Wake up to the Unit. June 11, 12 and 13 - 2010

  • 2010

Diksha energy opens new paths at the neurobilogic level, reassuring the Parietal area of ​​the Brain where depression, loneliness, disconnection with the world around us are located, enhancing the Cerebral Frontal zone where feelings of Unity, Joy, Communication are located with others and with the environment.

In the present moment that humanity and the planet live it is fundamental that we can connect with this power that we all carry innate, but that as a consequence of all the external noise to which we are subjected by our experiences, learnings, information in which we are immersed we have lost .

Diksha in a simple way by imposing hands on the head, makes us resume this power of connection with our own intuition and feelings, and recognize what our own truth is, not what we want to see third parties interested precisely in that we are more Unconscious and full of fear throughout our lives.

We also meet on Wednesday at Sara's house at 8pm. to share the Diksha and continue with the support of the group and enjoy the big and small things that are happening to us, (c / Jorge Guillén nº 9, 5ºD Murcia next to the Morales Meseguer Hospital).

If you want to have more complete information www.onenessuniversity.org

Thank you very much for your support.

Hugs Diksheros Carmen


June 11, 12 and 13 - 2010

We propose you to experience this profound transfer of energy that frees you from emotional and mental burdens by opening your heart to the spontaneous experience of feelings of love, joy and inner calm.

In this course participants are instructed to be


With the ability to transmit this beneficial energy that improves our lives, relationships, health, increases

and facilitates connecting with others and expands our mental horizon at the neurobiological level

To attend: bring comfortable clothes, light food to share, € 180 and desire to enjoy

Place: The Gardens of Aquarius, Totana (Sierra Espuña towards Bullas, 1 km. After the hermitage of Sta. Leocadia)


CONTACT: Mª del Carmen García Navarro

Phone: 636 10 53 31


Presentation activity: Casa de Sara, C / Jorge Guillén 9, 5th D, Murcia

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