimensional levels within the brain, therefore, while raising their frequency patterns, the lower levels of the brain will gradually be refined. Therefore, they will no longer need or be able to access much of their negative past history as well as much of the trivialities they have stored there. They will gain access to higher levels of the brain where their Sacred Mind resides. The unification between the Sacred Mind and the Sacred Heart is an integral part of the Ascension process.

Dear ones, you must admit, it is an exhilarating time to be in the physical vehicle, and yet your physical vehicle is struggling to keep up with the continuously-increasing frequencies that are integrating moment by moment and day by day.

Many of you who have not had colds, the flu or intestinal disturbances for many years, are now experiencing these debilitating symptoms, and some of you ask; What am I doing wrong? They are not doing anything wrong, dear friends, but what they are doing correctly is what is causing those uncomfortable bouts of bodily anguish. We recognize the fact that these facts are not pleasant to experience. However, we want to give you another facet of the truth to reflect on it. Again, many of you who are deeply immersed in the transforming process of Ascension are experiencing those uncomfortable symptoms as a way to transmute ancient negative energies quickly into your physical vehicle. They can call it transmutation or baptism of fire, a release and burning of ancient frequency patterns to allow the crystalline cells of more refined consciousness to infiltrate and dominate internally. Not all viruses are bad, nor are all the uncomfortable symptoms the ones they are experiencing. See them as a means to an end and serving a higher purpose. Those things, too, will happen, dear ones.

We ask you to take care of yourself, to pay more attention than ever to your physical body and the signals or messages that your wise Elemental body projects to you. How will you enjoy the beautiful world of love, joy and abundance you are creating if your physical vehicle is not vibrant and healthy?

Join us in your Pyramid of Light, dear ones, and let us help you move through the process with ease and grace and great joy. May the radiance of our Father and Mother God be poured on you and fill you with the Light and Eternal Life. Know that we are close to Eastern and protect them.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Dear Friends, I have good news to share with you. As you know, I have experienced pain in my throat and have had cough spasms for several years. And I was getting worse, therefore I have been aggressively looking for a solution. I saw an allergist; I had blood tests and x-rays. Results: I am in excellent health. My thyroid function is low, it was the only abnormal thing. I went to see an Otolaryngologist on Wednesday, October 27. After explaining my problem and showing him where my pain is located, he said, I think I know exactly what the problem is. I wondered if my tonsils had been removed and I said, when I was 19 years old. After the exam, he said, `` Sometimes when the tonsils are removed at an early age, the doctor forgets a small part, which is in the deep part of the throat, and which, over time, sometimes grows larger. He told me that I have inflamed a nodule of similar size to the last gasket of my little finger and that it has probably been like this for a long time. Curiously, he said he knew immediately that it was because he had experienced the same problem. I've had several doctors examining my throat and none of them discovered that nodule.

The point in my throat has become increasingly painful and is difficult to ignore (as in the past). Therefore, the first week of December, he will remove it with a laser. I have no Seminar through the Internet in December so that the weather is perfect. I am so glad to finally know what the problem is and waiting for the procedure to be well again. Many strange and interesting ascension symptoms are coming. I am pleased that Miguel talked about some of them this month. Miracles abound. I thank you all for your loving thoughts and prayers. Eternal love and angelic blessings. Ronna

Transmitted through Ronna Herman. * Think about it freely and share it. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of the Arc Miguel Angel. WE OFFER THE MESSAGES OF THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ON OUR INTERNET SITE AS A GIFT, HOWEVER, WE APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP PAY THE POSTAL OPERATION COSTS AND TIMBRES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKAGES WE SHIP WORLDWIDE.

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