The energies of April 2009 -Time to move forward

The Cosmic Egg by Monique Monkeys of Belgium at

Dear Family of Light, at this time we celebrate with you the leaps and bounds that are happening on Planet Earth. Truly, it is a tumultuous time of great change and, precisely because of the magnitude of such change, sometimes stress can also seem great. Know, Dear Ones, That Everything is in the Divine Light as the Earth advances on its path of Spiritual Evolution.

The so-called economic crisis is a time for the Human Collective to truly look inward and connect with the Flow of Infinite Abundance that reaches each of you in the form of Love and Grace of the Source. They are learning to stop trusting their security to illusory systems of the external world, they are learning to trust the love, support and guidance that comes from their presence I AM. As we told you many years ago, everything you need is inside. As Masters of Light living in Freedom, they have the ability to instantly manifest anything they need or desire. Learning to trust this internal process will help you get rid of the fear and anger that are being generated by those who remain trapped in the illusion of crisis and lack.

Dear, at this time, the radiant light of the Golden Flame, what we call "Christ Light", surrounds your Earth and is getting stronger and stronger. This has the effect of activating what we call "the Cosmic Egg." It is the Main Template or original project of Planet Earth, which contains all the Possibilities and forms of life or existence of the Planet, as well as all Potentials and Possible Combinations of Energy, Light and Love, along with its Manifestation in the Form . By increasing the Collective Vibration and intensifying the Christ Light in each Heart of those that make up the Heart Grid, the "Cosmic Egg" is activated to create new Potentials and Possibilities for life on a Higher Level of Consciousness and Existence. This means, Dear Family of Light, that the Earth is ready to hold new codes and create new ways of life, as well as new technologies that support these codes in a more loving and abundant way.

Dear ones, in this year your Planet is ready to make a huge leap forward in its Evolution. You, dear family, are prepared; They have worked long and hard for this moment that is already here. It truly is a year for the Creation of Miracles. We urge you to remain open and receptive, and to allow such Miracles to arise as gifts of the Source brought to you by the Servants of Light.

We also remind you that this great leap forward is only possible thanks to the Unconditional Love that unifies your Hearts into the new Unified Grid of the Heart. "The Harmony of One" is what magnifies the Golden Christ Light. Because, in truth, the Golden Flame of Abundance is the Sacred Energy of the Twin Flame of the Divine Feminine and Masculine united in a Sacred Union. It is this Sacred Space of Divine Love, everything is possible and all potentials are revealed. They have nothing more to ask for and they will be given.

And so, in this month of April, many on Earth celebrate the Passover holiday, "Astarte, " as it was originally known. In its manifestation in the feast of the Divine Goddess Astarte, it was truly associated with the Cosmic Egg and with the New Beginnings, and this echo is still felt in the custom of eggs presented as offerings during Easter. In its Christian manifestation, it is associated with the death and resurrection of Jesus, the avatar bearer of the Divine Male Christ Light. Know that this sacred story also symbolizes the renewal of life through the power of the Christ Light on Earth. Because the Golden Light, when held in perfect balance, activates the Cosmic egg, the Global Project, and thus a new life, a new energy, is born at a Higher Level of Consciousness. This is the process we call "Ascension", in which the Collective Consciousness welcomes a Superior "Overtone" of Light and activates new possibilities and potentials within the Cosmic Egg of Light.

Dear ones, you are now in the process of waiting for the emergence of the new that will come. New Blessings and a Great Abundance at a Higher Level of Conscious Existence.

Thus, on this full moon of April 9, when the energy is in Libra, the House of Relations and Marriage, it will be the optimal time for them to maintain a perfect balance between the Masculine and the Feminine within their own Heart Sacred. Celebrate at this time the Union of Heaven and Earth, of Spirit and Matter, of the Divine Grace of God with the Heart of the Human Collective.

The Golden Energy of the Union, Balance, Peace and Abundance will also be infused during the weekend after the Full Moon, at Easter time. In this period, we urge you to focus meditatively on the Sacred Energy and the Golden Light. Therefore, also prepare to receive the equally powerful incoming energies from the Lion Gate portal that will burst into late July and early August this year. This year these energies will be especially powerful, since they will activate the potential and possibilities within the Cosmic Egg. Know that they are prepared. Know that each of the souls that are currently present on Earth agreed and is willing to take part in this huge leap in the Evolution of Planet Earth. We here, in the Realms of Light, are equally full of joy and anticipation, preparing with you for this acceleration of the Light towards new forms of planetary and cosmic expression.

The Energies of April 2009

The Full Moon falls on April 9, with the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra, the House of Relationship. At this time, celebrate all forms of Relationship that exist in Unconditional Love. The full moon will be followed by the traditional Christian holiday of Easter or "Holy Week". At that time, the Compassionate and Divine Grace of Mary Magdalene, the feminine Christ, will help the Planet at its birth to a Higher Vibration of the Christ Light. Celebrate the Sacred Union of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, the Avatars of the Christ Consciousness and the Sacred Union.

The New Moon will be on April 25, in Taurus. The energy of Taurus is governed by Venus, the Goddess of Love who, under her representation with the glyph of the Bull, also carries a powerful masculine energy. Celebrate the Union of God and Goddess to produce the New Energy as you move towards the Moon of the "Buddha", the Moon of Illumination, of May 9. At that moment, Kwan Yin's Compassionate Love embraces the Earth while the Buddha's energy awakens the Hearts and prepares Humanity for its great "leap" forward.

We wish you Love and Grace this April.

Translation: Paloma Fernández.

Advance Time
The Infinite Abundance of the Active Golden Flame
the "Cosmic Egg"

The Energies of April 2009
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

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